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I’ve been coming to Dr. Lalazar for a year. I’m really happy I found her I have had issues with my weight acne and stomach problems. Just by meeting me she knew exactly what I needed to avoid and what tests we needed to run. With some supplements and diet I need to practice at home my stomach doesn’t have issues anymore and with her guidance I’ve cleared up most of my acne.
My favorite thing about her practice is that you have the option to be holistic with eastern medicine and also with the option to be treated with western medicine. So if you want to go the natural route you can be prescribes supplements or alternatives depending on your issues.
She makes me feel so comfortable and welcomed really grateful !!
Adrenal Fatigue
I cannot thank Dr. Lalezar enough for her help. Last year, while I was attending college in Los Angeles, I began suffering adrenal fatigue, IBS type symptoms, and overall feeling lousy- brain fog, tired all of the time, weight gain, hypothyroidism, etc. My previous doctor checked all of my hormone levels and found I was only making trace amounts of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which explains why I was so fatigued and was no longer having my period. However, her only solution was to prescribe birth control. I was dissatisfied with this solution (or lack of) that I searched for a functional medicine physician to help me get to the root cause of my symptoms.
I was impressed by how determined Dr. Lalezar was to help me figure out my health issues. She did a few different lab tests including a heavy metal test and a stool analysis. Turns out a had high levels of mercury in my system and many of my symptoms stemmed from this toxicity. I continued going back to the Health and Vitality center routinely for chelation treatments and was also on an individualized supplement regimen. After the first couple of treatments my energy improved immensely and after a few months I was back to feeling my best.
Sherry, Christine and Dr. Lalezar are such nice people and the center itself is relaxing and welcoming. I definitely recommend Dr. Lalezar because she had a unique approach to addressing my issues and was able to solve my health problems when other doctors could not.
Hannah L. – Des Moines, United States
“I cannot thank Dr. Lalezar enough for her help. Last year, while I was attending college in Los Angeles, I began suffering from adrenal fatigue, IBS symptoms, brain fog, weight gain, and hypothyroidism, etc. I was truly feeling lousy all the time. My previous doctor checked all of my hormones and found I was only making trace amounts of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which explained why I was so fatigued and was missing my period. However, her only solution was to prescribe birth control pills.
I searched for a functional medicine physician to help me get to the root cause of my symptoms. I was impressed by how determined Dr. Lalezar was to help me figure out my health issues. She did a few different lab tests, including a heavy metal test. Turns out I had high levels of mercury in my system and many of my symptoms stemmed from this toxicity.
I continued going back to the Health and Vitality Center routinely for chelation treatments and was also on an individualized supplement regimen. After the first couple of treatments my energy level improved immensely and after a few months I was back to feeling my best.
Sherie, Yvette and Dr. Lalezar are such nice people and the center itself is relaxing and welcoming. I definitely recommend Dr. Lalezar because she had a unique approach to addressing my issues and was able to solve my health problems when other doctors could not.”
Hannah L. – Des Moines, IA
[/fusion_text][fusion_button link=”https://healthandvitalitycenter.com/medical-conditions/adrenal-fatigue/” title=”” target=”_self” link_attributes=”” alignment=”” modal=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” color=”default” button_gradient_top_color=”” button_gradient_bottom_color=”” button_gradient_top_color_hover=”” button_gradient_bottom_color_hover=”” accent_color=”” accent_hover_color=”” type=”” bevel_color=”” border_width=”” size=”” stretch=”default” icon=”” icon_position=”left” icon_divider=”no” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” border_radius=””]Description of Adrenal Fatigue and Typical Approaches to Treatment[/fusion_button][fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_spacing=”” rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=””]
How do I find out more about Adrenal Fatigue, IBS, Brain Fog?
Call the Health & Vitality Center at 310-477-1166 or click here to schedule an appointment. We are one of the leading centers for natural medicine in Los Angeles. Doctor Shiva Lalezar is a holistic doctor who helps relieve symptoms by correcting the problem at its source. Adrenal Fatigue, IBS and Brain Fog can be managed using conventional methods, or successfully treated through Dr. Lalezar’s superior understanding. Our practice uses an integrative approach, combining the best conventional therapies with the latest techniques and treatments in functional medicine for optimal results.
“I would like to thank Dr. Lalezar because when I started seeing her I was experiencing headaches almost daily and occasional full blown migraines. I was often anxious and the most trivial things would trigger anxiety attacks. My exercise-induced asthma was getting worse… Not good for a high school athlete.
I was taking Advair in the morning and at night time, and taking an Albuterol inhaler almost daily. With the help of Dr. Lalezar and her recommendations, including a gluten free diet, headaches are rare (and usually from not sticking to my diet) My anxiety is under control and after 6 weeks I completely discontinued the use of Advair. Now I only use my inhaler on an occasional basis. Thanks to Dr. Lalezar I’ve experienced significant improvement in how I feel, not only physically but also emotionally.”
Jenna Drucker – Age 14
and Body Aches
Dr. Lelazar advised me to change my diet to kill the Candida and prescribed supplements. That alone didn’t work, so Dr. Lelazar then identified that I had a large level of lead in my system, which was preventing the Candida from dying off. She advised me to pursue chelation to remove the lead in my system. I was initially skeptical of this treatment as I didn’t know if it would work, and it was expensive. However, I was desperate for help – so I chose the chelation treatment. Within 1-2 weeks of the chelation, I felt well enough to drive to Ventura from Los Angeles. I was stunned at the results. I still in disbelief at how well I am doing in such a short amount of time!
I cannot express how thankful I am for Dr. Lelazar’s wisdom, compassion, care, and efficiency in finding a solution to my debilitating symptoms. I am also very thankful for the nurse/office manager, Cindy, who is very caring, positive, competent, and kind. When I was searching for a doctor to help me, I prayed to ask the Lord for help. I felt such peace when I read Dr. Lelazar’s profile. I truly believe God brought me to Dr. Lelazar, and saved my life. I am so thankful!
After a year of agony and torment of seeing my primary doctor and several specialists. I realized that my current medical conditions were beyond their scope. With what started with one medical problem quickly resulted in a snowball effect. Through a series of incorrect diagnosis and recommendations which made my medical condition worsen throughout my time.
For EXAMPLE, I was prescribed so much antibiotics which deprived me of my good bacteria, which helps digest your food and fight invading microbes. This really affected my health. None of the doctors who prescribed me antibiotics ever recommended me probiotics to help retrieve my good bacteria. So over period of time I kept getting sicker and sicker. Just completely OFF, losing weight, hair loss, brain fog, tired all the time, and last but not least overgrowth of Candida.
Then I was fortunate to find Dr. Lalezar on Google, I read and read. I was just amazed and almost felt a sense of relief once I read her reviews.
She tested me for EVERYTHING; urine, blood, etc.. Very meticulous in her process. After testing she discovered not only I had one problem but I had high mercury levels and toxins in my body. That’s why I wasn’t able to recover even though I tried several cleanses. She needed to clean me out from all the mercury and toxicity. So a series of Chelations was a MUST.
So after completing my series of sessions (chelations) I am COMPLETELY back to normal. I’m so thankful that I found Dr. Lalezar.I have never met a doctor more knowledgeable and attentive towards each of her patients. The level of comfort she made me feel by explaining why things were unfolding the way they were, I knew right there she was the BEST doctor for the job. She truly is very professional and knowledgeable. Also her entire staff is amazing and very friendly.
Thank you once again Dr. Lalezar.
Nedi R. – Downtown, Los Angeles
I cannot thank Dr. Lalezar enough for her help. Last year, while I was attending college in Los Angeles, I began suffering adrenal fatigue, IBS type symptoms, and overall feeling lousy- brain fog, tired all of the time, weight gain, hypothyroidism, etc. My previous doctor checked all of my hormone levels and found I was only making trace amounts of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which explains why I was so fatigued and was no longer having my period. However, her only solution was to prescribe birth control. I was dissatisfied with this solution (or lack of) that I searched for a functional medicine physician to help me get to the root cause of my symptoms.
I was impressed by how determined Dr. Lalezar was to help me figure out my health issues. She did a few different lab tests including a heavy metal test and a stool analysis. Turns out a had high levels of mercury in my system and many of my symptoms stemmed from this toxicity. I continued going back to the Health and Vitality center routinely for chelation treatments and was also on an individualized supplement regimen. After the first couple of treatments my energy improved immensely and after a few months I was back to feeling my best.
Sherry, Christine and Dr. Lalezar are such nice people and the center itself is relaxing and welcoming. I definitely recommend Dr. Lalezar because she had a unique approach to addressing my issues and was able to solve my health problems when other doctors could not.
Hannah L. – Des Moines, United States
Dr Lalezar is absolutely amazing! I came in with skin issues, chronic fatigue, brian fog, and was well on my way to developing hypothyroid and Dr Lalezar changed my life. She did all of the tests that NO OTHER DR WOULD DO, to completely analyze the state of my health and tell me exactly what was going on in my body. She cleared up symptoms that I didn’t even realize were symptoms :). I have tons of energy, 0 brain fog, and my hormones are under control. We have chelated an obscene amount of mercury out of my system and are well on our way to repairing my leaky gut. I am forever grateful to Dr Lalezar for her continued help and support.
Aleksandra P. – Playa del Rey, United States
Ive never written a Yelp review, and I’d be hard pressed to write anything positive or negative about any business listed on this site, but my experience at health and vitality absolutely demanded I say something if it means that other people who are sick and at their wits end might find some help as a result of reading this.
About a year ago I started showing symptoms of food intolerances that caused me enough concern to see a doctor. I had every major test under the sun done in order to get the diagnosis of “your fine. All results are normal”. But I wasn’t fine. My body was telling me otherwise. Something was seriously wrong as my symptoms began to cascade and my health steadily declined: rashes, weight loss, muscle fatigue, brain fog, and the list goes on. I spent so much money seeing naturopaths and trying extreme diets, not to mention the thousands that my insurance company paid for testing at cedars. Don’t even get me started on the bottles of unused supplements in my cabinets. I spent hundreds of hours reading blogs and medical journal texts trying to diagnose myself until finally my family medicine doctor recommended Dr. Lalezar as they went to school together.
Within a week of starting treatment with her I was back on a full western diet with no problems. Within 4 weeks I put back on 15 pounds and am back to my full active lifestyle which was unimaginable a month ago as I was close to bedridden. What she did literally saved my life. I don’t think I even understood how sick I was until I started to feel better as a result of her treatment.
What she does is not quack science or herbal therapy either. She’s using completely allopathic treatments that have existed in Europe for 70 years that have had great effect to many people who were seriously ill. Do the research for yourself.
Yes her treatments seem pricey but if you compare them to what others charge for iv therapy you’ll find them to be reasonable, and fairly competitive.
She’s a smart, forward thinking doctor. Don’t fool yourself, the medical system in the United States is a business, and the reason why what she does is considered “alternative” is because there’s no way to make a long term profit off of you as a patient because once you’ve completed your treatment with her, you’re done, finished, no longer ill, because she’s treating the root cause and not the symptom. if all doctors used her approach to medical care then no one in this country would be sick, but again, you wouldn’t be a returning customer who someone in a white coat could make money off of. She’s what all doctors should aspire to be, someone who wants to see you not only heal, but thrive.
James r. – Manhattan, United States
This review is long but thorough, and I encourage anyone suffering from what I have suffered from (for years) to read on. I have been seeing Dr. Lalezar for 2 years and I can honestly say that she and her staff have given me back my life. Prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar I had: hair loss, weight gain, eczema all over my body, acne, brain fog, insomnia, lethargy, aches/pains and depression. I would have terrible mood swings and anxiety two weeks before my period, every month like clockwork. I was a monster, and I just couldn’t control myself. I wouldn’t leave my home during these times because I was afraid of getting into fights with co-workers, strangers at grocery stores and restaurants. My relationships with my friends, family and partner were all suffering as a result of my mood swings. Every month, 2 weeks before my period, I felt crazy. And not ha-ha crazy. I was a monster.
I saw several doctors in the 5 years prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar that 1) either didn’t know what I had and didn’t care to run any other labs besides the standard CBC and BMP, and 2) simply dismissed me as being depressed and prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-depressant meds. I have been on oral and topical steroids for my eczema for 5+ years and it was actually getting worse as months went by. Doctors were baffled, so they would just prescribe a different steroid. Other docs would put me on a cocktail of anti-anxiety and anti-depressants and constantly switch out meds to try and figure out what combo would work. No combination of meds and/or steroids ever worked to alleviate my symptoms, not even a little.
I did my own research on mood swings that only happened during the 2 weeks before my period and wondered if I had PMDD. I was finally able to get an appointment at UCLA with doctors that specialized in PMDD and they confirmed the diagnosis. It was a relief to have a diagnosis (even if it wasn’t a good one) but it still didn’t explain the eczema, hair loss and acne. The UCLA docs continued my medication cocktail and I had some relief. I knew that I was going to get good, but standard treatment at UCLA and I wanted something more. I figured there had to be some sort of alternative therapies that could help me. That’s when I started looking for doctors providing alternative treatments for PMDD in the LA area and found Dr. Lalezar.
When I first saw Dr. Lalezar, I explained my entire history, brought labs from my previous doctors and all my medications that I had ever been on that did not work. I was apprehensive and almost expected to be dismissed again. But she didn’t dismiss me and instead, she promised we would get to the bottom of my issues. She is the ONLY doctor that has ever vowed to get to the bottom of my issues. She ran slew of hormone studies and found that I had low progesterone and testosterone. No other doctor had run hormone tests even though I told them I only had the mood swings before my period. Dr. Lalezar prescribed bio-identical hormone creams to treat the hormone deficiencies. I felt about 75% better with hormone replacement therapy. I was very happy with the outcome, but Dr. Lalezar wanted me to feel 100% better and decided to run more tests. That’s when she found that I had mercury toxicity from old fillings. She asked (did not demand) that I stop my cocktails of meds and steroids from the previous doctors. Since they weren’t really helping anyway, I had no problem stopping.
I immediately had my fillings removed and started IV chelation and vitamin therapy over the course of 14 weeks. The first 4 sessions, I felt worse, but I knew it was the mercury being mobilized from my tissues that needed to be excreted. By the 5th session, I was starting to feel better. I noticed my eczema clearing up and a bald patch on my head was starting to fill in. Treatment days made me so tired, but overall I felt better and my partner said that he was no longer of afraid of me during those two weeks before my period. By the end of my 10th treatment, I felt normal. I hadn’t felt normal in years. My hair was growing back, my eczema completely cleared up, my acne disappeared, brain fog was gone, I could sleep, depression was non-existent and best of all, I wasn’t a monster before my period anymore.
I have continued to take all the supplements recommended by Dr. Lalezar. Again, these were recommended, she didn’t demand that I take them. Also, the nurses that do the IV therapy are so kind and patient and made the treatments much more tolerable.
Now, I’ll address the negative remarks that I have seen posted on yelp. Treatments are expensive and most are not covered by ANY insurance. It has nothing to do with the dr. prescribing them, it has to do with insurance. There IS a parking lot adjacent to the office. Dr. Lalezar and her staff are nothing but kind and courteous. I have seen patients be horrible to the Dr and her staff and yet they maintain their kindness and professionalism. I feel so lucky to have found Dr. Lalezar.
Rose T. – Los Angeles, United States
When I started gaining weight, quickly, for no reason back in 2012, I just KNEW something was off. I hadn’t suddenly starting eating cake and ice cream for breakfast, ya know? Not only was I gaining weight, but it was making me pretty depressed too.
I did a little bit of research online and found Suzanne Somers. I read a lot of her information online and it seemed to be the answer I was looking for. She had a doctor referral section on her website, and through that, I found Dr. Lalezar.
Dr. Lalezar has been a godsend! She discovered (thru simple blood tests) that my hormones were completely out of balance and that was the reason for the weight gain. WHO KNEW?!? I certainly didn’t. It was very simple to get my hormones back in balance. After balancing the hormones – and the hcg diet – the weight fell off. (I am happy to report that three years later, the weight is still gone.)
She also tested me for heavy metals (thru a simple urine test) and found that I had ELEVEN TIMES the amount of mercury in my system than what was considered normal. Heavy metals in your system can cause all sorts of problems, ie, alcohol intolerance (which was one of my questions to her as well…seemed I got a headache from even the teeniest amount of alcohol), brain fog (yep), inability to lose weight (yep), depression symptoms (yep), extreme fatigue (had this too), insomnia (yep), forgetfulness (yep), and the list goes on and on… I had the chelation treatments over the course of a year and got my mercury to the normal level. All of those symptoms went away and I felt (and still feel) really, really great.
I also had several vitamin and mineral deficiencies which were easily fixed with supplements.
It’s all a matter of data. Test the blood/urine for the data, get the answers. I haven’t felt better in YEARS. I take no pharmaceutical medication any longer an am healthy as a horse!
I highly recommend Dr. Lalezar to everyone!! I sing her praises to all of my friends.
Also, on a side note, her staff (especially Sherry!) is just so wonderful. You won’t be disappointed, I promise.
Karen P. – Los Angeles, United States
“I cannot thank Dr. Lalezar enough for her help. Last year, while I was attending college in Los Angeles, I began suffering from adrenal fatigue, IBS symptoms, brain fog, weight gain, and hypothyroidism, etc. I was truly feeling lousy all the time. My previous doctor checked all of my hormones and found I was only making trace amounts of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which explained why I was so fatigued and was missing my period. However, her only solution was to prescribe birth control pills.
I searched for a functional medicine physician to help me get to the root cause of my symptoms. I was impressed by how determined Dr. Lalezar was to help me figure out my health issues. She did a few different lab tests, including a heavy metal test. Turns out I had high levels of mercury in my system and many of my symptoms stemmed from this toxicity.
I continued going back to the Health and Vitality Center routinely for chelation treatments and was also on an individualized supplement regimen. After the first couple of treatments my energy level improved immensely and after a few months I was back to feeling my best.
Sherie, Yvette and Dr. Lalezar are such nice people and the center itself is relaxing and welcoming. I definitely recommend Dr. Lalezar because she had a unique approach to addressing my issues and was able to solve my health problems when other doctors could not.”
Hannah L. – Des Moines, IA
[/fusion_text][fusion_button link=”https://healthandvitalitycenter.com/medical-conditions/adrenal-fatigue/” title=”” target=”_self” link_attributes=”” alignment=”” modal=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” color=”default” button_gradient_top_color=”” button_gradient_bottom_color=”” button_gradient_top_color_hover=”” button_gradient_bottom_color_hover=”” accent_color=”” accent_hover_color=”” type=”” bevel_color=”” border_width=”” size=”” stretch=”default” icon=”” icon_position=”left” icon_divider=”no” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” border_radius=””]Description of Adrenal Fatigue and Typical Approaches to Treatment[/fusion_button][fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_spacing=”” rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=””]
How do I find out more about Adrenal Fatigue, IBS, Brain Fog?
Call the Health & Vitality Center at 310-477-1166 or click here to schedule an appointment. We are one of the leading centers for natural medicine in Los Angeles. Doctor Shiva Lalezar is a holistic doctor who helps relieve symptoms by correcting the problem at its source. Adrenal Fatigue, IBS and Brain Fog can be managed using conventional methods, or successfully treated through Dr. Lalezar’s superior understanding. Our practice uses an integrative approach, combining the best conventional therapies with the latest techniques and treatments in functional medicine for optimal results.
“I would like to thank Dr. Lalezar because when I started seeing her I was experiencing headaches almost daily and occasional full blown migraines. I was often anxious and the most trivial things would trigger anxiety attacks. My exercise-induced asthma was getting worse… Not good for a high school athlete.
I was taking Advair in the morning and at night time, and taking an Albuterol inhaler almost daily. With the help of Dr. Lalezar and her recommendations, including a gluten free diet, headaches are rare (and usually from not sticking to my diet) My anxiety is under control and after 6 weeks I completely discontinued the use of Advair. Now I only use my inhaler on an occasional basis. Thanks to Dr. Lalezar I’ve experienced significant improvement in how I feel, not only physically but also emotionally.”
Jenna Drucker – Age 14
Dr. Shiva Lalezar is a godsend. I am recovering from COVID-19 for the second time and have severe body aches that at times feel paralyzing. The pain travels throughout my body and attacks different parts of my body daily. This morning I had pain in both hands and my left knee. I could not sleep last night because of the unbearable pain, even with strong pain meds. This morning I could not open the car door and was limping on my way to see Dr. Lalezar. With just one IV, my pain vanished. I was in shock of the pain relief, literally speechless. I feel as if I am in a new body.
Dr. Lalezar is not only a brilliant doctor who gets results, she is also someone with humility because she truly cares for every patient. She listens to her patients with empathy and finds the solution. She is treating my son for chronic daily headaches he’s had for 4 years. We’ve seen every dr imaginable with no results. With a few sessions, his headaches are gone. Amazing. Dr. Lalezar, you are truly a blessing.
“I would like to thank Dr. Lalezar because when I started seeing her I was experiencing headaches almost daily and occasional full blown migraines. I was often anxious and the most trivial things would trigger anxiety attacks. My exercise-induced asthma was getting worse… Not good for a high school athlete.
I was taking Advair in the morning and at night time, and taking an Albuterol inhaler almost daily. With the help of Dr. Lalezar and her recommendations, including a gluten free diet, headaches are rare (and usually from not sticking to my diet) My anxiety is under control and after 6 weeks I completely discontinued the use of Advair. Now I only use my inhaler on an occasional basis. Thanks to Dr. Lalezar I’ve experienced significant improvement in how I feel, not only physically but also emotionally.”
Jenna Drucker – Age 14
“Dr. Lalezar helped me immensely. I was suffering from what had been diagnosed as “auto-immune” disorder with elevated ANA and symptoms showing as eczema. I was sleeping 12-14 hours during the day, while suffering from insomnia at night (I was itching all night due to the eczema) and I was constantly fatigued. I had several red rashes and dry white patches all over my body.
After thinking perhaps I had an allergy to dental metals, I was referred to Dr. Lalezar for mercury testing. After being tested by Dr. Lalezar, I discovered I had 5 times the normal amount of mercury in my body and was suffering from gluten-intolerance.
I was advised to stop eating sushi (I was consuming raw tuna 2-3 times per week) and to have all my amalgam dental fillings replaced. She advised me on how to instruct my dentist to do this in the safest way possible. Two years later, I am sleeping normally and my skin is back to normal.
Dr. Lalezar is very knowledgeable and she’s good at what she does. She saved me lots of money in the future. If I had not found her, who knows what typical Western doctors I’d be spending money on to be drugged up and just “treated” instead of cured.”
Thania G. – Los Angeles, CA
I have suffered with Multiple Sclerosis for over five years and I wasn’t able to walk.. I refused to take any of the drugs because of all the side effects, so I was healing myself holistically through diet and supplements, but I felt I needed some professional help.I began my search on the Internet for “Holistic Physicians in Los Angeles”, and I found medical professionals who practiced integrative medicine. I was especially impressed by one physician, Dr. Shiva Lalezar, at the Health and Vitality Center on Wilshire Blvd. She had a video on her web site explaining her philosophy and her background, and she sounded perfect for me. I made an appointment with her andI liked Dr. Lalezar immediately. She welcomed me into her office and spent about an hour and a half with me discussing my history and all the methods I had tried to heal myself.
Dr. Lalezar then wanted to run all sorts of tests on me, not just blood tests, but she wanted to test every bodily fluid including saliva, urine, and feces. She had the nurse draw all the blood, and then gave me a lot of test kits respectively for my saliva, urine, and feces.
On Halloween, October 31st, I went back to Dr. Lalezar for my test results. She went over the results with me, and to my surprise I was extremely toxic in mercury and lead, both neurotoxins. The tolerable amount of lead in the body is 2, mine registered at 12 – six times the amount of lead that the body tolerates. The amount of tolerable mercury is 4, my body registered at 41 – more than10 times the amount of mercury that the body tolerates. These were from my urine sample. She recommended 10 Chelation Treatments for Mercury and Five for Lead, along with Vitamin and Glutathione drips. After all the treatments I tested my urine once again and on Tuesday June 10, 2014 I went in for the follow-up appointment with Dr Lalezar. She sat down with me in her office and went over the results. We both were overjoyed to find that my Mercury levels had receded from 41 to 3.3 and the Lead had gone down from 12 to 2.3 – well within the tolerable range for the human body. I was ecstatic- no more treatments! But the best part was that most of the numbness had disappeared from my legs, and my balance improved dramatically, so I could walk like a normal human being! I’m even dancing at Arthur Murray and competing in dance contests! Five years ago, I couldn’t even walk and now I am dancing! YES – GO TO DR. LALEZAR! She is the best physician in Los Angeles (and maybe the world)!
Leanne S. – Sherman Oaks, United States
Better Sleep
When I started gaining weight, quickly, for no reason back in 2012, I just KNEW something was off. I hadn’t suddenly starting eating cake and ice cream for breakfast, ya know? Not only was I gaining weight, but it was making me pretty depressed too.
I did a little bit of research online and found Suzanne Somers. I read a lot of her information online and it seemed to be the answer I was looking for. She had a doctor referral section on her website, and through that, I found Dr. Lalezar.
Dr. Lalezar has been a godsend! She discovered (thru simple blood tests) that my hormones were completely out of balance and that was the reason for the weight gain. WHO KNEW?!? I certainly didn’t. It was very simple to get my hormones back in balance. After balancing the hormones – and the hcg diet – the weight fell off. (I am happy to report that three years later, the weight is still gone.)
She also tested me for heavy metals (thru a simple urine test) and found that I had ELEVEN TIMES the amount of mercury in my system than what was considered normal. Heavy metals in your system can cause all sorts of problems, ie, alcohol intolerance (which was one of my questions to her as well…seemed I got a headache from even the teeniest amount of alcohol), brain fog (yep), inability to lose weight (yep), depression symptoms (yep), extreme fatigue (had this too), insomnia (yep), forgetfulness (yep), and the list goes on and on… I had the chelation treatments over the course of a year and got my mercury to the normal level. All of those symptoms went away and I felt (and still feel) really, really great.
I also had several vitamin and mineral deficiencies which were easily fixed with supplements.
It’s all a matter of data. Test the blood/urine for the data, get the answers. I haven’t felt better in YEARS. I take no pharmaceutical medication any longer an am healthy as a horse!
I highly recommend Dr. Lalezar to everyone!! I sing her praises to all of my friends.
Also, on a side note, her staff (especially Sherry!) is just so wonderful. You won’t be disappointed, I promise.
Karen P. – Los Angeles, United States
Many people in my circles have asked about the procedure for heavy metal removal I went through Dec. 2014 until the end of Feb. 2015. This fall, I had major epiphanies about just how different I was feeling, and looking. I got tested in Sept. 2014 in Salt Lake City, where I first discovered I had high heavy metals in my body, from years of living as a Costume Crafter, Dyer, etc. (even with using safety equipment, gloves, respirator, etc. as I should…the skin is our largest absorption organ, and I’m sure I was slowly exposed over the years.) Add to that I live on this planet, with pollution, and I travel a lot, so I’ve been around very different water sources, air quality, etc. etc. There’s no one place I can trace this to…I can only see the results of two different tests, from two different health practitioners that revealed I had high levels of various heavy metals. I won’t go into it more here, but if anyone is curious, or wants more information about my experience, I’m happy to share. In my NON MEDICAL opinion, as a person who has had myofascial pain all over my body, insomnia, and also trouble waking after sleeping, difficulty losing fat, and a myriad of other problems, this is a very quiet, slow, insidious problem, that isn’t on the radar in the majority of the medical community.
I got tested for Fibromyalgia…negative. I had acupuncture, massage, and looked for supplements to help with joint and soft tissue pain (I’m a person who prefers an approach that incorporates Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Eastern medicine, and finding root causes first, and if necessary, trying a prescription if that fails.) Those techniques offered great relief, but not a solution to the root problem. I searched and asked, and dug for answers and solutions for years. I suffered with burning pain all over my body, and extreme joint pain, for over 20 years. Since completing the treatments I did with my doctor in Los Angeles, (who I searched for, and found as a practitioner who does heavy metal chelation assessment) nearly two years later, I have an 85% reduction in the myofascial pain…and it keeps lessening (I CAN’T BELIEVE THE RELIEF I HAVE NOW…I cried when I realized it was improving steadily.) Without intending, I’ve safely and slowly lost 35 lbs. including the “shelf” I had over my liver that was constantly sore, and hot. I found through my research that the body surrounds heavy metals in fat to try to keep it away from the muscle…to try to contain it. I’m so relieved to have found one piece of my health puzzle, and I wanted to share it far and wide, to encourage others to become informed, and research it. I am not recommending anything to anyone, other than, if this resonates with you…find a Dr. who is informed about this topic, and talk to them. If you are in Los Angeles or can travel there, I can’t recommend Dr. Lalezar enough!
Here’s to your health!
Janet C. – Washington, DC, United States
If I could give this place 10 stars, I would. Dr. L did more than any doctor I’ve ever visited has done for me. Not only did she address my concerns and fix the issue, she went further and found the root cause, and corrected that as well! I feel 100 times better thanks to this place-more energy, better sleep, and improved mood. Not to mention the other staff members are so very compassionate and understanding.
I’ve been raving about this place to all my family and friends and will continue to do so until my voice stops working. Highly recommend if you’ve ever been apprehensive about seeing a doctor, you will be so happy you came here!
Derek B. – Long Beach, United States
Brain Fog
Dr. Lelazar advised me to change my diet to kill the Candida and prescribed supplements. That alone didn’t work, so Dr. Lelazar then identified that I had a large level of lead in my system, which was preventing the Candida from dying off. She advised me to pursue chelation to remove the lead in my system. I was initially skeptical of this treatment as I didn’t know if it would work, and it was expensive. However, I was desperate for help – so I chose the chelation treatment. Within 1-2 weeks of the chelation, I felt well enough to drive to Ventura from Los Angeles. I was stunned at the results. I still in disbelief at how well I am doing in such a short amount of time!
I cannot express how thankful I am for Dr. Lelazar’s wisdom, compassion, care, and efficiency in finding a solution to my debilitating symptoms. I am also very thankful for the nurse/office manager, Cindy, who is very caring, positive, competent, and kind. When I was searching for a doctor to help me, I prayed to ask the Lord for help. I felt such peace when I read Dr. Lelazar’s profile. I truly believe God brought me to Dr. Lelazar, and saved my life. I am so thankful!
After a year of agony and torment of seeing my primary doctor and several specialists. I realized that my current medical conditions were beyond their scope. With what started with one medical problem quickly resulted in a snowball effect. Through a series of incorrect diagnosis and recommendations which made my medical condition worsen throughout my time.
For EXAMPLE, I was prescribed so much antibiotics which deprived me of my good bacteria, which helps digest your food and fight invading microbes. This really affected my health. None of the doctors who prescribed me antibiotics ever recommended me probiotics to help retrieve my good bacteria. So over period of time I kept getting sicker and sicker. Just completely OFF, losing weight, hair loss, brain fog, tired all the time, and last but not least overgrowth of Candida.
Then I was fortunate to find Dr. Lalezar on Google, I read and read. I was just amazed and almost felt a sense of relief once I read her reviews.
She tested me for EVERYTHING; urine, blood, etc.. Very meticulous in her process. After testing she discovered not only I had one problem but I had high mercury levels and toxins in my body. That’s why I wasn’t able to recover even though I tried several cleanses. She needed to clean me out from all the mercury and toxicity. So a series of Chelations was a MUST.
So after completing my series of sessions (chelations) I am COMPLETELY back to normal. I’m so thankful that I found Dr. Lalezar.I have never met a doctor more knowledgeable and attentive towards each of her patients. The level of comfort she made me feel by explaining why things were unfolding the way they were, I knew right there she was the BEST doctor for the job. She truly is very professional and knowledgeable. Also her entire staff is amazing and very friendly.
Thank you once again Dr. Lalezar.
Nedi R. – Downtown, Los Angeles
I cannot thank Dr. Lalezar enough for her help. Last year, while I was attending college in Los Angeles, I began suffering adrenal fatigue, IBS type symptoms, and overall feeling lousy- brain fog, tired all of the time, weight gain, hypothyroidism, etc. My previous doctor checked all of my hormone levels and found I was only making trace amounts of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which explains why I was so fatigued and was no longer having my period. However, her only solution was to prescribe birth control. I was dissatisfied with this solution (or lack of) that I searched for a functional medicine physician to help me get to the root cause of my symptoms.
I was impressed by how determined Dr. Lalezar was to help me figure out my health issues. She did a few different lab tests including a heavy metal test and a stool analysis. Turns out a had high levels of mercury in my system and many of my symptoms stemmed from this toxicity. I continued going back to the Health and Vitality center routinely for chelation treatments and was also on an individualized supplement regimen. After the first couple of treatments my energy improved immensely and after a few months I was back to feeling my best.
Sherry, Christine and Dr. Lalezar are such nice people and the center itself is relaxing and welcoming. I definitely recommend Dr. Lalezar because she had a unique approach to addressing my issues and was able to solve my health problems when other doctors could not.
Hannah L. – Des Moines, United States
Dr Lalezar is absolutely amazing! I came in with skin issues, chronic fatigue, brian fog, and was well on my way to developing hypothyroid and Dr Lalezar changed my life. She did all of the tests that NO OTHER DR WOULD DO, to completely analyze the state of my health and tell me exactly what was going on in my body. She cleared up symptoms that I didn’t even realize were symptoms :). I have tons of energy, 0 brain fog, and my hormones are under control. We have chelated an obscene amount of mercury out of my system and are well on our way to repairing my leaky gut. I am forever grateful to Dr Lalezar for her continued help and support.
Aleksandra P. – Playa del Rey, United States
Ive never written a Yelp review, and I’d be hard pressed to write anything positive or negative about any business listed on this site, but my experience at health and vitality absolutely demanded I say something if it means that other people who are sick and at their wits end might find some help as a result of reading this.
About a year ago I started showing symptoms of food intolerances that caused me enough concern to see a doctor. I had every major test under the sun done in order to get the diagnosis of “your fine. All results are normal”. But I wasn’t fine. My body was telling me otherwise. Something was seriously wrong as my symptoms began to cascade and my health steadily declined: rashes, weight loss, muscle fatigue, brain fog, and the list goes on. I spent so much money seeing naturopaths and trying extreme diets, not to mention the thousands that my insurance company paid for testing at cedars. Don’t even get me started on the bottles of unused supplements in my cabinets. I spent hundreds of hours reading blogs and medical journal texts trying to diagnose myself until finally my family medicine doctor recommended Dr. Lalezar as they went to school together.
Within a week of starting treatment with her I was back on a full western diet with no problems. Within 4 weeks I put back on 15 pounds and am back to my full active lifestyle which was unimaginable a month ago as I was close to bedridden. What she did literally saved my life. I don’t think I even understood how sick I was until I started to feel better as a result of her treatment.
What she does is not quack science or herbal therapy either. She’s using completely allopathic treatments that have existed in Europe for 70 years that have had great effect to many people who were seriously ill. Do the research for yourself.
Yes her treatments seem pricey but if you compare them to what others charge for iv therapy you’ll find them to be reasonable, and fairly competitive.
She’s a smart, forward thinking doctor. Don’t fool yourself, the medical system in the United States is a business, and the reason why what she does is considered “alternative” is because there’s no way to make a long term profit off of you as a patient because once you’ve completed your treatment with her, you’re done, finished, no longer ill, because she’s treating the root cause and not the symptom. if all doctors used her approach to medical care then no one in this country would be sick, but again, you wouldn’t be a returning customer who someone in a white coat could make money off of. She’s what all doctors should aspire to be, someone who wants to see you not only heal, but thrive.
James r. – Manhattan, United States
This review is long but thorough, and I encourage anyone suffering from what I have suffered from (for years) to read on. I have been seeing Dr. Lalezar for 2 years and I can honestly say that she and her staff have given me back my life. Prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar I had: hair loss, weight gain, eczema all over my body, acne, brain fog, insomnia, lethargy, aches/pains and depression. I would have terrible mood swings and anxiety two weeks before my period, every month like clockwork. I was a monster, and I just couldn’t control myself. I wouldn’t leave my home during these times because I was afraid of getting into fights with co-workers, strangers at grocery stores and restaurants. My relationships with my friends, family and partner were all suffering as a result of my mood swings. Every month, 2 weeks before my period, I felt crazy. And not ha-ha crazy. I was a monster.
I saw several doctors in the 5 years prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar that 1) either didn’t know what I had and didn’t care to run any other labs besides the standard CBC and BMP, and 2) simply dismissed me as being depressed and prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-depressant meds. I have been on oral and topical steroids for my eczema for 5+ years and it was actually getting worse as months went by. Doctors were baffled, so they would just prescribe a different steroid. Other docs would put me on a cocktail of anti-anxiety and anti-depressants and constantly switch out meds to try and figure out what combo would work. No combination of meds and/or steroids ever worked to alleviate my symptoms, not even a little.
I did my own research on mood swings that only happened during the 2 weeks before my period and wondered if I had PMDD. I was finally able to get an appointment at UCLA with doctors that specialized in PMDD and they confirmed the diagnosis. It was a relief to have a diagnosis (even if it wasn’t a good one) but it still didn’t explain the eczema, hair loss and acne. The UCLA docs continued my medication cocktail and I had some relief. I knew that I was going to get good, but standard treatment at UCLA and I wanted something more. I figured there had to be some sort of alternative therapies that could help me. That’s when I started looking for doctors providing alternative treatments for PMDD in the LA area and found Dr. Lalezar.
When I first saw Dr. Lalezar, I explained my entire history, brought labs from my previous doctors and all my medications that I had ever been on that did not work. I was apprehensive and almost expected to be dismissed again. But she didn’t dismiss me and instead, she promised we would get to the bottom of my issues. She is the ONLY doctor that has ever vowed to get to the bottom of my issues. She ran slew of hormone studies and found that I had low progesterone and testosterone. No other doctor had run hormone tests even though I told them I only had the mood swings before my period. Dr. Lalezar prescribed bio-identical hormone creams to treat the hormone deficiencies. I felt about 75% better with hormone replacement therapy. I was very happy with the outcome, but Dr. Lalezar wanted me to feel 100% better and decided to run more tests. That’s when she found that I had mercury toxicity from old fillings. She asked (did not demand) that I stop my cocktails of meds and steroids from the previous doctors. Since they weren’t really helping anyway, I had no problem stopping.
I immediately had my fillings removed and started IV chelation and vitamin therapy over the course of 14 weeks. The first 4 sessions, I felt worse, but I knew it was the mercury being mobilized from my tissues that needed to be excreted. By the 5th session, I was starting to feel better. I noticed my eczema clearing up and a bald patch on my head was starting to fill in. Treatment days made me so tired, but overall I felt better and my partner said that he was no longer of afraid of me during those two weeks before my period. By the end of my 10th treatment, I felt normal. I hadn’t felt normal in years. My hair was growing back, my eczema completely cleared up, my acne disappeared, brain fog was gone, I could sleep, depression was non-existent and best of all, I wasn’t a monster before my period anymore.
I have continued to take all the supplements recommended by Dr. Lalezar. Again, these were recommended, she didn’t demand that I take them. Also, the nurses that do the IV therapy are so kind and patient and made the treatments much more tolerable.
Now, I’ll address the negative remarks that I have seen posted on yelp. Treatments are expensive and most are not covered by ANY insurance. It has nothing to do with the dr. prescribing them, it has to do with insurance. There IS a parking lot adjacent to the office. Dr. Lalezar and her staff are nothing but kind and courteous. I have seen patients be horrible to the Dr and her staff and yet they maintain their kindness and professionalism. I feel so lucky to have found Dr. Lalezar.
Rose T. – Los Angeles, United States
When I started gaining weight, quickly, for no reason back in 2012, I just KNEW something was off. I hadn’t suddenly starting eating cake and ice cream for breakfast, ya know? Not only was I gaining weight, but it was making me pretty depressed too.
I did a little bit of research online and found Suzanne Somers. I read a lot of her information online and it seemed to be the answer I was looking for. She had a doctor referral section on her website, and through that, I found Dr. Lalezar.
Dr. Lalezar has been a godsend! She discovered (thru simple blood tests) that my hormones were completely out of balance and that was the reason for the weight gain. WHO KNEW?!? I certainly didn’t. It was very simple to get my hormones back in balance. After balancing the hormones – and the hcg diet – the weight fell off. (I am happy to report that three years later, the weight is still gone.)
She also tested me for heavy metals (thru a simple urine test) and found that I had ELEVEN TIMES the amount of mercury in my system than what was considered normal. Heavy metals in your system can cause all sorts of problems, ie, alcohol intolerance (which was one of my questions to her as well…seemed I got a headache from even the teeniest amount of alcohol), brain fog (yep), inability to lose weight (yep), depression symptoms (yep), extreme fatigue (had this too), insomnia (yep), forgetfulness (yep), and the list goes on and on… I had the chelation treatments over the course of a year and got my mercury to the normal level. All of those symptoms went away and I felt (and still feel) really, really great.
I also had several vitamin and mineral deficiencies which were easily fixed with supplements.
It’s all a matter of data. Test the blood/urine for the data, get the answers. I haven’t felt better in YEARS. I take no pharmaceutical medication any longer an am healthy as a horse!
I highly recommend Dr. Lalezar to everyone!! I sing her praises to all of my friends.
Also, on a side note, her staff (especially Sherry!) is just so wonderful. You won’t be disappointed, I promise.
Karen P. – Los Angeles, United States
“I cannot thank Dr. Lalezar enough for her help. Last year, while I was attending college in Los Angeles, I began suffering from adrenal fatigue, IBS symptoms, brain fog, weight gain, and hypothyroidism, etc. I was truly feeling lousy all the time. My previous doctor checked all of my hormones and found I was only making trace amounts of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which explained why I was so fatigued and was missing my period. However, her only solution was to prescribe birth control pills.
I searched for a functional medicine physician to help me get to the root cause of my symptoms. I was impressed by how determined Dr. Lalezar was to help me figure out my health issues. She did a few different lab tests, including a heavy metal test. Turns out I had high levels of mercury in my system and many of my symptoms stemmed from this toxicity.
I continued going back to the Health and Vitality Center routinely for chelation treatments and was also on an individualized supplement regimen. After the first couple of treatments my energy level improved immensely and after a few months I was back to feeling my best.
Sherie, Yvette and Dr. Lalezar are such nice people and the center itself is relaxing and welcoming. I definitely recommend Dr. Lalezar because she had a unique approach to addressing my issues and was able to solve my health problems when other doctors could not.”
Hannah L. – Des Moines, IA
[/fusion_text][fusion_button link=”https://healthandvitalitycenter.com/medical-conditions/adrenal-fatigue/” title=”” target=”_self” link_attributes=”” alignment=”” modal=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” color=”default” button_gradient_top_color=”” button_gradient_bottom_color=”” button_gradient_top_color_hover=”” button_gradient_bottom_color_hover=”” accent_color=”” accent_hover_color=”” type=”” bevel_color=”” border_width=”” size=”” stretch=”default” icon=”” icon_position=”left” icon_divider=”no” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” border_radius=””]Description of Adrenal Fatigue and Typical Approaches to Treatment[/fusion_button][fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_spacing=”” rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=””]
How do I find out more about Adrenal Fatigue, IBS, Brain Fog?
Call the Health & Vitality Center at 310-477-1166 or click here to schedule an appointment. We are one of the leading centers for natural medicine in Los Angeles. Doctor Shiva Lalezar is a holistic doctor who helps relieve symptoms by correcting the problem at its source. Adrenal Fatigue, IBS and Brain Fog can be managed using conventional methods, or successfully treated through Dr. Lalezar’s superior understanding. Our practice uses an integrative approach, combining the best conventional therapies with the latest techniques and treatments in functional medicine for optimal results.
Cancer Treatment
Dr. Shiva Lalezar and her staff have been a total blessing to my family this past 14 months. We came to her because my husband had been exposed to a lot of toxic metals and was diagnosed with stage 4 malignant brain cancer. After he had surgery and started his holistic, non toxic, aggressive, cancer treatments, he wanted to finish detoxing from the 10 heavy metals found in his system. I was scared, but Dr. Lalezar and the staff we very reassuring.
Jennifer R. – Thousand Oaks, United States
Dr. Lelazar advised me to change my diet to kill the Candida and prescribed supplements. That alone didn’t work, so Dr. Lelazar then identified that I had a large level of lead in my system, which was preventing the Candida from dying off. She advised me to pursue chelation to remove the lead in my system. I was initially skeptical of this treatment as I didn’t know if it would work, and it was expensive. However, I was desperate for help – so I chose the chelation treatment. Within 1-2 weeks of the chelation, I felt well enough to drive to Ventura from Los Angeles. I was stunned at the results. I still in disbelief at how well I am doing in such a short amount of time!
I cannot express how thankful I am for Dr. Lelazar’s wisdom, compassion, care, and efficiency in finding a solution to my debilitating symptoms. I am also very thankful for the nurse/office manager, Cindy, who is very caring, positive, competent, and kind. When I was searching for a doctor to help me, I prayed to ask the Lord for help. I felt such peace when I read Dr. Lelazar’s profile. I truly believe God brought me to Dr. Lelazar, and saved my life. I am so thankful!
Chelation Therapy
“I have suffered from Multiple Sclerosis for over five years and I wasn’t able to walk. I refused to take any of the recommended drugs due to all the side effects, so I was healing myself holistically through diet and supplements. But I felt I needed some professional help.
I was especially impressed by one physician, Dr. Shiva Lalezar, at the Health and Vitality Center on Wilshire Blvd. I made an appointment with her and I liked Dr. Lalezar immediately. She welcomed me into her office and spent about an hour and a half with me discussing my history and all the methods I had tried to heal myself.
Dr. Lalezar then wanted to run all sorts of tests on me, not just blood tests, but she wanted to test every bodily fluid including saliva, urine, and feces. I went back to Dr. Lalezar for my test results. She went over the results with me, and to my surprise I was extremely toxic in mercury and lead, both neurotoxins.
She recommended 10 Chelation Treatments for Mercury and Five for Lead, along with Vitamin and Glutathione drips. After all the treatments, I went in for the follow-up appointment with Dr. Lalezar. We both were overjoyed to find that my mercury and lead levels had receded to well within the tolerable range for the human body.
I was ecstatic! But the best part was that most of the numbness had disappeared from my legs, and my balance improved dramatically, so I could walk like a normal human being! I’m even dancing at Arthur Murray and competing in dance contests! Five years ago, I couldn’t even walk and now I am dancing!
Yes–go to Dr. Lalezar! She is the best physician in Los Angeles (and maybe the world)!”
Leanne S. – Sherman Oaks, CA
I have suffered with Multiple Sclerosis for over five years and I wasn’t able to walk.. I refused to take any of the drugs because of all the side effects, so I was healing myself holistically through diet and supplements, but I felt I needed some professional help.I began my search on the Internet for “Holistic Physicians in Los Angeles”, and I found medical professionals who practiced integrative medicine. I was especially impressed by one physician, Dr. Shiva Lalezar, at the Health and Vitality Center on Wilshire Blvd. She had a video on her web site explaining her philosophy and her background, and she sounded perfect for me. I made an appointment with her andI liked Dr. Lalezar immediately. She welcomed me into her office and spent about an hour and a half with me discussing my history and all the methods I had tried to heal myself.
Dr. Lalezar then wanted to run all sorts of tests on me, not just blood tests, but she wanted to test every bodily fluid including saliva, urine, and feces. She had the nurse draw all the blood, and then gave me a lot of test kits respectively for my saliva, urine, and feces.
On Halloween, October 31st, I went back to Dr. Lalezar for my test results. She went over the results with me, and to my surprise I was extremely toxic in mercury and lead, both neurotoxins. The tolerable amount of lead in the body is 2, mine registered at 12 – six times the amount of lead that the body tolerates. The amount of tolerable mercury is 4, my body registered at 41 – more than10 times the amount of mercury that the body tolerates. These were from my urine sample. She recommended 10 Chelation Treatments for Mercury and Five for Lead, along with Vitamin and Glutathione drips. After all the treatments I tested my urine once again and on Tuesday June 10, 2014 I went in for the follow-up appointment with Dr Lalezar. She sat down with me in her office and went over the results. We both were overjoyed to find that my Mercury levels had receded from 41 to 3.3 and the Lead had gone down from 12 to 2.3 – well within the tolerable range for the human body. I was ecstatic- no more treatments! But the best part was that most of the numbness had disappeared from my legs, and my balance improved dramatically, so I could walk like a normal human being! I’m even dancing at Arthur Murray and competing in dance contests! Five years ago, I couldn’t even walk and now I am dancing! YES – GO TO DR. LALEZAR! She is the best physician in Los Angeles (and maybe the world)!
Leanne S. – Sherman Oaks, United States
My eczema, hair growth and acid reflux GERD has improved due to chelation and the supplements I was given! Definitely have improved symptoms other than weight loss!
Nicole B. – Los Angeles, United States
After a year of agony and torment of seeing my primary doctor and several specialists. I realized that my current medical conditions were beyond their scope. With what started with one medical problem quickly resulted in a snowball effect. Through a series of incorrect diagnosis and recommendations which made my medical condition worsen throughout my time.
For EXAMPLE, I was prescribed so much antibiotics which deprived me of my good bacteria, which helps digest your food and fight invading microbes. This really affected my health. None of the doctors who prescribed me antibiotics ever recommended me probiotics to help retrieve my good bacteria. So over period of time I kept getting sicker and sicker. Just completely OFF, losing weight, hair loss, brain fog, tired all the time, and last but not least overgrowth of Candida.
Then I was fortunate to find Dr. Lalezar on Google, I read and read. I was just amazed and almost felt a sense of relief once I read her reviews.
She tested me for EVERYTHING; urine, blood, etc.. Very meticulous in her process. After testing she discovered not only I had one problem but I had high mercury levels and toxins in my body. That’s why I wasn’t able to recover even though I tried several cleanses. She needed to clean me out from all the mercury and toxicity. So a series of Chelations was a MUST.
So after completing my series of sessions (chelations) I am COMPLETELY back to normal. I’m so thankful that I found Dr. Lalezar.I have never met a doctor more knowledgeable and attentive towards each of her patients. The level of comfort she made me feel by explaining why things were unfolding the way they were, I knew right there she was the BEST doctor for the job. She truly is very professional and knowledgeable. Also her entire staff is amazing and very friendly.
Thank you once again Dr. Lalezar.
Nedi R. – Downtown, Los Angeles
“Dr. Lalezar, just a note to thank you for the chelation treatments, which have made a major difference in my health! It was sobering when you showed me the test results indicating I had high levels of mercury in my body. I know that mercury is really toxic, and I wondered if it might account for some of my problems with pain and fatigue.
The chelation treatments provided at your Center gradually removed the mercury from my system, and it has made a major difference. I really feel fantastic for the first time in years! I seem to have less pain and much better energy, and just generally feel good. All of your services are really excellent but the chelation in particular is fantastic. I hope that other people out there who perhaps have high mercury but don’t know it find their way to your office!”
Bill P. – Los Angeles
I cannot thank Dr. Lalezar enough for her help. Last year, while I was attending college in Los Angeles, I began suffering adrenal fatigue, IBS type symptoms, and overall feeling lousy- brain fog, tired all of the time, weight gain, hypothyroidism, etc. My previous doctor checked all of my hormone levels and found I was only making trace amounts of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which explains why I was so fatigued and was no longer having my period. However, her only solution was to prescribe birth control. I was dissatisfied with this solution (or lack of) that I searched for a functional medicine physician to help me get to the root cause of my symptoms.
I was impressed by how determined Dr. Lalezar was to help me figure out my health issues. She did a few different lab tests including a heavy metal test and a stool analysis. Turns out a had high levels of mercury in my system and many of my symptoms stemmed from this toxicity. I continued going back to the Health and Vitality center routinely for chelation treatments and was also on an individualized supplement regimen. After the first couple of treatments my energy improved immensely and after a few months I was back to feeling my best.
Sherry, Christine and Dr. Lalezar are such nice people and the center itself is relaxing and welcoming. I definitely recommend Dr. Lalezar because she had a unique approach to addressing my issues and was able to solve my health problems when other doctors could not.
Hannah L. – Des Moines, United States
I suffered from fibromyalgia for a decade. Doctors urged me to take way too many prescription pain killers, antidepressants and muscle relaxers but I got no relief, just a bunch of horrible side effects. I even did an experimental treatment for many years but nothing helped. I ended up taking myself off all drugs and just dealing with the pain and fatigue the best I could. (A lot of baths, yoga, cussing and wine. Lots of wine.)
A friend told me about Dr. Lalezar and I decided to give her a shot. She was the first doctor who didn’t just try to fix the symptoms by throwing drugs at me. She actually tested everything (blood, urine, stool sample, saliva sample, etc.) to see what was going on. Through the testing, she discovered I had high levels of mercury. I did chelation to get rid of it and I feel COMPLETELY BETTER. All of my fibromyalgia symptoms are gone. Gone. I never had fibromyalgia, I had mercury toxicity but Dr. Lalezar was the first doctor to correctly diagnose me. In ten years.
I am super grateful to have found a doctor like this, a doctor who actually listens to you and pulls out all the stops to help. My only regret is not finding her earlier, before the ten years of needless drugs and dealing with pain for no reason.
If you have a health issue, trust Dr. Lalezar. I’m really glad I did.
Kendra P. – Los Angeles, United States
Dr Lalezar is absolutely amazing! I came in with skin issues, chronic fatigue, brian fog, and was well on my way to developing hypothyroid and Dr Lalezar changed my life. She did all of the tests that NO OTHER DR WOULD DO, to completely analyze the state of my health and tell me exactly what was going on in my body. She cleared up symptoms that I didn’t even realize were symptoms :). I have tons of energy, 0 brain fog, and my hormones are under control. We have chelated an obscene amount of mercury out of my system and are well on our way to repairing my leaky gut. I am forever grateful to Dr Lalezar for her continued help and support.
Aleksandra P. – Playa del Rey, United States
When I found Dr Lalazar (Heath & Vitality Center) I was lethargic, couldn’t lose weight, my hair was falling out and I could barley function. She immediately identified my symptoms, my life and the phenomena I was having as vitamin depletion & heavy metal poisoning from my old fillings. She drew blood to test me and immediately hooked me up to IV drip vitamins. She referred me to a holistic dentist whom removed my fillings then started me up on Chelation (IV drips that pull the heavy metals out of your body) in addition to Vitamin drips.
6 weeks from my initial visit I was doing Pilates every day (never had done that before) and hiking again. 4 weeks into Chelation (after my 6th drip) weight started just falling off of me and my energy level was that of when I was in my 20’s and everybody was noticing!!!
It is now 6 months later and I went to pick up my daughter from school (out of state). People that have known me for years, other parents and staff, did not recognize me from the last time I was there 4 months prior. For once in my life I was not “dieting” and my body was actually enjoying the exercise, I finally felt my body doing what it was designed for. I would recommend Dr Lalazar & her amazing staff to the world!!
Sonja L. – Los Angeles, United States
Ive never written a Yelp review, and I’d be hard pressed to write anything positive or negative about any business listed on this site, but my experience at health and vitality absolutely demanded I say something if it means that other people who are sick and at their wits end might find some help as a result of reading this.
About a year ago I started showing symptoms of food intolerances that caused me enough concern to see a doctor. I had every major test under the sun done in order to get the diagnosis of “your fine. All results are normal”. But I wasn’t fine. My body was telling me otherwise. Something was seriously wrong as my symptoms began to cascade and my health steadily declined: rashes, weight loss, muscle fatigue, brain fog, and the list goes on. I spent so much money seeing naturopaths and trying extreme diets, not to mention the thousands that my insurance company paid for testing at cedars. Don’t even get me started on the bottles of unused supplements in my cabinets. I spent hundreds of hours reading blogs and medical journal texts trying to diagnose myself until finally my family medicine doctor recommended Dr. Lalezar as they went to school together.
Within a week of starting treatment with her I was back on a full western diet with no problems. Within 4 weeks I put back on 15 pounds and am back to my full active lifestyle which was unimaginable a month ago as I was close to bedridden. What she did literally saved my life. I don’t think I even understood how sick I was until I started to feel better as a result of her treatment.
What she does is not quack science or herbal therapy either. She’s using completely allopathic treatments that have existed in Europe for 70 years that have had great effect to many people who were seriously ill. Do the research for yourself.
Yes her treatments seem pricey but if you compare them to what others charge for iv therapy you’ll find them to be reasonable, and fairly competitive.
She’s a smart, forward thinking doctor. Don’t fool yourself, the medical system in the United States is a business, and the reason why what she does is considered “alternative” is because there’s no way to make a long term profit off of you as a patient because once you’ve completed your treatment with her, you’re done, finished, no longer ill, because she’s treating the root cause and not the symptom. if all doctors used her approach to medical care then no one in this country would be sick, but again, you wouldn’t be a returning customer who someone in a white coat could make money off of. She’s what all doctors should aspire to be, someone who wants to see you not only heal, but thrive.
James r. – Manhattan, United States
Chronic Fatigue
After a year of agony and torment of seeing my primary doctor and several specialists. I realized that my current medical conditions were beyond their scope. With what started with one medical problem quickly resulted in a snowball effect. Through a series of incorrect diagnosis and recommendations which made my medical condition worsen throughout my time.
For EXAMPLE, I was prescribed so much antibiotics which deprived me of my good bacteria, which helps digest your food and fight invading microbes. This really affected my health. None of the doctors who prescribed me antibiotics ever recommended me probiotics to help retrieve my good bacteria. So over period of time I kept getting sicker and sicker. Just completely OFF, losing weight, hair loss, brain fog, tired all the time, and last but not least overgrowth of Candida.
Then I was fortunate to find Dr. Lalezar on Google, I read and read. I was just amazed and almost felt a sense of relief once I read her reviews.
She tested me for EVERYTHING; urine, blood, etc.. Very meticulous in her process. After testing she discovered not only I had one problem but I had high mercury levels and toxins in my body. That’s why I wasn’t able to recover even though I tried several cleanses. She needed to clean me out from all the mercury and toxicity. So a series of Chelations was a MUST.
So after completing my series of sessions (chelations) I am COMPLETELY back to normal. I’m so thankful that I found Dr. Lalezar.I have never met a doctor more knowledgeable and attentive towards each of her patients. The level of comfort she made me feel by explaining why things were unfolding the way they were, I knew right there she was the BEST doctor for the job. She truly is very professional and knowledgeable. Also her entire staff is amazing and very friendly.
Thank you once again Dr. Lalezar.
Nedi R. – Downtown, Los Angeles
“Dr. Lalezar, just a note to thank you for the chelation treatments, which have made a major difference in my health! It was sobering when you showed me the test results indicating I had high levels of mercury in my body. I know that mercury is really toxic, and I wondered if it might account for some of my problems with pain and fatigue.
The chelation treatments provided at your Center gradually removed the mercury from my system, and it has made a major difference. I really feel fantastic for the first time in years! I seem to have less pain and much better energy, and just generally feel good. All of your services are really excellent but the chelation in particular is fantastic. I hope that other people out there who perhaps have high mercury but don’t know it find their way to your office!”
Bill P. – Los Angeles
I cannot thank Dr. Lalezar enough for her help. Last year, while I was attending college in Los Angeles, I began suffering adrenal fatigue, IBS type symptoms, and overall feeling lousy- brain fog, tired all of the time, weight gain, hypothyroidism, etc. My previous doctor checked all of my hormone levels and found I was only making trace amounts of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which explains why I was so fatigued and was no longer having my period. However, her only solution was to prescribe birth control. I was dissatisfied with this solution (or lack of) that I searched for a functional medicine physician to help me get to the root cause of my symptoms.
I was impressed by how determined Dr. Lalezar was to help me figure out my health issues. She did a few different lab tests including a heavy metal test and a stool analysis. Turns out a had high levels of mercury in my system and many of my symptoms stemmed from this toxicity. I continued going back to the Health and Vitality center routinely for chelation treatments and was also on an individualized supplement regimen. After the first couple of treatments my energy improved immensely and after a few months I was back to feeling my best.
Sherry, Christine and Dr. Lalezar are such nice people and the center itself is relaxing and welcoming. I definitely recommend Dr. Lalezar because she had a unique approach to addressing my issues and was able to solve my health problems when other doctors could not.
Hannah L. – Des Moines, United States
I suffered from fibromyalgia for a decade. Doctors urged me to take way too many prescription pain killers, antidepressants and muscle relaxers but I got no relief, just a bunch of horrible side effects. I even did an experimental treatment for many years but nothing helped. I ended up taking myself off all drugs and just dealing with the pain and fatigue the best I could. (A lot of baths, yoga, cussing and wine. Lots of wine.)
A friend told me about Dr. Lalezar and I decided to give her a shot. She was the first doctor who didn’t just try to fix the symptoms by throwing drugs at me. She actually tested everything (blood, urine, stool sample, saliva sample, etc.) to see what was going on. Through the testing, she discovered I had high levels of mercury. I did chelation to get rid of it and I feel COMPLETELY BETTER. All of my fibromyalgia symptoms are gone. Gone. I never had fibromyalgia, I had mercury toxicity but Dr. Lalezar was the first doctor to correctly diagnose me. In ten years.
I am super grateful to have found a doctor like this, a doctor who actually listens to you and pulls out all the stops to help. My only regret is not finding her earlier, before the ten years of needless drugs and dealing with pain for no reason.
If you have a health issue, trust Dr. Lalezar. I’m really glad I did.
Kendra P. – Los Angeles, United States
Dr. Lalezar helped turn my life around. I was forced to retire due to errors from workers compensation doctors. They left me with permanent disability issues in addition to destroying my digestive, immune, and endocrine systems. I went from a SWAT cop and college strength coach who could train with D1 athletes, to obese and bedridden, chronically ill, and in severe chronic pain. I was diagnosed by various doctors with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, and tested for crohn’s and other diseases. Workers comp doctors had me on various narcotic pain killers, digestive drugs, sleep meds, depression and anxiety medication, and muscle relaxers- all of which made me feel horrific.
Dr. Lalezar helped get me off all medications and heal my immune and digestive systems by balancing my hormones, nutrition changes, supplements, and vitamin IVs. I slowly got my life back, losing weight, exercising regularly again, and went back to graduate school. I can not even do justice with words for what a drastic change in my quality of life. I also met many other people while getting vitamin IVs in her office who had life changing stories after traditional medicine and other doctors failed them. This included patients with cancer, HIV, autism, to many with symptoms like mine to include weight gain, chronic fatigue or pain.
If other doctors or traditional medicine has failed you, please look into functional and integrative medicine. Getting your hormones balanced, nutrition corrected to include supplements tailored specially to your needs based on blood/saliva/urine labs plus symptoms, and vitamin IVs could change your life and get you back on track.
Matt D. Manhattan Beach, United States
When I found Dr Lalazar (Heath & Vitality Center) I was lethargic, couldn’t lose weight, my hair was falling out and I could barley function. She immediately identified my symptoms, my life and the phenomena I was having as vitamin depletion & heavy metal poisoning from my old fillings. She drew blood to test me and immediately hooked me up to IV drip vitamins. She referred me to a holistic dentist whom removed my fillings then started me up on Chelation (IV drips that pull the heavy metals out of your body) in addition to Vitamin drips.
6 weeks from my initial visit I was doing Pilates every day (never had done that before) and hiking again. 4 weeks into Chelation (after my 6th drip) weight started just falling off of me and my energy level was that of when I was in my 20’s and everybody was noticing!!!
It is now 6 months later and I went to pick up my daughter from school (out of state). People that have known me for years, other parents and staff, did not recognize me from the last time I was there 4 months prior. For once in my life I was not “dieting” and my body was actually enjoying the exercise, I finally felt my body doing what it was designed for. I would recommend Dr Lalazar & her amazing staff to the world!!
Sonja L. – Los Angeles, United States
When I started gaining weight, quickly, for no reason back in 2012, I just KNEW something was off. I hadn’t suddenly starting eating cake and ice cream for breakfast, ya know? Not only was I gaining weight, but it was making me pretty depressed too.
I did a little bit of research online and found Suzanne Somers. I read a lot of her information online and it seemed to be the answer I was looking for. She had a doctor referral section on her website, and through that, I found Dr. Lalezar.
Dr. Lalezar has been a godsend! She discovered (thru simple blood tests) that my hormones were completely out of balance and that was the reason for the weight gain. WHO KNEW?!? I certainly didn’t. It was very simple to get my hormones back in balance. After balancing the hormones – and the hcg diet – the weight fell off. (I am happy to report that three years later, the weight is still gone.)
She also tested me for heavy metals (thru a simple urine test) and found that I had ELEVEN TIMES the amount of mercury in my system than what was considered normal. Heavy metals in your system can cause all sorts of problems, ie, alcohol intolerance (which was one of my questions to her as well…seemed I got a headache from even the teeniest amount of alcohol), brain fog (yep), inability to lose weight (yep), depression symptoms (yep), extreme fatigue (had this too), insomnia (yep), forgetfulness (yep), and the list goes on and on… I had the chelation treatments over the course of a year and got my mercury to the normal level. All of those symptoms went away and I felt (and still feel) really, really great.
I also had several vitamin and mineral deficiencies which were easily fixed with supplements.
It’s all a matter of data. Test the blood/urine for the data, get the answers. I haven’t felt better in YEARS. I take no pharmaceutical medication any longer an am healthy as a horse!
I highly recommend Dr. Lalezar to everyone!! I sing her praises to all of my friends.
Also, on a side note, her staff (especially Sherry!) is just so wonderful. You won’t be disappointed, I promise.
Karen P. – Los Angeles, United States
I have been a patient at the Health and Vitality Center for about 4 months.. When I first went to the center, I was experiencing extreme fatigue and my immune system was very compromised….Hence I was getting colds frequently.
I did all the testing and found that I had a lot of mercury in my body. This was a very reasonable diagnosis because I had been eating consistently a lot of mercury rich tuna in order to cut back on my meat consumption.
After ten chelation treatments and four l vitamin drips I feel fantastically energized and I am not succumbing to constant colds and fatigue.
I am very grateful to Dr. Lalezar because my condition was chronic and now I have a new lease on life and vitality.
I wish there were more Doctors that were invested like Dr. Lalezar in finding natural therapies that are extremely effective.
Mara F. – Los Angeles, United States
Functional medicine requires more involvement and responsibility from the patient too. If you want to take control of your health, I recommend Dr. Lalezar and her capable staff as an option.
L. L. – Glendale, United States
“I have to thank Dr. Lalezar for my life and my health. For about 15 years I suffered with extreme hypoglycemia, tremors, fatigue, heart palpitations, back pain, knee pain, plantar fasciitis, eczema, and the list goes on. I spent probably over $100,000 over the years looking for answers only to be told it was all in my head.
Finally, in my early thirties, I was bed ridden. A doctor put me on hydrocortisone and I gained 50 lbs, but didn’t feel any better. Thank God, I went to Dr. Lalezar. She tested me for everything and found extremely high levels of mercury. That had been the problem all those years. I started to chelate.
Fast-forward 6 months: Lost all the weight! Back pain-Gone! Foot pain-Gone! Fatigue-Gone! Hypoglycemia-Gone! Things I could never imagine were even related: Gone! I am so grateful. If I hadn’t found her, I can’t imagine where I’d be.”
Suzy M. – Los Angeles, CA
Chronic Lyme
The gentleness and expertness of these ladies, and the stories of healing they have witnessed are truly inspiring, especially for those of us who have little hope left of successful treatment. Dr. Lalezar always had my interests in mind first – she trusted me, listened, only ran the tests that were necessary, and made fantastic referrals to other specialists so our investigation of my symptoms could be complete. It is so unusual to find a doctor this experienced AND this open minded. I found so much healing at this practice. For chelation there is no one better. All my questions and concerns and fears were answered and addressed and allayed, and the staff was available on my hard days to make sure all was well and safe for me. Their small client list makes a huge difference.
Give this practice a try. oh AND SHE’S COVERED BY INSURANCE!! What!!! Thank you Dr. Lalezar – you were the one who finally helped me turn a corner, when others simply would not advocate for me or see my treatments through. I will always be grateful. Mary Jane – you are whiz with that needle!!
Sascha A. – Los Angeles, United States
Chronic Pain
“Dr. Lalezar, just a note to thank you for the chelation treatments, which have made a major difference in my health! It was sobering when you showed me the test results indicating I had high levels of mercury in my body. I know that mercury is really toxic, and I wondered if it might account for some of my problems with pain and fatigue.
The chelation treatments provided at your Center gradually removed the mercury from my system, and it has made a major difference. I really feel fantastic for the first time in years! I seem to have less pain and much better energy, and just generally feel good. All of your services are really excellent but the chelation in particular is fantastic. I hope that other people out there who perhaps have high mercury but don’t know it find their way to your office!”
Bill P. – Los Angeles
I suffered from fibromyalgia for a decade. Doctors urged me to take way too many prescription pain killers, antidepressants and muscle relaxers but I got no relief, just a bunch of horrible side effects. I even did an experimental treatment for many years but nothing helped. I ended up taking myself off all drugs and just dealing with the pain and fatigue the best I could. (A lot of baths, yoga, cussing and wine. Lots of wine.)
A friend told me about Dr. Lalezar and I decided to give her a shot. She was the first doctor who didn’t just try to fix the symptoms by throwing drugs at me. She actually tested everything (blood, urine, stool sample, saliva sample, etc.) to see what was going on. Through the testing, she discovered I had high levels of mercury. I did chelation to get rid of it and I feel COMPLETELY BETTER. All of my fibromyalgia symptoms are gone. Gone. I never had fibromyalgia, I had mercury toxicity but Dr. Lalezar was the first doctor to correctly diagnose me. In ten years.
I am super grateful to have found a doctor like this, a doctor who actually listens to you and pulls out all the stops to help. My only regret is not finding her earlier, before the ten years of needless drugs and dealing with pain for no reason.
If you have a health issue, trust Dr. Lalezar. I’m really glad I did.
Kendra P. – Los Angeles, United States
Dr. Lalezar helped turn my life around. I was forced to retire due to errors from workers compensation doctors. They left me with permanent disability issues in addition to destroying my digestive, immune, and endocrine systems. I went from a SWAT cop and college strength coach who could train with D1 athletes, to obese and bedridden, chronically ill, and in severe chronic pain. I was diagnosed by various doctors with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, and tested for crohn’s and other diseases. Workers comp doctors had me on various narcotic pain killers, digestive drugs, sleep meds, depression and anxiety medication, and muscle relaxers- all of which made me feel horrific.
Dr. Lalezar helped get me off all medications and heal my immune and digestive systems by balancing my hormones, nutrition changes, supplements, and vitamin IVs. I slowly got my life back, losing weight, exercising regularly again, and went back to graduate school. I can not even do justice with words for what a drastic change in my quality of life. I also met many other people while getting vitamin IVs in her office who had life changing stories after traditional medicine and other doctors failed them. This included patients with cancer, HIV, autism, to many with symptoms like mine to include weight gain, chronic fatigue or pain.
If other doctors or traditional medicine has failed you, please look into functional and integrative medicine. Getting your hormones balanced, nutrition corrected to include supplements tailored specially to your needs based on blood/saliva/urine labs plus symptoms, and vitamin IVs could change your life and get you back on track.
Matt D. Manhattan Beach, United States
This review is long but thorough, and I encourage anyone suffering from what I have suffered from (for years) to read on. I have been seeing Dr. Lalezar for 2 years and I can honestly say that she and her staff have given me back my life. Prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar I had: hair loss, weight gain, eczema all over my body, acne, brain fog, insomnia, lethargy, aches/pains and depression. I would have terrible mood swings and anxiety two weeks before my period, every month like clockwork. I was a monster, and I just couldn’t control myself. I wouldn’t leave my home during these times because I was afraid of getting into fights with co-workers, strangers at grocery stores and restaurants. My relationships with my friends, family and partner were all suffering as a result of my mood swings. Every month, 2 weeks before my period, I felt crazy. And not ha-ha crazy. I was a monster.
I saw several doctors in the 5 years prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar that 1) either didn’t know what I had and didn’t care to run any other labs besides the standard CBC and BMP, and 2) simply dismissed me as being depressed and prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-depressant meds. I have been on oral and topical steroids for my eczema for 5+ years and it was actually getting worse as months went by. Doctors were baffled, so they would just prescribe a different steroid. Other docs would put me on a cocktail of anti-anxiety and anti-depressants and constantly switch out meds to try and figure out what combo would work. No combination of meds and/or steroids ever worked to alleviate my symptoms, not even a little.
I did my own research on mood swings that only happened during the 2 weeks before my period and wondered if I had PMDD. I was finally able to get an appointment at UCLA with doctors that specialized in PMDD and they confirmed the diagnosis. It was a relief to have a diagnosis (even if it wasn’t a good one) but it still didn’t explain the eczema, hair loss and acne. The UCLA docs continued my medication cocktail and I had some relief. I knew that I was going to get good, but standard treatment at UCLA and I wanted something more. I figured there had to be some sort of alternative therapies that could help me. That’s when I started looking for doctors providing alternative treatments for PMDD in the LA area and found Dr. Lalezar.
When I first saw Dr. Lalezar, I explained my entire history, brought labs from my previous doctors and all my medications that I had ever been on that did not work. I was apprehensive and almost expected to be dismissed again. But she didn’t dismiss me and instead, she promised we would get to the bottom of my issues. She is the ONLY doctor that has ever vowed to get to the bottom of my issues. She ran slew of hormone studies and found that I had low progesterone and testosterone. No other doctor had run hormone tests even though I told them I only had the mood swings before my period. Dr. Lalezar prescribed bio-identical hormone creams to treat the hormone deficiencies. I felt about 75% better with hormone replacement therapy. I was very happy with the outcome, but Dr. Lalezar wanted me to feel 100% better and decided to run more tests. That’s when she found that I had mercury toxicity from old fillings. She asked (did not demand) that I stop my cocktails of meds and steroids from the previous doctors. Since they weren’t really helping anyway, I had no problem stopping.
I immediately had my fillings removed and started IV chelation and vitamin therapy over the course of 14 weeks. The first 4 sessions, I felt worse, but I knew it was the mercury being mobilized from my tissues that needed to be excreted. By the 5th session, I was starting to feel better. I noticed my eczema clearing up and a bald patch on my head was starting to fill in. Treatment days made me so tired, but overall I felt better and my partner said that he was no longer of afraid of me during those two weeks before my period. By the end of my 10th treatment, I felt normal. I hadn’t felt normal in years. My hair was growing back, my eczema completely cleared up, my acne disappeared, brain fog was gone, I could sleep, depression was non-existent and best of all, I wasn’t a monster before my period anymore.
I have continued to take all the supplements recommended by Dr. Lalezar. Again, these were recommended, she didn’t demand that I take them. Also, the nurses that do the IV therapy are so kind and patient and made the treatments much more tolerable.
Now, I’ll address the negative remarks that I have seen posted on yelp. Treatments are expensive and most are not covered by ANY insurance. It has nothing to do with the dr. prescribing them, it has to do with insurance. There IS a parking lot adjacent to the office. Dr. Lalezar and her staff are nothing but kind and courteous. I have seen patients be horrible to the Dr and her staff and yet they maintain their kindness and professionalism. I feel so lucky to have found Dr. Lalezar.
Rose T. – Los Angeles, United States
“I have to thank Dr. Lalezar for my life and my health. For about 15 years I suffered with extreme hypoglycemia, tremors, fatigue, heart palpitations, back pain, knee pain, plantar fasciitis, eczema, and the list goes on. I spent probably over $100,000 over the years looking for answers only to be told it was all in my head.
Finally, in my early thirties, I was bed ridden. A doctor put me on hydrocortisone and I gained 50 lbs, but didn’t feel any better. Thank God, I went to Dr. Lalezar. She tested me for everything and found extremely high levels of mercury. That had been the problem all those years. I started to chelate.
Fast-forward 6 months: Lost all the weight! Back pain-Gone! Foot pain-Gone! Fatigue-Gone! Hypoglycemia-Gone! Things I could never imagine were even related: Gone! I am so grateful. If I hadn’t found her, I can’t imagine where I’d be.”
Suzy M. – Los Angeles, CA
“I’ve been dealing with “IBS” for about 9 years now. I got treated by at least 14 different specialists. They all told me that this was as good as it got, that this would be something I would have to deal with all my life. Their treatments would work for just a week or so and then I would go back to feeling horrible pain after every single meal. I tried Yoga, alternative treatments, meditation, and acupuncture, nothing made a real difference.
Then I met Dr. Lalezar. She was the first person to not look at me like I was crazy. She ran several tests no one else had ever thought of running and had a great explanation of what my situation was by our second meeting.
Since she started treating me I’ve been pain free. I had not spent more than 2-3 days without pain since 2005. The great thing is she didn’t stop there. She is also helping me solve other issues I had and giving my body all the tools it needs to work well.
I highly recommend Dr. Lalezar. I feel 5 years younger and I have lots of energy. My husband is in her office for his first consultation. I trust her and I’m so grateful I found her. I highly recommend Dr. Lalezar.”
Lelia P. – Marina del Rey, CA
“Dr. Lalezar diagnosed my extremely elevated mercury levels, and after 10 chelations, I am feeling less fatigue and brain fog, as well as a dramatic reduction in my mercury level.
Dr. Lalezar also treated my severe and chronic neck and shoulder pain in only a few osteopathy sessions. I was extremely skeptical that the simple muscle manipulations she performed (a technique called strain-counterstrain) could help me, as nothing else had—not years of acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, weekly massages, and physical therapy. But I was amazed at how my pain was eliminated. Amazed. Dr. Lalezar and her nurse are smart caring medical practitioners.”
Julie M. – Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Shiva Lalezar is a godsend. I am recovering from COVID-19 for the second time and have severe body aches that at times feel paralyzing. The pain travels throughout my body and attacks different parts of my body daily. This morning I had pain in both hands and my left knee. I could not sleep last night because of the unbearable pain, even with strong pain meds. This morning I could not open the car door and was limping on my way to see Dr. Lalezar. With just one IV, my pain vanished. I was in shock of the pain relief, literally speechless. I feel as if I am in a new body.
Dr. Lalezar is not only a brilliant doctor who gets results, she is also someone with humility because she truly cares for every patient. She listens to her patients with empathy and finds the solution. She is treating my son for chronic daily headaches he’s had for 4 years. We’ve seen every dr imaginable with no results. With a few sessions, his headaches are gone. Amazing. Dr. Lalezar, you are truly a blessing.
This review is long but thorough, and I encourage anyone suffering from what I have suffered from (for years) to read on. I have been seeing Dr. Lalezar for 2 years and I can honestly say that she and her staff have given me back my life. Prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar I had: hair loss, weight gain, eczema all over my body, acne, brain fog, insomnia, lethargy, aches/pains and depression. I would have terrible mood swings and anxiety two weeks before my period, every month like clockwork. I was a monster, and I just couldn’t control myself. I wouldn’t leave my home during these times because I was afraid of getting into fights with co-workers, strangers at grocery stores and restaurants. My relationships with my friends, family and partner were all suffering as a result of my mood swings. Every month, 2 weeks before my period, I felt crazy. And not ha-ha crazy. I was a monster.
I saw several doctors in the 5 years prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar that 1) either didn’t know what I had and didn’t care to run any other labs besides the standard CBC and BMP, and 2) simply dismissed me as being depressed and prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-depressant meds. I have been on oral and topical steroids for my eczema for 5+ years and it was actually getting worse as months went by. Doctors were baffled, so they would just prescribe a different steroid. Other docs would put me on a cocktail of anti-anxiety and anti-depressants and constantly switch out meds to try and figure out what combo would work. No combination of meds and/or steroids ever worked to alleviate my symptoms, not even a little.
I did my own research on mood swings that only happened during the 2 weeks before my period and wondered if I had PMDD. I was finally able to get an appointment at UCLA with doctors that specialized in PMDD and they confirmed the diagnosis. It was a relief to have a diagnosis (even if it wasn’t a good one) but it still didn’t explain the eczema, hair loss and acne. The UCLA docs continued my medication cocktail and I had some relief. I knew that I was going to get good, but standard treatment at UCLA and I wanted something more. I figured there had to be some sort of alternative therapies that could help me. That’s when I started looking for doctors providing alternative treatments for PMDD in the LA area and found Dr. Lalezar.
When I first saw Dr. Lalezar, I explained my entire history, brought labs from my previous doctors and all my medications that I had ever been on that did not work. I was apprehensive and almost expected to be dismissed again. But she didn’t dismiss me and instead, she promised we would get to the bottom of my issues. She is the ONLY doctor that has ever vowed to get to the bottom of my issues. She ran slew of hormone studies and found that I had low progesterone and testosterone. No other doctor had run hormone tests even though I told them I only had the mood swings before my period. Dr. Lalezar prescribed bio-identical hormone creams to treat the hormone deficiencies. I felt about 75% better with hormone replacement therapy. I was very happy with the outcome, but Dr. Lalezar wanted me to feel 100% better and decided to run more tests. That’s when she found that I had mercury toxicity from old fillings. She asked (did not demand) that I stop my cocktails of meds and steroids from the previous doctors. Since they weren’t really helping anyway, I had no problem stopping.
I immediately had my fillings removed and started IV chelation and vitamin therapy over the course of 14 weeks. The first 4 sessions, I felt worse, but I knew it was the mercury being mobilized from my tissues that needed to be excreted. By the 5th session, I was starting to feel better. I noticed my eczema clearing up and a bald patch on my head was starting to fill in. Treatment days made me so tired, but overall I felt better and my partner said that he was no longer of afraid of me during those two weeks before my period. By the end of my 10th treatment, I felt normal. I hadn’t felt normal in years. My hair was growing back, my eczema completely cleared up, my acne disappeared, brain fog was gone, I could sleep, depression was non-existent and best of all, I wasn’t a monster before my period anymore.
I have continued to take all the supplements recommended by Dr. Lalezar. Again, these were recommended, she didn’t demand that I take them. Also, the nurses that do the IV therapy are so kind and patient and made the treatments much more tolerable.
Now, I’ll address the negative remarks that I have seen posted on yelp. Treatments are expensive and most are not covered by ANY insurance. It has nothing to do with the dr. prescribing them, it has to do with insurance. There IS a parking lot adjacent to the office. Dr. Lalezar and her staff are nothing but kind and courteous. I have seen patients be horrible to the Dr and her staff and yet they maintain their kindness and professionalism. I feel so lucky to have found Dr. Lalezar.
Rose T. – Los Angeles, United States
When I started gaining weight, quickly, for no reason back in 2012, I just KNEW something was off. I hadn’t suddenly starting eating cake and ice cream for breakfast, ya know? Not only was I gaining weight, but it was making me pretty depressed too.
I did a little bit of research online and found Suzanne Somers. I read a lot of her information online and it seemed to be the answer I was looking for. She had a doctor referral section on her website, and through that, I found Dr. Lalezar.
Dr. Lalezar has been a godsend! She discovered (thru simple blood tests) that my hormones were completely out of balance and that was the reason for the weight gain. WHO KNEW?!? I certainly didn’t. It was very simple to get my hormones back in balance. After balancing the hormones – and the hcg diet – the weight fell off. (I am happy to report that three years later, the weight is still gone.)
She also tested me for heavy metals (thru a simple urine test) and found that I had ELEVEN TIMES the amount of mercury in my system than what was considered normal. Heavy metals in your system can cause all sorts of problems, ie, alcohol intolerance (which was one of my questions to her as well…seemed I got a headache from even the teeniest amount of alcohol), brain fog (yep), inability to lose weight (yep), depression symptoms (yep), extreme fatigue (had this too), insomnia (yep), forgetfulness (yep), and the list goes on and on… I had the chelation treatments over the course of a year and got my mercury to the normal level. All of those symptoms went away and I felt (and still feel) really, really great.
I also had several vitamin and mineral deficiencies which were easily fixed with supplements.
It’s all a matter of data. Test the blood/urine for the data, get the answers. I haven’t felt better in YEARS. I take no pharmaceutical medication any longer an am healthy as a horse!
I highly recommend Dr. Lalezar to everyone!! I sing her praises to all of my friends.
Also, on a side note, her staff (especially Sherry!) is just so wonderful. You won’t be disappointed, I promise.
Karen P. – Los Angeles, United States
“Dr. Shiva literally has changed my life both psychologically and physically. Her advice, along with her treatments, work so well that I have a totally different life now. The areas that have improved significantly are my general health and vitality. I used to feel very tired and was suffering from fatigue most of the time. Now I feel energetic, motivated and vivacious.
Being a physician makes her holistic knowledge reliable and gives a very effective direction to the treatment. She is very patient and listens to you… and very sharp in her diagnoses and lucid in communicating the problem. She makes sure that you understand what is causing the problem and what the options are and what the most appropriate treatment is. Every time that I visit her, I have a wonderful time. Every single conversation of ours has made a dramatic improvement in my life! Thank you so much Dr. Shiva and God bless you!”
Nazanin – Student/Business Analyst
“When I first came to see you my blood pressure was 160/90, my blood sugar was 143, and my weight was 179 lbs. I was taking six different pills to “control” my blood pressure and had taken 2-3 different pills to control my blood sugar. Needless to say, I was dealing with many different side effects from these medications. I was also under the care of a cardiologist, nephrologist, endocrinologist, and an Internist!
You suggested that I go on the HCG Weight Loss Program. After completing the 7-day detox protocol, I experienced amazing results: I lost four pounds! Within a week of starting the HCG my vitals were all good. My weight fell at an average rate of one pound per day and my blood sugar significantly decreased to 105. For the past 29 days my blood pressure has been consistently within the range of 124/74 and 130/79, and I now take only one medication to control my blood pressure.
I went from a size 14 to a size 10. Thank you for my new look and for improving my life. Your office staff is the best, and they are to be thanked as well. I feel like a wonderful new woman!”
Shirley S. – Los Angeles
Digestive Disorders
“I’ve been dealing with “IBS” for about 9 years now. I got treated by at least 14 different specialists. They all told me that this was as good as it got, that this would be something I would have to deal with all my life. Their treatments would work for just a week or so and then I would go back to feeling horrible pain after every single meal. I tried Yoga, alternative treatments, meditation, and acupuncture, nothing made a real difference.
Then I met Dr. Lalezar. She was the first person to not look at me like I was crazy. She ran several tests no one else had ever thought of running and had a great explanation of what my situation was by our second meeting.
Since she started treating me I’ve been pain free. I had not spent more than 2-3 days without pain since 2005. The great thing is she didn’t stop there. She is also helping me solve other issues I had and giving my body all the tools it needs to work well.
I highly recommend Dr. Lalezar. I feel 5 years younger and I have lots of energy. My husband is in her office for his first consultation. I trust her and I’m so grateful I found her. I highly recommend Dr. Lalezar.”
Lelia P. – Marina del Rey, CA
My eczema, hair growth and acid reflux GERD has improved due to chelation and the supplements I was given! Definitely have improved symptoms other than weight loss!
Nicole B. – Los Angeles, United States
I cannot thank Dr. Lalezar enough for her help. Last year, while I was attending college in Los Angeles, I began suffering adrenal fatigue, IBS type symptoms, and overall feeling lousy- brain fog, tired all of the time, weight gain, hypothyroidism, etc. My previous doctor checked all of my hormone levels and found I was only making trace amounts of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which explains why I was so fatigued and was no longer having my period. However, her only solution was to prescribe birth control. I was dissatisfied with this solution (or lack of) that I searched for a functional medicine physician to help me get to the root cause of my symptoms.
I was impressed by how determined Dr. Lalezar was to help me figure out my health issues. She did a few different lab tests including a heavy metal test and a stool analysis. Turns out a had high levels of mercury in my system and many of my symptoms stemmed from this toxicity. I continued going back to the Health and Vitality center routinely for chelation treatments and was also on an individualized supplement regimen. After the first couple of treatments my energy improved immensely and after a few months I was back to feeling my best.
Sherry, Christine and Dr. Lalezar are such nice people and the center itself is relaxing and welcoming. I definitely recommend Dr. Lalezar because she had a unique approach to addressing my issues and was able to solve my health problems when other doctors could not.
Hannah L. – Des Moines, United States
Dr Lalezar is absolutely amazing! I came in with skin issues, chronic fatigue, brian fog, and was well on my way to developing hypothyroid and Dr Lalezar changed my life. She did all of the tests that NO OTHER DR WOULD DO, to completely analyze the state of my health and tell me exactly what was going on in my body. She cleared up symptoms that I didn’t even realize were symptoms :). I have tons of energy, 0 brain fog, and my hormones are under control. We have chelated an obscene amount of mercury out of my system and are well on our way to repairing my leaky gut. I am forever grateful to Dr Lalezar for her continued help and support.
Aleksandra P. – Playa del Rey, United States
This review is long but thorough, and I encourage anyone suffering from what I have suffered from (for years) to read on. I have been seeing Dr. Lalezar for 2 years and I can honestly say that she and her staff have given me back my life. Prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar I had: hair loss, weight gain, eczema all over my body, acne, brain fog, insomnia, lethargy, aches/pains and depression. I would have terrible mood swings and anxiety two weeks before my period, every month like clockwork. I was a monster, and I just couldn’t control myself. I wouldn’t leave my home during these times because I was afraid of getting into fights with co-workers, strangers at grocery stores and restaurants. My relationships with my friends, family and partner were all suffering as a result of my mood swings. Every month, 2 weeks before my period, I felt crazy. And not ha-ha crazy. I was a monster.
I saw several doctors in the 5 years prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar that 1) either didn’t know what I had and didn’t care to run any other labs besides the standard CBC and BMP, and 2) simply dismissed me as being depressed and prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-depressant meds. I have been on oral and topical steroids for my eczema for 5+ years and it was actually getting worse as months went by. Doctors were baffled, so they would just prescribe a different steroid. Other docs would put me on a cocktail of anti-anxiety and anti-depressants and constantly switch out meds to try and figure out what combo would work. No combination of meds and/or steroids ever worked to alleviate my symptoms, not even a little.
I did my own research on mood swings that only happened during the 2 weeks before my period and wondered if I had PMDD. I was finally able to get an appointment at UCLA with doctors that specialized in PMDD and they confirmed the diagnosis. It was a relief to have a diagnosis (even if it wasn’t a good one) but it still didn’t explain the eczema, hair loss and acne. The UCLA docs continued my medication cocktail and I had some relief. I knew that I was going to get good, but standard treatment at UCLA and I wanted something more. I figured there had to be some sort of alternative therapies that could help me. That’s when I started looking for doctors providing alternative treatments for PMDD in the LA area and found Dr. Lalezar.
When I first saw Dr. Lalezar, I explained my entire history, brought labs from my previous doctors and all my medications that I had ever been on that did not work. I was apprehensive and almost expected to be dismissed again. But she didn’t dismiss me and instead, she promised we would get to the bottom of my issues. She is the ONLY doctor that has ever vowed to get to the bottom of my issues. She ran slew of hormone studies and found that I had low progesterone and testosterone. No other doctor had run hormone tests even though I told them I only had the mood swings before my period. Dr. Lalezar prescribed bio-identical hormone creams to treat the hormone deficiencies. I felt about 75% better with hormone replacement therapy. I was very happy with the outcome, but Dr. Lalezar wanted me to feel 100% better and decided to run more tests. That’s when she found that I had mercury toxicity from old fillings. She asked (did not demand) that I stop my cocktails of meds and steroids from the previous doctors. Since they weren’t really helping anyway, I had no problem stopping.
I immediately had my fillings removed and started IV chelation and vitamin therapy over the course of 14 weeks. The first 4 sessions, I felt worse, but I knew it was the mercury being mobilized from my tissues that needed to be excreted. By the 5th session, I was starting to feel better. I noticed my eczema clearing up and a bald patch on my head was starting to fill in. Treatment days made me so tired, but overall I felt better and my partner said that he was no longer of afraid of me during those two weeks before my period. By the end of my 10th treatment, I felt normal. I hadn’t felt normal in years. My hair was growing back, my eczema completely cleared up, my acne disappeared, brain fog was gone, I could sleep, depression was non-existent and best of all, I wasn’t a monster before my period anymore.
I have continued to take all the supplements recommended by Dr. Lalezar. Again, these were recommended, she didn’t demand that I take them. Also, the nurses that do the IV therapy are so kind and patient and made the treatments much more tolerable.
Now, I’ll address the negative remarks that I have seen posted on yelp. Treatments are expensive and most are not covered by ANY insurance. It has nothing to do with the dr. prescribing them, it has to do with insurance. There IS a parking lot adjacent to the office. Dr. Lalezar and her staff are nothing but kind and courteous. I have seen patients be horrible to the Dr and her staff and yet they maintain their kindness and professionalism. I feel so lucky to have found Dr. Lalezar.
Rose T. – Los Angeles, United States
“Dr. Lalezar helped me immensely. I was suffering from what had been diagnosed as “auto-immune” disorder with elevated ANA and symptoms showing as eczema. I was sleeping 12-14 hours during the day, while suffering from insomnia at night (I was itching all night due to the eczema) and I was constantly fatigued. I had several red rashes and dry white patches all over my body.
After thinking perhaps I had an allergy to dental metals, I was referred to Dr. Lalezar for mercury testing. After being tested by Dr. Lalezar, I discovered I had 5 times the normal amount of mercury in my body and was suffering from gluten-intolerance.
I was advised to stop eating sushi (I was consuming raw tuna 2-3 times per week) and to have all my amalgam dental fillings replaced. She advised me on how to instruct my dentist to do this in the safest way possible. Two years later, I am sleeping normally and my skin is back to normal.
Dr. Lalezar is very knowledgeable and she’s good at what she does. She saved me lots of money in the future. If I had not found her, who knows what typical Western doctors I’d be spending money on to be drugged up and just “treated” instead of cured.”
Thania G. – Los Angeles, CA
Emotional Healing
“Ever since I have been seeing Dr. Lalezar, my overall health has improved 100%. Dr. Lalezar’s techniques and methods have helped me lose over 60 lbs. and maintain the weight loss.
More importantly, Dr. Lalezar has helped me emotionally and spiritually. She heals from the inside out and always gives you a positive outlook on life. With the help of Dr. Lalezar, I am now leading an active lifestyle that has become easier and more fun for me.
I am so grateful to her for making my days brighter and more productive. I have not felt this healthy and young in years. Thank you, Dr. Lalezar, for your sincere care, support, compassion and most importantly, your belief in me.”
Selin C. – Los Angeles
Epstein-Barr Virus
I’ve had Epstein-Barr Virus for months with truly debilitating fatigue as the #1 symptom. After seeing several MDs and naturopaths, Dr Lalezar was the MOST curious about getting to the root cause. It’s a Dr House” style of curiosity which gives me much more hope for actually healing. She even caught two issues with my lab work from other offices that know one else caught. After the initial consult today I had an IV treatment today which I think is already helping.
There was miscommunication about my final bill and the doctor personally called to apologize for the confusion and to rectify it. She clearly cares about your entire experience.
This medical office is in a very nice suite. It’s extremely clean and very professionally. The staff up front was friendly and efficient. Sandra did my IV and she was so so nice and had a good sense of humor.
All of these things matter more than ever to me. When you’ve been sick for a long time, you want to feel that the people treating you really care – that’s definitely the atmosphere here and the reason I’ll be returning.
I’ve had Epstein-Barr Virus for months with truly debilitating fatigue as the #1 symptom. After seeing several MDs and naturopaths, Dr Lalezar was the MOST curious about getting to the root cause. It’s a Dr House” style of curiosity which gives me much more hope for actually healing. She even caught two issues with my lab work from other offices that know one else caught. After the initial consult today I had an IV treatment today which I think is already helping.
There was miscommunication about my final bill and the doctor personally called to apologize for the confusion and to rectify it. She clearly cares about your entire experience.
This medical office is in a very nice suite. It’s extremely clean and very professionally. The staff up front was friendly and efficient. Sandra did my IV and she was so so nice and had a good sense of humor.
All of these things matter more than ever to me. When you’ve been sick for a long time, you want to feel that the people treating you really care – that’s definitely the atmosphere here and the reason I’ll be returning.
DJ S. – Marina del Rey, United States
Dr. Shiva Lalezar is a godsend. I am recovering from COVID-19 for the second time and have severe body aches that at times feel paralyzing. The pain travels throughout my body and attacks different parts of my body daily. This morning I had pain in both hands and my left knee. I could not sleep last night because of the unbearable pain, even with strong pain meds. This morning I could not open the car door and was limping on my way to see Dr. Lalezar. With just one IV, my pain vanished. I was in shock of the pain relief, literally speechless. I feel as if I am in a new body.
Dr. Lalezar is not only a brilliant doctor who gets results, she is also someone with humility because she truly cares for every patient. She listens to her patients with empathy and finds the solution. She is treating my son for chronic daily headaches he’s had for 4 years. We’ve seen every dr imaginable with no results. With a few sessions, his headaches are gone. Amazing. Dr. Lalezar, you are truly a blessing.
I’ve had Epstein-Barr Virus for months with truly debilitating fatigue as the #1 symptom. After seeing several MDs and naturopaths, Dr Lalezar was the MOST curious about getting to the root cause. It’s a Dr House” style of curiosity which gives me much more hope for actually healing. She even caught two issues with my lab work from other offices that know one else caught. After the initial consult today I had an IV treatment today which I think is already helping.
There was miscommunication about my final bill and the doctor personally called to apologize for the confusion and to rectify it. She clearly cares about your entire experience.
This medical office is in a very nice suite. It’s extremely clean and very professionally. The staff up front was friendly and efficient. Sandra did my IV and she was so so nice and had a good sense of humor.
All of these things matter more than ever to me. When you’ve been sick for a long time, you want to feel that the people treating you really care – that’s definitely the atmosphere here and the reason I’ll be returning.
Dr. Lelazar advised me to change my diet to kill the Candida and prescribed supplements. That alone didn’t work, so Dr. Lelazar then identified that I had a large level of lead in my system, which was preventing the Candida from dying off. She advised me to pursue chelation to remove the lead in my system. I was initially skeptical of this treatment as I didn’t know if it would work, and it was expensive. However, I was desperate for help – so I chose the chelation treatment. Within 1-2 weeks of the chelation, I felt well enough to drive to Ventura from Los Angeles. I was stunned at the results. I still in disbelief at how well I am doing in such a short amount of time!
I cannot express how thankful I am for Dr. Lelazar’s wisdom, compassion, care, and efficiency in finding a solution to my debilitating symptoms. I am also very thankful for the nurse/office manager, Cindy, who is very caring, positive, competent, and kind. When I was searching for a doctor to help me, I prayed to ask the Lord for help. I felt such peace when I read Dr. Lelazar’s profile. I truly believe God brought me to Dr. Lelazar, and saved my life. I am so thankful!
After a year of agony and torment of seeing my primary doctor and several specialists. I realized that my current medical conditions were beyond their scope. With what started with one medical problem quickly resulted in a snowball effect. Through a series of incorrect diagnosis and recommendations which made my medical condition worsen throughout my time.
For EXAMPLE, I was prescribed so much antibiotics which deprived me of my good bacteria, which helps digest your food and fight invading microbes. This really affected my health. None of the doctors who prescribed me antibiotics ever recommended me probiotics to help retrieve my good bacteria. So over period of time I kept getting sicker and sicker. Just completely OFF, losing weight, hair loss, brain fog, tired all the time, and last but not least overgrowth of Candida.
Then I was fortunate to find Dr. Lalezar on Google, I read and read. I was just amazed and almost felt a sense of relief once I read her reviews.
She tested me for EVERYTHING; urine, blood, etc.. Very meticulous in her process. After testing she discovered not only I had one problem but I had high mercury levels and toxins in my body. That’s why I wasn’t able to recover even though I tried several cleanses. She needed to clean me out from all the mercury and toxicity. So a series of Chelations was a MUST.
So after completing my series of sessions (chelations) I am COMPLETELY back to normal. I’m so thankful that I found Dr. Lalezar.I have never met a doctor more knowledgeable and attentive towards each of her patients. The level of comfort she made me feel by explaining why things were unfolding the way they were, I knew right there she was the BEST doctor for the job. She truly is very professional and knowledgeable. Also her entire staff is amazing and very friendly.
Thank you once again Dr. Lalezar.
Nedi R. – Downtown, Los Angeles
I cannot thank Dr. Lalezar enough for her help. Last year, while I was attending college in Los Angeles, I began suffering adrenal fatigue, IBS type symptoms, and overall feeling lousy- brain fog, tired all of the time, weight gain, hypothyroidism, etc. My previous doctor checked all of my hormone levels and found I was only making trace amounts of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which explains why I was so fatigued and was no longer having my period. However, her only solution was to prescribe birth control. I was dissatisfied with this solution (or lack of) that I searched for a functional medicine physician to help me get to the root cause of my symptoms.
I was impressed by how determined Dr. Lalezar was to help me figure out my health issues. She did a few different lab tests including a heavy metal test and a stool analysis. Turns out a had high levels of mercury in my system and many of my symptoms stemmed from this toxicity. I continued going back to the Health and Vitality center routinely for chelation treatments and was also on an individualized supplement regimen. After the first couple of treatments my energy improved immensely and after a few months I was back to feeling my best.
Sherry, Christine and Dr. Lalezar are such nice people and the center itself is relaxing and welcoming. I definitely recommend Dr. Lalezar because she had a unique approach to addressing my issues and was able to solve my health problems when other doctors could not.
Hannah L. – Des Moines, United States
Dr Lalezar is absolutely amazing! I came in with skin issues, chronic fatigue, brian fog, and was well on my way to developing hypothyroid and Dr Lalezar changed my life. She did all of the tests that NO OTHER DR WOULD DO, to completely analyze the state of my health and tell me exactly what was going on in my body. She cleared up symptoms that I didn’t even realize were symptoms :). I have tons of energy, 0 brain fog, and my hormones are under control. We have chelated an obscene amount of mercury out of my system and are well on our way to repairing my leaky gut. I am forever grateful to Dr Lalezar for her continued help and support.
Aleksandra P. – Playa del Rey, United States
Ive never written a Yelp review, and I’d be hard pressed to write anything positive or negative about any business listed on this site, but my experience at health and vitality absolutely demanded I say something if it means that other people who are sick and at their wits end might find some help as a result of reading this.
About a year ago I started showing symptoms of food intolerances that caused me enough concern to see a doctor. I had every major test under the sun done in order to get the diagnosis of “your fine. All results are normal”. But I wasn’t fine. My body was telling me otherwise. Something was seriously wrong as my symptoms began to cascade and my health steadily declined: rashes, weight loss, muscle fatigue, brain fog, and the list goes on. I spent so much money seeing naturopaths and trying extreme diets, not to mention the thousands that my insurance company paid for testing at cedars. Don’t even get me started on the bottles of unused supplements in my cabinets. I spent hundreds of hours reading blogs and medical journal texts trying to diagnose myself until finally my family medicine doctor recommended Dr. Lalezar as they went to school together.
Within a week of starting treatment with her I was back on a full western diet with no problems. Within 4 weeks I put back on 15 pounds and am back to my full active lifestyle which was unimaginable a month ago as I was close to bedridden. What she did literally saved my life. I don’t think I even understood how sick I was until I started to feel better as a result of her treatment.
What she does is not quack science or herbal therapy either. She’s using completely allopathic treatments that have existed in Europe for 70 years that have had great effect to many people who were seriously ill. Do the research for yourself.
Yes her treatments seem pricey but if you compare them to what others charge for iv therapy you’ll find them to be reasonable, and fairly competitive.
She’s a smart, forward thinking doctor. Don’t fool yourself, the medical system in the United States is a business, and the reason why what she does is considered “alternative” is because there’s no way to make a long term profit off of you as a patient because once you’ve completed your treatment with her, you’re done, finished, no longer ill, because she’s treating the root cause and not the symptom. if all doctors used her approach to medical care then no one in this country would be sick, but again, you wouldn’t be a returning customer who someone in a white coat could make money off of. She’s what all doctors should aspire to be, someone who wants to see you not only heal, but thrive.
James r. – Manhattan, United States
This review is long but thorough, and I encourage anyone suffering from what I have suffered from (for years) to read on. I have been seeing Dr. Lalezar for 2 years and I can honestly say that she and her staff have given me back my life. Prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar I had: hair loss, weight gain, eczema all over my body, acne, brain fog, insomnia, lethargy, aches/pains and depression. I would have terrible mood swings and anxiety two weeks before my period, every month like clockwork. I was a monster, and I just couldn’t control myself. I wouldn’t leave my home during these times because I was afraid of getting into fights with co-workers, strangers at grocery stores and restaurants. My relationships with my friends, family and partner were all suffering as a result of my mood swings. Every month, 2 weeks before my period, I felt crazy. And not ha-ha crazy. I was a monster.
I saw several doctors in the 5 years prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar that 1) either didn’t know what I had and didn’t care to run any other labs besides the standard CBC and BMP, and 2) simply dismissed me as being depressed and prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-depressant meds. I have been on oral and topical steroids for my eczema for 5+ years and it was actually getting worse as months went by. Doctors were baffled, so they would just prescribe a different steroid. Other docs would put me on a cocktail of anti-anxiety and anti-depressants and constantly switch out meds to try and figure out what combo would work. No combination of meds and/or steroids ever worked to alleviate my symptoms, not even a little.
I did my own research on mood swings that only happened during the 2 weeks before my period and wondered if I had PMDD. I was finally able to get an appointment at UCLA with doctors that specialized in PMDD and they confirmed the diagnosis. It was a relief to have a diagnosis (even if it wasn’t a good one) but it still didn’t explain the eczema, hair loss and acne. The UCLA docs continued my medication cocktail and I had some relief. I knew that I was going to get good, but standard treatment at UCLA and I wanted something more. I figured there had to be some sort of alternative therapies that could help me. That’s when I started looking for doctors providing alternative treatments for PMDD in the LA area and found Dr. Lalezar.
When I first saw Dr. Lalezar, I explained my entire history, brought labs from my previous doctors and all my medications that I had ever been on that did not work. I was apprehensive and almost expected to be dismissed again. But she didn’t dismiss me and instead, she promised we would get to the bottom of my issues. She is the ONLY doctor that has ever vowed to get to the bottom of my issues. She ran slew of hormone studies and found that I had low progesterone and testosterone. No other doctor had run hormone tests even though I told them I only had the mood swings before my period. Dr. Lalezar prescribed bio-identical hormone creams to treat the hormone deficiencies. I felt about 75% better with hormone replacement therapy. I was very happy with the outcome, but Dr. Lalezar wanted me to feel 100% better and decided to run more tests. That’s when she found that I had mercury toxicity from old fillings. She asked (did not demand) that I stop my cocktails of meds and steroids from the previous doctors. Since they weren’t really helping anyway, I had no problem stopping.
I immediately had my fillings removed and started IV chelation and vitamin therapy over the course of 14 weeks. The first 4 sessions, I felt worse, but I knew it was the mercury being mobilized from my tissues that needed to be excreted. By the 5th session, I was starting to feel better. I noticed my eczema clearing up and a bald patch on my head was starting to fill in. Treatment days made me so tired, but overall I felt better and my partner said that he was no longer of afraid of me during those two weeks before my period. By the end of my 10th treatment, I felt normal. I hadn’t felt normal in years. My hair was growing back, my eczema completely cleared up, my acne disappeared, brain fog was gone, I could sleep, depression was non-existent and best of all, I wasn’t a monster before my period anymore.
I have continued to take all the supplements recommended by Dr. Lalezar. Again, these were recommended, she didn’t demand that I take them. Also, the nurses that do the IV therapy are so kind and patient and made the treatments much more tolerable.
Now, I’ll address the negative remarks that I have seen posted on yelp. Treatments are expensive and most are not covered by ANY insurance. It has nothing to do with the dr. prescribing them, it has to do with insurance. There IS a parking lot adjacent to the office. Dr. Lalezar and her staff are nothing but kind and courteous. I have seen patients be horrible to the Dr and her staff and yet they maintain their kindness and professionalism. I feel so lucky to have found Dr. Lalezar.
Rose T. – Los Angeles, United States
When I started gaining weight, quickly, for no reason back in 2012, I just KNEW something was off. I hadn’t suddenly starting eating cake and ice cream for breakfast, ya know? Not only was I gaining weight, but it was making me pretty depressed too.
I did a little bit of research online and found Suzanne Somers. I read a lot of her information online and it seemed to be the answer I was looking for. She had a doctor referral section on her website, and through that, I found Dr. Lalezar.
Dr. Lalezar has been a godsend! She discovered (thru simple blood tests) that my hormones were completely out of balance and that was the reason for the weight gain. WHO KNEW?!? I certainly didn’t. It was very simple to get my hormones back in balance. After balancing the hormones – and the hcg diet – the weight fell off. (I am happy to report that three years later, the weight is still gone.)
She also tested me for heavy metals (thru a simple urine test) and found that I had ELEVEN TIMES the amount of mercury in my system than what was considered normal. Heavy metals in your system can cause all sorts of problems, ie, alcohol intolerance (which was one of my questions to her as well…seemed I got a headache from even the teeniest amount of alcohol), brain fog (yep), inability to lose weight (yep), depression symptoms (yep), extreme fatigue (had this too), insomnia (yep), forgetfulness (yep), and the list goes on and on… I had the chelation treatments over the course of a year and got my mercury to the normal level. All of those symptoms went away and I felt (and still feel) really, really great.
I also had several vitamin and mineral deficiencies which were easily fixed with supplements.
It’s all a matter of data. Test the blood/urine for the data, get the answers. I haven’t felt better in YEARS. I take no pharmaceutical medication any longer an am healthy as a horse!
I highly recommend Dr. Lalezar to everyone!! I sing her praises to all of my friends.
Also, on a side note, her staff (especially Sherry!) is just so wonderful. You won’t be disappointed, I promise.
Karen P. – Los Angeles, United States
“I cannot thank Dr. Lalezar enough for her help. Last year, while I was attending college in Los Angeles, I began suffering from adrenal fatigue, IBS symptoms, brain fog, weight gain, and hypothyroidism, etc. I was truly feeling lousy all the time. My previous doctor checked all of my hormones and found I was only making trace amounts of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which explained why I was so fatigued and was missing my period. However, her only solution was to prescribe birth control pills.
I searched for a functional medicine physician to help me get to the root cause of my symptoms. I was impressed by how determined Dr. Lalezar was to help me figure out my health issues. She did a few different lab tests, including a heavy metal test. Turns out I had high levels of mercury in my system and many of my symptoms stemmed from this toxicity.
I continued going back to the Health and Vitality Center routinely for chelation treatments and was also on an individualized supplement regimen. After the first couple of treatments my energy level improved immensely and after a few months I was back to feeling my best.
Sherie, Yvette and Dr. Lalezar are such nice people and the center itself is relaxing and welcoming. I definitely recommend Dr. Lalezar because she had a unique approach to addressing my issues and was able to solve my health problems when other doctors could not.”
Hannah L. – Des Moines, IA
[/fusion_text][fusion_button link=”https://healthandvitalitycenter.com/medical-conditions/adrenal-fatigue/” title=”” target=”_self” link_attributes=”” alignment=”” modal=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” color=”default” button_gradient_top_color=”” button_gradient_bottom_color=”” button_gradient_top_color_hover=”” button_gradient_bottom_color_hover=”” accent_color=”” accent_hover_color=”” type=”” bevel_color=”” border_width=”” size=”” stretch=”default” icon=”” icon_position=”left” icon_divider=”no” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” border_radius=””]Description of Adrenal Fatigue and Typical Approaches to Treatment[/fusion_button][fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_spacing=”” rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=””]
How do I find out more about Adrenal Fatigue, IBS, Brain Fog?
Call the Health & Vitality Center at 310-477-1166 or click here to schedule an appointment. We are one of the leading centers for natural medicine in Los Angeles. Doctor Shiva Lalezar is a holistic doctor who helps relieve symptoms by correcting the problem at its source. Adrenal Fatigue, IBS and Brain Fog can be managed using conventional methods, or successfully treated through Dr. Lalezar’s superior understanding. Our practice uses an integrative approach, combining the best conventional therapies with the latest techniques and treatments in functional medicine for optimal results.
I suffered from fibromyalgia for a decade. Doctors urged me to take way too many prescription pain killers, antidepressants and muscle relaxers but I got no relief, just a bunch of horrible side effects. I even did an experimental treatment for many years but nothing helped. I ended up taking myself off all drugs and just dealing with the pain and fatigue the best I could. (A lot of baths, yoga, cussing and wine. Lots of wine.)
A friend told me about Dr. Lalezar and I decided to give her a shot. She was the first doctor who didn’t just try to fix the symptoms by throwing drugs at me. She actually tested everything (blood, urine, stool sample, saliva sample, etc.) to see what was going on. Through the testing, she discovered I had high levels of mercury. I did chelation to get rid of it and I feel COMPLETELY BETTER. All of my fibromyalgia symptoms are gone. Gone. I never had fibromyalgia, I had mercury toxicity but Dr. Lalezar was the first doctor to correctly diagnose me. In ten years.
I am super grateful to have found a doctor like this, a doctor who actually listens to you and pulls out all the stops to help. My only regret is not finding her earlier, before the ten years of needless drugs and dealing with pain for no reason.
If you have a health issue, trust Dr. Lalezar. I’m really glad I did.
Kendra P. – Los Angeles, United States
General Health
Amazing experience. Dr. Lalezar was very nice and professional. Office staff was terrific. The woman who gave me my IV was equally amazing. They paid a lot of attention to me and asked me a lot of questions. I’m new, but I’m already a fan!!
Aaron J. – Los Angeles, United States
I was intrigued by the “Myer’s cocktail” IV vitamin boost…and it’s amazing. Happy hour definitely has a new spin. Dr. Lalezar has a wealth of information and treatment suggestions. I love how she integrates holistic practices at her center. Now with the H1N1 (swine flu) epidemic scaring us, she has preventive solutions for this.
M.V. L. – Los Angeles, United States
I went to Health and Vitality Center for my first “Myers Cocktail”, which is a vitamin drip combining vitamin B and C, B complex, Folic acid and some other vitamins I can’t recall, and had an amazing experience. The center was very peaceful and Dr. Lalezar and her IV nurse were the kindest people on earth. There was amazing music in the background. My friend and I got to sit in comfy lounges with blankets, caught up on life while doing something good for our bodies – instead of sitting in a bar sipping on a expensive cocktails! After our IV drip was over (which took only 20 minutes or so), we were so relaxed we did not even want to leave!!! If you are feeling run down by life, and need to rejuvenate your health, do yourself a favor and go see Dr. Lalezar, as her approach to health is so different and refreshing. I can’t wait to go back for my next vitamin drip. Thank you Dr. Lalezar…
Sheyda l. – Mission Viejo, United States
Michelle D – Los Angeles, United States
Dr Lelazar is great! She tested me for things other doctors just ignored. Thanks to her my health is back on track. I highly recommend her!!
Diana E. – Los Angeles, United States
Dr. Lalazar is wonderful and truly caring. She made me feel comfortable and in good hands. Natalie and Mary Jane are such joys that bring sunshine into the space. Everyone is very professional and I could not say better things about these three!
J S. – Los Angeles, United States
I’m an MD currently practicing in New York and transitioning from Anesthesiology to Functional Medicine. Dr. Lalezar was kind enough to let me observe her in her practice for a week. She’s not only an incredible teacher, but one of the most thorough, intelligent and kind physicians that I have ever had the pleasure of spending time with. When I move to LA I will definitely choose her as my primary care provider.
Alexandra P. – United States
Dr Lalezar was wonderful and an expert at what she does. She really cares about her patients. I’m scared of needles and Nathalie, the nurse, was so gentle and made me very comfortable. The entire experience was fantastic not to mention that I’m feeling amazing!
Chris C. – Los Angeles, United States
I couldn’t pinpoint why I was feeling “off”, so I went in a got a series of tests done, (stool, urine, blood). Dr. Lalezar walked me through the results, put me on the supplements that I needed, and I feel better than I have in years. I wasn’t digesting food properly, my gut bacteria balance was destroyed, and some other things discovered like low vitamin D levels.
I think everyone should take these tests just to find out what’s going on in their bodies. It gives you actual data that you can use to correct yourself.
Jeff H. – Santa Monica, United States
Seeing Dr. Lalezar for chelation. So far a success and my first time working with a doctor educated in curing modern human ailments, as opposed to treating a list of symptoms with pills. For anyone who has made an effort to take their health into their own hands and seek out living at optimal health, Dr. Lalezar and her team are a great start.
Dillon S. – Los Angeles, United States
Hair Loss
My eczema, hair growth and acid reflux GERD has improved due to chelation and the supplements I was given! Definitely have improved symptoms other than weight loss!
Nicole B. – Los Angeles, United States
After a year of agony and torment of seeing my primary doctor and several specialists. I realized that my current medical conditions were beyond their scope. With what started with one medical problem quickly resulted in a snowball effect. Through a series of incorrect diagnosis and recommendations which made my medical condition worsen throughout my time.
For EXAMPLE, I was prescribed so much antibiotics which deprived me of my good bacteria, which helps digest your food and fight invading microbes. This really affected my health. None of the doctors who prescribed me antibiotics ever recommended me probiotics to help retrieve my good bacteria. So over period of time I kept getting sicker and sicker. Just completely OFF, losing weight, hair loss, brain fog, tired all the time, and last but not least overgrowth of Candida.
Then I was fortunate to find Dr. Lalezar on Google, I read and read. I was just amazed and almost felt a sense of relief once I read her reviews.
She tested me for EVERYTHING; urine, blood, etc.. Very meticulous in her process. After testing she discovered not only I had one problem but I had high mercury levels and toxins in my body. That’s why I wasn’t able to recover even though I tried several cleanses. She needed to clean me out from all the mercury and toxicity. So a series of Chelations was a MUST.
So after completing my series of sessions (chelations) I am COMPLETELY back to normal. I’m so thankful that I found Dr. Lalezar.I have never met a doctor more knowledgeable and attentive towards each of her patients. The level of comfort she made me feel by explaining why things were unfolding the way they were, I knew right there she was the BEST doctor for the job. She truly is very professional and knowledgeable. Also her entire staff is amazing and very friendly.
Thank you once again Dr. Lalezar.
Nedi R. – Downtown, Los Angeles
I suffered from fibromyalgia for a decade. Doctors urged me to take way too many prescription pain killers, antidepressants and muscle relaxers but I got no relief, just a bunch of horrible side effects. I even did an experimental treatment for many years but nothing helped. I ended up taking myself off all drugs and just dealing with the pain and fatigue the best I could. (A lot of baths, yoga, cussing and wine. Lots of wine.)
A friend told me about Dr. Lalezar and I decided to give her a shot. She was the first doctor who didn’t just try to fix the symptoms by throwing drugs at me. She actually tested everything (blood, urine, stool sample, saliva sample, etc.) to see what was going on. Through the testing, she discovered I had high levels of mercury. I did chelation to get rid of it and I feel COMPLETELY BETTER. All of my fibromyalgia symptoms are gone. Gone. I never had fibromyalgia, I had mercury toxicity but Dr. Lalezar was the first doctor to correctly diagnose me. In ten years.
I am super grateful to have found a doctor like this, a doctor who actually listens to you and pulls out all the stops to help. My only regret is not finding her earlier, before the ten years of needless drugs and dealing with pain for no reason.
If you have a health issue, trust Dr. Lalezar. I’m really glad I did.
Kendra P. – Los Angeles, United States
When I found Dr Lalazar (Heath & Vitality Center) I was lethargic, couldn’t lose weight, my hair was falling out and I could barley function. She immediately identified my symptoms, my life and the phenomena I was having as vitamin depletion & heavy metal poisoning from my old fillings. She drew blood to test me and immediately hooked me up to IV drip vitamins. She referred me to a holistic dentist whom removed my fillings then started me up on Chelation (IV drips that pull the heavy metals out of your body) in addition to Vitamin drips.
6 weeks from my initial visit I was doing Pilates every day (never had done that before) and hiking again. 4 weeks into Chelation (after my 6th drip) weight started just falling off of me and my energy level was that of when I was in my 20’s and everybody was noticing!!!
It is now 6 months later and I went to pick up my daughter from school (out of state). People that have known me for years, other parents and staff, did not recognize me from the last time I was there 4 months prior. For once in my life I was not “dieting” and my body was actually enjoying the exercise, I finally felt my body doing what it was designed for. I would recommend Dr Lalazar & her amazing staff to the world!!
Sonja L. – Los Angeles, United States
This review is long but thorough, and I encourage anyone suffering from what I have suffered from (for years) to read on. I have been seeing Dr. Lalezar for 2 years and I can honestly say that she and her staff have given me back my life. Prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar I had: hair loss, weight gain, eczema all over my body, acne, brain fog, insomnia, lethargy, aches/pains and depression. I would have terrible mood swings and anxiety two weeks before my period, every month like clockwork. I was a monster, and I just couldn’t control myself. I wouldn’t leave my home during these times because I was afraid of getting into fights with co-workers, strangers at grocery stores and restaurants. My relationships with my friends, family and partner were all suffering as a result of my mood swings. Every month, 2 weeks before my period, I felt crazy. And not ha-ha crazy. I was a monster.
I saw several doctors in the 5 years prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar that 1) either didn’t know what I had and didn’t care to run any other labs besides the standard CBC and BMP, and 2) simply dismissed me as being depressed and prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-depressant meds. I have been on oral and topical steroids for my eczema for 5+ years and it was actually getting worse as months went by. Doctors were baffled, so they would just prescribe a different steroid. Other docs would put me on a cocktail of anti-anxiety and anti-depressants and constantly switch out meds to try and figure out what combo would work. No combination of meds and/or steroids ever worked to alleviate my symptoms, not even a little.
I did my own research on mood swings that only happened during the 2 weeks before my period and wondered if I had PMDD. I was finally able to get an appointment at UCLA with doctors that specialized in PMDD and they confirmed the diagnosis. It was a relief to have a diagnosis (even if it wasn’t a good one) but it still didn’t explain the eczema, hair loss and acne. The UCLA docs continued my medication cocktail and I had some relief. I knew that I was going to get good, but standard treatment at UCLA and I wanted something more. I figured there had to be some sort of alternative therapies that could help me. That’s when I started looking for doctors providing alternative treatments for PMDD in the LA area and found Dr. Lalezar.
When I first saw Dr. Lalezar, I explained my entire history, brought labs from my previous doctors and all my medications that I had ever been on that did not work. I was apprehensive and almost expected to be dismissed again. But she didn’t dismiss me and instead, she promised we would get to the bottom of my issues. She is the ONLY doctor that has ever vowed to get to the bottom of my issues. She ran slew of hormone studies and found that I had low progesterone and testosterone. No other doctor had run hormone tests even though I told them I only had the mood swings before my period. Dr. Lalezar prescribed bio-identical hormone creams to treat the hormone deficiencies. I felt about 75% better with hormone replacement therapy. I was very happy with the outcome, but Dr. Lalezar wanted me to feel 100% better and decided to run more tests. That’s when she found that I had mercury toxicity from old fillings. She asked (did not demand) that I stop my cocktails of meds and steroids from the previous doctors. Since they weren’t really helping anyway, I had no problem stopping.
I immediately had my fillings removed and started IV chelation and vitamin therapy over the course of 14 weeks. The first 4 sessions, I felt worse, but I knew it was the mercury being mobilized from my tissues that needed to be excreted. By the 5th session, I was starting to feel better. I noticed my eczema clearing up and a bald patch on my head was starting to fill in. Treatment days made me so tired, but overall I felt better and my partner said that he was no longer of afraid of me during those two weeks before my period. By the end of my 10th treatment, I felt normal. I hadn’t felt normal in years. My hair was growing back, my eczema completely cleared up, my acne disappeared, brain fog was gone, I could sleep, depression was non-existent and best of all, I wasn’t a monster before my period anymore.
I have continued to take all the supplements recommended by Dr. Lalezar. Again, these were recommended, she didn’t demand that I take them. Also, the nurses that do the IV therapy are so kind and patient and made the treatments much more tolerable.
Now, I’ll address the negative remarks that I have seen posted on yelp. Treatments are expensive and most are not covered by ANY insurance. It has nothing to do with the dr. prescribing them, it has to do with insurance. There IS a parking lot adjacent to the office. Dr. Lalezar and her staff are nothing but kind and courteous. I have seen patients be horrible to the Dr and her staff and yet they maintain their kindness and professionalism. I feel so lucky to have found Dr. Lalezar.
Rose T. – Los Angeles, United States
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
“Dr. Lalezar is the best! She helped me recover from Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and I am feeling the best I have in 14 years. She taught me a great deal about nutrition and supplements, to help alleviate symptoms and encourage vibrant health!
I cannot recommend her enough!
Marissa M. – Santa Monica, CA
HCG Diet
“When I first came to see you my blood pressure was 160/90, my blood sugar was 143, and my weight was 179 lbs. I was taking six different pills to “control” my blood pressure and had taken 2-3 different pills to control my blood sugar. Needless to say, I was dealing with many different side effects from these medications. I was also under the care of a cardiologist, nephrologist, endocrinologist, and an Internist!
You suggested that I go on the HCG Weight Loss Program. After completing the 7-day detox protocol, I experienced amazing results: I lost four pounds! Within a week of starting the HCG my vitals were all good. My weight fell at an average rate of one pound per day and my blood sugar significantly decreased to 105. For the past 29 days my blood pressure has been consistently within the range of 124/74 and 130/79, and I now take only one medication to control my blood pressure.
I went from a size 14 to a size 10. Thank you for my new look and for improving my life. Your office staff is the best, and they are to be thanked as well. I feel like a wonderful new woman!”
Shirley S. – Los Angeles
Dr. Shiva Lalezar is a godsend. I am recovering from COVID-19 for the second time and have severe body aches that at times feel paralyzing. The pain travels throughout my body and attacks different parts of my body daily. This morning I had pain in both hands and my left knee. I could not sleep last night because of the unbearable pain, even with strong pain meds. This morning I could not open the car door and was limping on my way to see Dr. Lalezar. With just one IV, my pain vanished. I was in shock of the pain relief, literally speechless. I feel as if I am in a new body.
Dr. Lalezar is not only a brilliant doctor who gets results, she is also someone with humility because she truly cares for every patient. She listens to her patients with empathy and finds the solution. She is treating my son for chronic daily headaches he’s had for 4 years. We’ve seen every dr imaginable with no results. With a few sessions, his headaches are gone. Amazing. Dr. Lalezar, you are truly a blessing.
When I started gaining weight, quickly, for no reason back in 2012, I just KNEW something was off. I hadn’t suddenly starting eating cake and ice cream for breakfast, ya know? Not only was I gaining weight, but it was making me pretty depressed too.
I did a little bit of research online and found Suzanne Somers. I read a lot of her information online and it seemed to be the answer I was looking for. She had a doctor referral section on her website, and through that, I found Dr. Lalezar.
Dr. Lalezar has been a godsend! She discovered (thru simple blood tests) that my hormones were completely out of balance and that was the reason for the weight gain. WHO KNEW?!? I certainly didn’t. It was very simple to get my hormones back in balance. After balancing the hormones – and the hcg diet – the weight fell off. (I am happy to report that three years later, the weight is still gone.)
She also tested me for heavy metals (thru a simple urine test) and found that I had ELEVEN TIMES the amount of mercury in my system than what was considered normal. Heavy metals in your system can cause all sorts of problems, ie, alcohol intolerance (which was one of my questions to her as well…seemed I got a headache from even the teeniest amount of alcohol), brain fog (yep), inability to lose weight (yep), depression symptoms (yep), extreme fatigue (had this too), insomnia (yep), forgetfulness (yep), and the list goes on and on… I had the chelation treatments over the course of a year and got my mercury to the normal level. All of those symptoms went away and I felt (and still feel) really, really great.
I also had several vitamin and mineral deficiencies which were easily fixed with supplements.
It’s all a matter of data. Test the blood/urine for the data, get the answers. I haven’t felt better in YEARS. I take no pharmaceutical medication any longer an am healthy as a horse!
I highly recommend Dr. Lalezar to everyone!! I sing her praises to all of my friends.
Also, on a side note, her staff (especially Sherry!) is just so wonderful. You won’t be disappointed, I promise.
Karen P. – Los Angeles, United States
“I went to Dr. Lalezar on the recommendation of my accountant, who is also a patient. My doctor had diagnosed me with high blood pressure. I was also having persistent headaches, fatigue, and generally didn’t feel well. Dr. Lalezar came up with a supplement and nutritional regimen that worked within a week or so.
My blood pressure is normal, the headaches are gone, and I have more energy than I’ve had in a long time. It’s nice to have a doctor who is educated in the alternative approaches to medicine, and well worth it.”
Ken M. – Los Angeles, CA
Heavy Metal Toxicity
“I have suffered from Multiple Sclerosis for over five years and I wasn’t able to walk. I refused to take any of the recommended drugs due to all the side effects, so I was healing myself holistically through diet and supplements. But I felt I needed some professional help.
I was especially impressed by one physician, Dr. Shiva Lalezar, at the Health and Vitality Center on Wilshire Blvd. I made an appointment with her and I liked Dr. Lalezar immediately. She welcomed me into her office and spent about an hour and a half with me discussing my history and all the methods I had tried to heal myself.
Dr. Lalezar then wanted to run all sorts of tests on me, not just blood tests, but she wanted to test every bodily fluid including saliva, urine, and feces. I went back to Dr. Lalezar for my test results. She went over the results with me, and to my surprise I was extremely toxic in mercury and lead, both neurotoxins.
She recommended 10 Chelation Treatments for Mercury and Five for Lead, along with Vitamin and Glutathione drips. After all the treatments, I went in for the follow-up appointment with Dr. Lalezar. We both were overjoyed to find that my mercury and lead levels had receded to well within the tolerable range for the human body.
I was ecstatic! But the best part was that most of the numbness had disappeared from my legs, and my balance improved dramatically, so I could walk like a normal human being! I’m even dancing at Arthur Murray and competing in dance contests! Five years ago, I couldn’t even walk and now I am dancing!
Yes–go to Dr. Lalezar! She is the best physician in Los Angeles (and maybe the world)!”
Leanne S. – Sherman Oaks, CA
I have suffered with Multiple Sclerosis for over five years and I wasn’t able to walk.. I refused to take any of the drugs because of all the side effects, so I was healing myself holistically through diet and supplements, but I felt I needed some professional help.I began my search on the Internet for “Holistic Physicians in Los Angeles”, and I found medical professionals who practiced integrative medicine. I was especially impressed by one physician, Dr. Shiva Lalezar, at the Health and Vitality Center on Wilshire Blvd. She had a video on her web site explaining her philosophy and her background, and she sounded perfect for me. I made an appointment with her andI liked Dr. Lalezar immediately. She welcomed me into her office and spent about an hour and a half with me discussing my history and all the methods I had tried to heal myself.
Dr. Lalezar then wanted to run all sorts of tests on me, not just blood tests, but she wanted to test every bodily fluid including saliva, urine, and feces. She had the nurse draw all the blood, and then gave me a lot of test kits respectively for my saliva, urine, and feces.
On Halloween, October 31st, I went back to Dr. Lalezar for my test results. She went over the results with me, and to my surprise I was extremely toxic in mercury and lead, both neurotoxins. The tolerable amount of lead in the body is 2, mine registered at 12 – six times the amount of lead that the body tolerates. The amount of tolerable mercury is 4, my body registered at 41 – more than10 times the amount of mercury that the body tolerates. These were from my urine sample. She recommended 10 Chelation Treatments for Mercury and Five for Lead, along with Vitamin and Glutathione drips. After all the treatments I tested my urine once again and on Tuesday June 10, 2014 I went in for the follow-up appointment with Dr Lalezar. She sat down with me in her office and went over the results. We both were overjoyed to find that my Mercury levels had receded from 41 to 3.3 and the Lead had gone down from 12 to 2.3 – well within the tolerable range for the human body. I was ecstatic- no more treatments! But the best part was that most of the numbness had disappeared from my legs, and my balance improved dramatically, so I could walk like a normal human being! I’m even dancing at Arthur Murray and competing in dance contests! Five years ago, I couldn’t even walk and now I am dancing! YES – GO TO DR. LALEZAR! She is the best physician in Los Angeles (and maybe the world)!
Leanne S. – Sherman Oaks, United States
After a year of agony and torment of seeing my primary doctor and several specialists. I realized that my current medical conditions were beyond their scope. With what started with one medical problem quickly resulted in a snowball effect. Through a series of incorrect diagnosis and recommendations which made my medical condition worsen throughout my time.
For EXAMPLE, I was prescribed so much antibiotics which deprived me of my good bacteria, which helps digest your food and fight invading microbes. This really affected my health. None of the doctors who prescribed me antibiotics ever recommended me probiotics to help retrieve my good bacteria. So over period of time I kept getting sicker and sicker. Just completely OFF, losing weight, hair loss, brain fog, tired all the time, and last but not least overgrowth of Candida.
Then I was fortunate to find Dr. Lalezar on Google, I read and read. I was just amazed and almost felt a sense of relief once I read her reviews.
She tested me for EVERYTHING; urine, blood, etc.. Very meticulous in her process. After testing she discovered not only I had one problem but I had high mercury levels and toxins in my body. That’s why I wasn’t able to recover even though I tried several cleanses. She needed to clean me out from all the mercury and toxicity. So a series of Chelations was a MUST.
So after completing my series of sessions (chelations) I am COMPLETELY back to normal. I’m so thankful that I found Dr. Lalezar.I have never met a doctor more knowledgeable and attentive towards each of her patients. The level of comfort she made me feel by explaining why things were unfolding the way they were, I knew right there she was the BEST doctor for the job. She truly is very professional and knowledgeable. Also her entire staff is amazing and very friendly.
Thank you once again Dr. Lalezar.
Nedi R. – Downtown, Los Angeles
“Dr. Lalezar, just a note to thank you for the chelation treatments, which have made a major difference in my health! It was sobering when you showed me the test results indicating I had high levels of mercury in my body. I know that mercury is really toxic, and I wondered if it might account for some of my problems with pain and fatigue.
The chelation treatments provided at your Center gradually removed the mercury from my system, and it has made a major difference. I really feel fantastic for the first time in years! I seem to have less pain and much better energy, and just generally feel good. All of your services are really excellent but the chelation in particular is fantastic. I hope that other people out there who perhaps have high mercury but don’t know it find their way to your office!”
Bill P. – Los Angeles
I cannot thank Dr. Lalezar enough for her help. Last year, while I was attending college in Los Angeles, I began suffering adrenal fatigue, IBS type symptoms, and overall feeling lousy- brain fog, tired all of the time, weight gain, hypothyroidism, etc. My previous doctor checked all of my hormone levels and found I was only making trace amounts of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which explains why I was so fatigued and was no longer having my period. However, her only solution was to prescribe birth control. I was dissatisfied with this solution (or lack of) that I searched for a functional medicine physician to help me get to the root cause of my symptoms.
I was impressed by how determined Dr. Lalezar was to help me figure out my health issues. She did a few different lab tests including a heavy metal test and a stool analysis. Turns out a had high levels of mercury in my system and many of my symptoms stemmed from this toxicity. I continued going back to the Health and Vitality center routinely for chelation treatments and was also on an individualized supplement regimen. After the first couple of treatments my energy improved immensely and after a few months I was back to feeling my best.
Sherry, Christine and Dr. Lalezar are such nice people and the center itself is relaxing and welcoming. I definitely recommend Dr. Lalezar because she had a unique approach to addressing my issues and was able to solve my health problems when other doctors could not.
Hannah L. – Des Moines, United States
I suffered from fibromyalgia for a decade. Doctors urged me to take way too many prescription pain killers, antidepressants and muscle relaxers but I got no relief, just a bunch of horrible side effects. I even did an experimental treatment for many years but nothing helped. I ended up taking myself off all drugs and just dealing with the pain and fatigue the best I could. (A lot of baths, yoga, cussing and wine. Lots of wine.)
A friend told me about Dr. Lalezar and I decided to give her a shot. She was the first doctor who didn’t just try to fix the symptoms by throwing drugs at me. She actually tested everything (blood, urine, stool sample, saliva sample, etc.) to see what was going on. Through the testing, she discovered I had high levels of mercury. I did chelation to get rid of it and I feel COMPLETELY BETTER. All of my fibromyalgia symptoms are gone. Gone. I never had fibromyalgia, I had mercury toxicity but Dr. Lalezar was the first doctor to correctly diagnose me. In ten years.
I am super grateful to have found a doctor like this, a doctor who actually listens to you and pulls out all the stops to help. My only regret is not finding her earlier, before the ten years of needless drugs and dealing with pain for no reason.
If you have a health issue, trust Dr. Lalezar. I’m really glad I did.
Kendra P. – Los Angeles, United States
Dr Lalezar is absolutely amazing! I came in with skin issues, chronic fatigue, brian fog, and was well on my way to developing hypothyroid and Dr Lalezar changed my life. She did all of the tests that NO OTHER DR WOULD DO, to completely analyze the state of my health and tell me exactly what was going on in my body. She cleared up symptoms that I didn’t even realize were symptoms :). I have tons of energy, 0 brain fog, and my hormones are under control. We have chelated an obscene amount of mercury out of my system and are well on our way to repairing my leaky gut. I am forever grateful to Dr Lalezar for her continued help and support.
Aleksandra P. – Playa del Rey, United States
When I found Dr Lalazar (Heath & Vitality Center) I was lethargic, couldn’t lose weight, my hair was falling out and I could barley function. She immediately identified my symptoms, my life and the phenomena I was having as vitamin depletion & heavy metal poisoning from my old fillings. She drew blood to test me and immediately hooked me up to IV drip vitamins. She referred me to a holistic dentist whom removed my fillings then started me up on Chelation (IV drips that pull the heavy metals out of your body) in addition to Vitamin drips.
6 weeks from my initial visit I was doing Pilates every day (never had done that before) and hiking again. 4 weeks into Chelation (after my 6th drip) weight started just falling off of me and my energy level was that of when I was in my 20’s and everybody was noticing!!!
It is now 6 months later and I went to pick up my daughter from school (out of state). People that have known me for years, other parents and staff, did not recognize me from the last time I was there 4 months prior. For once in my life I was not “dieting” and my body was actually enjoying the exercise, I finally felt my body doing what it was designed for. I would recommend Dr Lalazar & her amazing staff to the world!!
Sonja L. – Los Angeles, United States
High levels of metal and toxins which is what has been killing me all these years and Dr. Shiva found what Doctors who have studied years and are the best could not find! Which makes her the best!!!! Since the treatment, I GOT MY LIFE BACK!!! I don’t vomit, I don’t have pain every day all day in my stomach. I can eat, I have energy, I am HAPPY, I feel amazing. My son most importantly has a mom that can care for him, he no longer has to see me sick …its so emotional in every way, but joyful emotional and just completely thankful to R. Shiva ..
Please, please if you are sick don’t waste time any longer call Dr. shiva 310-477-1166( know # by heart), you will not regret making the step.
Thank you Dr. Shiva for you!!!
Cin H. – Playa Vista, United States
Many people in my circles have asked about the procedure for heavy metal removal I went through Dec. 2014 until the end of Feb. 2015. This fall, I had major epiphanies about just how different I was feeling, and looking. I got tested in Sept. 2014 in Salt Lake City, where I first discovered I had high heavy metals in my body, from years of living as a Costume Crafter, Dyer, etc. (even with using safety equipment, gloves, respirator, etc. as I should…the skin is our largest absorption organ, and I’m sure I was slowly exposed over the years.) Add to that I live on this planet, with pollution, and I travel a lot, so I’ve been around very different water sources, air quality, etc. etc. There’s no one place I can trace this to…I can only see the results of two different tests, from two different health practitioners that revealed I had high levels of various heavy metals. I won’t go into it more here, but if anyone is curious, or wants more information about my experience, I’m happy to share. In my NON MEDICAL opinion, as a person who has had myofascial pain all over my body, insomnia, and also trouble waking after sleeping, difficulty losing fat, and a myriad of other problems, this is a very quiet, slow, insidious problem, that isn’t on the radar in the majority of the medical community.
I got tested for Fibromyalgia…negative. I had acupuncture, massage, and looked for supplements to help with joint and soft tissue pain (I’m a person who prefers an approach that incorporates Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Eastern medicine, and finding root causes first, and if necessary, trying a prescription if that fails.) Those techniques offered great relief, but not a solution to the root problem. I searched and asked, and dug for answers and solutions for years. I suffered with burning pain all over my body, and extreme joint pain, for over 20 years. Since completing the treatments I did with my doctor in Los Angeles, (who I searched for, and found as a practitioner who does heavy metal chelation assessment) nearly two years later, I have an 85% reduction in the myofascial pain…and it keeps lessening (I CAN’T BELIEVE THE RELIEF I HAVE NOW…I cried when I realized it was improving steadily.) Without intending, I’ve safely and slowly lost 35 lbs. including the “shelf” I had over my liver that was constantly sore, and hot. I found through my research that the body surrounds heavy metals in fat to try to keep it away from the muscle…to try to contain it. I’m so relieved to have found one piece of my health puzzle, and I wanted to share it far and wide, to encourage others to become informed, and research it. I am not recommending anything to anyone, other than, if this resonates with you…find a Dr. who is informed about this topic, and talk to them. If you are in Los Angeles or can travel there, I can’t recommend Dr. Lalezar enough!
Here’s to your health!
Janet C. – Washington, DC, United States
High Blood Pressure
I have suffered with Multiple Sclerosis for over five years and I wasn’t able to walk.. I refused to take any of the drugs because of all the side effects, so I was healing myself holistically through diet and supplements, but I felt I needed some professional help.I began my search on the Internet for “Holistic Physicians in Los Angeles”, and I found medical professionals who practiced integrative medicine. I was especially impressed by one physician, Dr. Shiva Lalezar, at the Health and Vitality Center on Wilshire Blvd. She had a video on her web site explaining her philosophy and her background, and she sounded perfect for me. I made an appointment with her andI liked Dr. Lalezar immediately. She welcomed me into her office and spent about an hour and a half with me discussing my history and all the methods I had tried to heal myself.
Dr. Lalezar then wanted to run all sorts of tests on me, not just blood tests, but she wanted to test every bodily fluid including saliva, urine, and feces. She had the nurse draw all the blood, and then gave me a lot of test kits respectively for my saliva, urine, and feces.
On Halloween, October 31st, I went back to Dr. Lalezar for my test results. She went over the results with me, and to my surprise I was extremely toxic in mercury and lead, both neurotoxins. The tolerable amount of lead in the body is 2, mine registered at 12 – six times the amount of lead that the body tolerates. The amount of tolerable mercury is 4, my body registered at 41 – more than10 times the amount of mercury that the body tolerates. These were from my urine sample. She recommended 10 Chelation Treatments for Mercury and Five for Lead, along with Vitamin and Glutathione drips. After all the treatments I tested my urine once again and on Tuesday June 10, 2014 I went in for the follow-up appointment with Dr Lalezar. She sat down with me in her office and went over the results. We both were overjoyed to find that my Mercury levels had receded from 41 to 3.3 and the Lead had gone down from 12 to 2.3 – well within the tolerable range for the human body. I was ecstatic- no more treatments! But the best part was that most of the numbness had disappeared from my legs, and my balance improved dramatically, so I could walk like a normal human being! I’m even dancing at Arthur Murray and competing in dance contests! Five years ago, I couldn’t even walk and now I am dancing! YES – GO TO DR. LALEZAR! She is the best physician in Los Angeles (and maybe the world)!
Leanne S. – Sherman Oaks, United States
“I started feeling very bad for about a year. I didn’t know what was happening to me. My blood pressure was high and I just didn’t feel like myself anymore. It was like a nightmare. I saw 8 doctors and they all told me my high blood pressure was hereditary. I was working out and was in a great shape. They said that it was all in my mind because all my exams turned out ok. They told me to just take the pill for the blood pressure and that’s it. But I still was feeling awful.
I found Dr. Lalezar by the recommendation in a book of Suzanne Somers. I was so desperate, and I can really say she brought my life back, she put me on bio-identical hormones, checked my metals and prescribed chelation to lower my mercury level that was way too high–things that the others doctors never even thought about. She also gave me some vitamins and made recommendations on my diet.
Now, after a year, I can tell you I am a new person. I look younger, energetic, my blood pressure is perfect and overall I feel myself again. The only pills I take now are my vitamins. I feel fortunate for finding Dr. Lalezar. She is kind, listens to you and takes the time to really find out what is wrong.”
Rosy G. – Crosby, MN
“I went to Dr. Lalezar on the recommendation of my accountant, who is also a patient. My doctor had diagnosed me with high blood pressure. I was also having persistent headaches, fatigue, and generally didn’t feel well. Dr. Lalezar came up with a supplement and nutritional regimen that worked within a week or so.
My blood pressure is normal, the headaches are gone, and I have more energy than I’ve had in a long time. It’s nice to have a doctor who is educated in the alternative approaches to medicine, and well worth it.”
Ken M. – Los Angeles, CA
High Cholesterol
Functional medicine requires more involvement and responsibility from the patient too. If you want to take control of your health, I recommend Dr. Lalezar and her capable staff as an option.
L. L. – Glendale, United States
Holistic Medicine
I was also taken by the way Dr. Lalezar practices medicine. As a member of an HMO, I was usually shuttled from room to room, rushed through consultations, and generally just treated like a number on a chart. Much to my delight, my experience with Dr. Lalezar was the exact opposite: it felt like I was seeing my family doctor who had been treating me for years!Dr. Lalezar’s intuitive and caring nature are more than any patient could hope for, regardless of where they’re being treated. I’m happy to find her at the Health and Vitality Center, where she is able to practice to her full potential. To this day, I still follow Dr. Lalezar’s advice, and can’t thank her enough for the positive affects she’s had on my life.”
A Grateful Patient – Los Angeles, CA
“When I first came to see you my blood pressure was 160/90, my blood sugar was 143, and my weight was 179 lbs. I was taking six different pills to “control” my blood pressure and had taken 2-3 different pills to control my blood sugar. Needless to say, I was dealing with many different side effects from these medications. I was also under the care of a cardiologist, nephrologist, endocrinologist, and an Internist!
You suggested that I go on the HCG Weight Loss Program. After completing the 7-day detox protocol, I experienced amazing results: I lost four pounds! Within a week of starting the HCG my vitals were all good. My weight fell at an average rate of one pound per day and my blood sugar significantly decreased to 105. For the past 29 days my blood pressure has been consistently within the range of 124/74 and 130/79, and I now take only one medication to control my blood pressure.
I went from a size 14 to a size 10. Thank you for my new look and for improving my life. Your office staff is the best, and they are to be thanked as well. I feel like a wonderful new woman!”
Shirley S. – Los Angeles
“I have to thank Dr. Lalezar for my life and my health. For about 15 years I suffered with extreme hypoglycemia, tremors, fatigue, heart palpitations, back pain, knee pain, plantar fasciitis, eczema, and the list goes on. I spent probably over $100,000 over the years looking for answers only to be told it was all in my head.
Finally, in my early thirties, I was bed ridden. A doctor put me on hydrocortisone and I gained 50 lbs, but didn’t feel any better. Thank God, I went to Dr. Lalezar. She tested me for everything and found extremely high levels of mercury. That had been the problem all those years. I started to chelate.
Fast-forward 6 months: Lost all the weight! Back pain-Gone! Foot pain-Gone! Fatigue-Gone! Hypoglycemia-Gone! Things I could never imagine were even related: Gone! I am so grateful. If I hadn’t found her, I can’t imagine where I’d be.”
Suzy M. – Los Angeles, CA
I cannot thank Dr. Lalezar enough for her help. Last year, while I was attending college in Los Angeles, I began suffering adrenal fatigue, IBS type symptoms, and overall feeling lousy- brain fog, tired all of the time, weight gain, hypothyroidism, etc. My previous doctor checked all of my hormone levels and found I was only making trace amounts of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which explains why I was so fatigued and was no longer having my period. However, her only solution was to prescribe birth control. I was dissatisfied with this solution (or lack of) that I searched for a functional medicine physician to help me get to the root cause of my symptoms.
I was impressed by how determined Dr. Lalezar was to help me figure out my health issues. She did a few different lab tests including a heavy metal test and a stool analysis. Turns out a had high levels of mercury in my system and many of my symptoms stemmed from this toxicity. I continued going back to the Health and Vitality center routinely for chelation treatments and was also on an individualized supplement regimen. After the first couple of treatments my energy improved immensely and after a few months I was back to feeling my best.
Sherry, Christine and Dr. Lalezar are such nice people and the center itself is relaxing and welcoming. I definitely recommend Dr. Lalezar because she had a unique approach to addressing my issues and was able to solve my health problems when other doctors could not.
Hannah L. – Des Moines, United States
Dr Lalezar is absolutely amazing! I came in with skin issues, chronic fatigue, brian fog, and was well on my way to developing hypothyroid and Dr Lalezar changed my life. She did all of the tests that NO OTHER DR WOULD DO, to completely analyze the state of my health and tell me exactly what was going on in my body. She cleared up symptoms that I didn’t even realize were symptoms :). I have tons of energy, 0 brain fog, and my hormones are under control. We have chelated an obscene amount of mercury out of my system and are well on our way to repairing my leaky gut. I am forever grateful to Dr Lalezar for her continued help and support.
Aleksandra P. – Playa del Rey, United States
“I’ve been dealing with “IBS” for about 9 years now. I got treated by at least 14 different specialists. They all told me that this was as good as it got, that this would be something I would have to deal with all my life. Their treatments would work for just a week or so and then I would go back to feeling horrible pain after every single meal. I tried Yoga, alternative treatments, meditation, and acupuncture, nothing made a real difference.
Then I met Dr. Lalezar. She was the first person to not look at me like I was crazy. She ran several tests no one else had ever thought of running and had a great explanation of what my situation was by our second meeting.
Since she started treating me I’ve been pain free. I had not spent more than 2-3 days without pain since 2005. The great thing is she didn’t stop there. She is also helping me solve other issues I had and giving my body all the tools it needs to work well.
I highly recommend Dr. Lalezar. I feel 5 years younger and I have lots of energy. My husband is in her office for his first consultation. I trust her and I’m so grateful I found her. I highly recommend Dr. Lalezar.”
Lelia P. – Marina del Rey, CA
“I cannot thank Dr. Lalezar enough for her help. Last year, while I was attending college in Los Angeles, I began suffering from adrenal fatigue, IBS symptoms, brain fog, weight gain, and hypothyroidism, etc. I was truly feeling lousy all the time. My previous doctor checked all of my hormones and found I was only making trace amounts of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which explained why I was so fatigued and was missing my period. However, her only solution was to prescribe birth control pills.
I searched for a functional medicine physician to help me get to the root cause of my symptoms. I was impressed by how determined Dr. Lalezar was to help me figure out my health issues. She did a few different lab tests, including a heavy metal test. Turns out I had high levels of mercury in my system and many of my symptoms stemmed from this toxicity.
I continued going back to the Health and Vitality Center routinely for chelation treatments and was also on an individualized supplement regimen. After the first couple of treatments my energy level improved immensely and after a few months I was back to feeling my best.
Sherie, Yvette and Dr. Lalezar are such nice people and the center itself is relaxing and welcoming. I definitely recommend Dr. Lalezar because she had a unique approach to addressing my issues and was able to solve my health problems when other doctors could not.”
Hannah L. – Des Moines, IA
[/fusion_text][fusion_button link=”https://healthandvitalitycenter.com/medical-conditions/adrenal-fatigue/” title=”” target=”_self” link_attributes=”” alignment=”” modal=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” color=”default” button_gradient_top_color=”” button_gradient_bottom_color=”” button_gradient_top_color_hover=”” button_gradient_bottom_color_hover=”” accent_color=”” accent_hover_color=”” type=”” bevel_color=”” border_width=”” size=”” stretch=”default” icon=”” icon_position=”left” icon_divider=”no” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” border_radius=””]Description of Adrenal Fatigue and Typical Approaches to Treatment[/fusion_button][fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_spacing=”” rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=””]
How do I find out more about Adrenal Fatigue, IBS, Brain Fog?
Call the Health & Vitality Center at 310-477-1166 or click here to schedule an appointment. We are one of the leading centers for natural medicine in Los Angeles. Doctor Shiva Lalezar is a holistic doctor who helps relieve symptoms by correcting the problem at its source. Adrenal Fatigue, IBS and Brain Fog can be managed using conventional methods, or successfully treated through Dr. Lalezar’s superior understanding. Our practice uses an integrative approach, combining the best conventional therapies with the latest techniques and treatments in functional medicine for optimal results.
I have suffered with Multiple Sclerosis for over five years and I wasn’t able to walk.. I refused to take any of the drugs because of all the side effects, so I was healing myself holistically through diet and supplements, but I felt I needed some professional help.I began my search on the Internet for “Holistic Physicians in Los Angeles”, and I found medical professionals who practiced integrative medicine. I was especially impressed by one physician, Dr. Shiva Lalezar, at the Health and Vitality Center on Wilshire Blvd. She had a video on her web site explaining her philosophy and her background, and she sounded perfect for me. I made an appointment with her andI liked Dr. Lalezar immediately. She welcomed me into her office and spent about an hour and a half with me discussing my history and all the methods I had tried to heal myself.
Dr. Lalezar then wanted to run all sorts of tests on me, not just blood tests, but she wanted to test every bodily fluid including saliva, urine, and feces. She had the nurse draw all the blood, and then gave me a lot of test kits respectively for my saliva, urine, and feces.
On Halloween, October 31st, I went back to Dr. Lalezar for my test results. She went over the results with me, and to my surprise I was extremely toxic in mercury and lead, both neurotoxins. The tolerable amount of lead in the body is 2, mine registered at 12 – six times the amount of lead that the body tolerates. The amount of tolerable mercury is 4, my body registered at 41 – more than10 times the amount of mercury that the body tolerates. These were from my urine sample. She recommended 10 Chelation Treatments for Mercury and Five for Lead, along with Vitamin and Glutathione drips. After all the treatments I tested my urine once again and on Tuesday June 10, 2014 I went in for the follow-up appointment with Dr Lalezar. She sat down with me in her office and went over the results. We both were overjoyed to find that my Mercury levels had receded from 41 to 3.3 and the Lead had gone down from 12 to 2.3 – well within the tolerable range for the human body. I was ecstatic- no more treatments! But the best part was that most of the numbness had disappeared from my legs, and my balance improved dramatically, so I could walk like a normal human being! I’m even dancing at Arthur Murray and competing in dance contests! Five years ago, I couldn’t even walk and now I am dancing! YES – GO TO DR. LALEZAR! She is the best physician in Los Angeles (and maybe the world)!
Leanne S. – Sherman Oaks, United States
Dr. Lalezar helped turn my life around. I was forced to retire due to errors from workers compensation doctors. They left me with permanent disability issues in addition to destroying my digestive, immune, and endocrine systems. I went from a SWAT cop and college strength coach who could train with D1 athletes, to obese and bedridden, chronically ill, and in severe chronic pain. I was diagnosed by various doctors with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, and tested for crohn’s and other diseases. Workers comp doctors had me on various narcotic pain killers, digestive drugs, sleep meds, depression and anxiety medication, and muscle relaxers- all of which made me feel horrific.
Dr. Lalezar helped get me off all medications and heal my immune and digestive systems by balancing my hormones, nutrition changes, supplements, and vitamin IVs. I slowly got my life back, losing weight, exercising regularly again, and went back to graduate school. I can not even do justice with words for what a drastic change in my quality of life. I also met many other people while getting vitamin IVs in her office who had life changing stories after traditional medicine and other doctors failed them. This included patients with cancer, HIV, autism, to many with symptoms like mine to include weight gain, chronic fatigue or pain.
If other doctors or traditional medicine has failed you, please look into functional and integrative medicine. Getting your hormones balanced, nutrition corrected to include supplements tailored specially to your needs based on blood/saliva/urine labs plus symptoms, and vitamin IVs could change your life and get you back on track.
Matt D. Manhattan Beach, United States
“I went to Dr. Lalezar on the recommendation of my accountant, who is also a patient. My doctor had diagnosed me with high blood pressure. I was also having persistent headaches, fatigue, and generally didn’t feel well. Dr. Lalezar came up with a supplement and nutritional regimen that worked within a week or so.
My blood pressure is normal, the headaches are gone, and I have more energy than I’ve had in a long time. It’s nice to have a doctor who is educated in the alternative approaches to medicine, and well worth it.”
Ken M. – Los Angeles, CA
Improved Mood
If I could give this place 10 stars, I would. Dr. L did more than any doctor I’ve ever visited has done for me. Not only did she address my concerns and fix the issue, she went further and found the root cause, and corrected that as well! I feel 100 times better thanks to this place-more energy, better sleep, and improved mood. Not to mention the other staff members are so very compassionate and understanding.
I’ve been raving about this place to all my family and friends and will continue to do so until my voice stops working. Highly recommend if you’ve ever been apprehensive about seeing a doctor, you will be so happy you came here!
Derek B. – Long Beach, United States
I’ve been coming to Dr. Lalazar for a year. I’m really happy I found her I have had issues with my weight acne and stomach problems. Just by meeting me she knew exactly what I needed to avoid and what tests we needed to run. With some supplements and diet I need to practice at home my stomach doesn’t have issues anymore and with her guidance I’ve cleared up most of my acne.
My favorite thing about her practice is that you have the option to be holistic with eastern medicine and also with the option to be treated with western medicine. So if you want to go the natural route you can be prescribes supplements or alternatives depending on your issues.
She makes me feel so comfortable and welcomed really grateful !!
“I went for a general check up. I had some discomfort from inflammation. I completed tests that the doctor recommended, completed a detox program for heavy metals as recommended, made changes in my diet and added vitamins and supplements.
The discomfort and inflammation are now history, I have lost 15 pounds and people are telling me that I look 10 years younger. I felt that I paid a fair amount for the service and that the doctor took a serious interest in me.”
Ted P. – Los Angeles, CA
Many people in my circles have asked about the procedure for heavy metal removal I went through Dec. 2014 until the end of Feb. 2015. This fall, I had major epiphanies about just how different I was feeling, and looking. I got tested in Sept. 2014 in Salt Lake City, where I first discovered I had high heavy metals in my body, from years of living as a Costume Crafter, Dyer, etc. (even with using safety equipment, gloves, respirator, etc. as I should…the skin is our largest absorption organ, and I’m sure I was slowly exposed over the years.) Add to that I live on this planet, with pollution, and I travel a lot, so I’ve been around very different water sources, air quality, etc. etc. There’s no one place I can trace this to…I can only see the results of two different tests, from two different health practitioners that revealed I had high levels of various heavy metals. I won’t go into it more here, but if anyone is curious, or wants more information about my experience, I’m happy to share. In my NON MEDICAL opinion, as a person who has had myofascial pain all over my body, insomnia, and also trouble waking after sleeping, difficulty losing fat, and a myriad of other problems, this is a very quiet, slow, insidious problem, that isn’t on the radar in the majority of the medical community.
I got tested for Fibromyalgia…negative. I had acupuncture, massage, and looked for supplements to help with joint and soft tissue pain (I’m a person who prefers an approach that incorporates Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Eastern medicine, and finding root causes first, and if necessary, trying a prescription if that fails.) Those techniques offered great relief, but not a solution to the root problem. I searched and asked, and dug for answers and solutions for years. I suffered with burning pain all over my body, and extreme joint pain, for over 20 years. Since completing the treatments I did with my doctor in Los Angeles, (who I searched for, and found as a practitioner who does heavy metal chelation assessment) nearly two years later, I have an 85% reduction in the myofascial pain…and it keeps lessening (I CAN’T BELIEVE THE RELIEF I HAVE NOW…I cried when I realized it was improving steadily.) Without intending, I’ve safely and slowly lost 35 lbs. including the “shelf” I had over my liver that was constantly sore, and hot. I found through my research that the body surrounds heavy metals in fat to try to keep it away from the muscle…to try to contain it. I’m so relieved to have found one piece of my health puzzle, and I wanted to share it far and wide, to encourage others to become informed, and research it. I am not recommending anything to anyone, other than, if this resonates with you…find a Dr. who is informed about this topic, and talk to them. If you are in Los Angeles or can travel there, I can’t recommend Dr. Lalezar enough!
Here’s to your health!
Janet C. – Washington, DC, United States
Intuitive Approach
I was also taken by the way Dr. Lalezar practices medicine. As a member of an HMO, I was usually shuttled from room to room, rushed through consultations, and generally just treated like a number on a chart. Much to my delight, my experience with Dr. Lalezar was the exact opposite: it felt like I was seeing my family doctor who had been treating me for years!Dr. Lalezar’s intuitive and caring nature are more than any patient could hope for, regardless of where they’re being treated. I’m happy to find her at the Health and Vitality Center, where she is able to practice to her full potential. To this day, I still follow Dr. Lalezar’s advice, and can’t thank her enough for the positive affects she’s had on my life.”
A Grateful Patient – Los Angeles, CA
IV Vitamins and Minerals
I suffered from fibromyalgia for a decade. Doctors urged me to take way too many prescription pain killers, antidepressants and muscle relaxers but I got no relief, just a bunch of horrible side effects. I even did an experimental treatment for many years but nothing helped. I ended up taking myself off all drugs and just dealing with the pain and fatigue the best I could. (A lot of baths, yoga, cussing and wine. Lots of wine.)
A friend told me about Dr. Lalezar and I decided to give her a shot. She was the first doctor who didn’t just try to fix the symptoms by throwing drugs at me. She actually tested everything (blood, urine, stool sample, saliva sample, etc.) to see what was going on. Through the testing, she discovered I had high levels of mercury. I did chelation to get rid of it and I feel COMPLETELY BETTER. All of my fibromyalgia symptoms are gone. Gone. I never had fibromyalgia, I had mercury toxicity but Dr. Lalezar was the first doctor to correctly diagnose me. In ten years.
I am super grateful to have found a doctor like this, a doctor who actually listens to you and pulls out all the stops to help. My only regret is not finding her earlier, before the ten years of needless drugs and dealing with pain for no reason.
If you have a health issue, trust Dr. Lalezar. I’m really glad I did.
Kendra P. – Los Angeles, United States
I was intrigued by the “Myer’s cocktail” IV vitamin boost…and it’s amazing. Happy hour definitely has a new spin. Dr. Lalezar has a wealth of information and treatment suggestions. I love how she integrates holistic practices at her center. Now with the H1N1 (swine flu) epidemic scaring us, she has preventive solutions for this.
M.V. L. – Los Angeles, United States
Dr. Lalezar helped turn my life around. I was forced to retire due to errors from workers compensation doctors. They left me with permanent disability issues in addition to destroying my digestive, immune, and endocrine systems. I went from a SWAT cop and college strength coach who could train with D1 athletes, to obese and bedridden, chronically ill, and in severe chronic pain. I was diagnosed by various doctors with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, and tested for crohn’s and other diseases. Workers comp doctors had me on various narcotic pain killers, digestive drugs, sleep meds, depression and anxiety medication, and muscle relaxers- all of which made me feel horrific.
Dr. Lalezar helped get me off all medications and heal my immune and digestive systems by balancing my hormones, nutrition changes, supplements, and vitamin IVs. I slowly got my life back, losing weight, exercising regularly again, and went back to graduate school. I can not even do justice with words for what a drastic change in my quality of life. I also met many other people while getting vitamin IVs in her office who had life changing stories after traditional medicine and other doctors failed them. This included patients with cancer, HIV, autism, to many with symptoms like mine to include weight gain, chronic fatigue or pain.
If other doctors or traditional medicine has failed you, please look into functional and integrative medicine. Getting your hormones balanced, nutrition corrected to include supplements tailored specially to your needs based on blood/saliva/urine labs plus symptoms, and vitamin IVs could change your life and get you back on track.
Matt D. Manhattan Beach, United States
When I found Dr Lalazar (Heath & Vitality Center) I was lethargic, couldn’t lose weight, my hair was falling out and I could barley function. She immediately identified my symptoms, my life and the phenomena I was having as vitamin depletion & heavy metal poisoning from my old fillings. She drew blood to test me and immediately hooked me up to IV drip vitamins. She referred me to a holistic dentist whom removed my fillings then started me up on Chelation (IV drips that pull the heavy metals out of your body) in addition to Vitamin drips.
6 weeks from my initial visit I was doing Pilates every day (never had done that before) and hiking again. 4 weeks into Chelation (after my 6th drip) weight started just falling off of me and my energy level was that of when I was in my 20’s and everybody was noticing!!!
It is now 6 months later and I went to pick up my daughter from school (out of state). People that have known me for years, other parents and staff, did not recognize me from the last time I was there 4 months prior. For once in my life I was not “dieting” and my body was actually enjoying the exercise, I finally felt my body doing what it was designed for. I would recommend Dr Lalazar & her amazing staff to the world!!
Sonja L. – Los Angeles, United States
This review is long but thorough, and I encourage anyone suffering from what I have suffered from (for years) to read on. I have been seeing Dr. Lalezar for 2 years and I can honestly say that she and her staff have given me back my life. Prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar I had: hair loss, weight gain, eczema all over my body, acne, brain fog, insomnia, lethargy, aches/pains and depression. I would have terrible mood swings and anxiety two weeks before my period, every month like clockwork. I was a monster, and I just couldn’t control myself. I wouldn’t leave my home during these times because I was afraid of getting into fights with co-workers, strangers at grocery stores and restaurants. My relationships with my friends, family and partner were all suffering as a result of my mood swings. Every month, 2 weeks before my period, I felt crazy. And not ha-ha crazy. I was a monster.
I saw several doctors in the 5 years prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar that 1) either didn’t know what I had and didn’t care to run any other labs besides the standard CBC and BMP, and 2) simply dismissed me as being depressed and prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-depressant meds. I have been on oral and topical steroids for my eczema for 5+ years and it was actually getting worse as months went by. Doctors were baffled, so they would just prescribe a different steroid. Other docs would put me on a cocktail of anti-anxiety and anti-depressants and constantly switch out meds to try and figure out what combo would work. No combination of meds and/or steroids ever worked to alleviate my symptoms, not even a little.
I did my own research on mood swings that only happened during the 2 weeks before my period and wondered if I had PMDD. I was finally able to get an appointment at UCLA with doctors that specialized in PMDD and they confirmed the diagnosis. It was a relief to have a diagnosis (even if it wasn’t a good one) but it still didn’t explain the eczema, hair loss and acne. The UCLA docs continued my medication cocktail and I had some relief. I knew that I was going to get good, but standard treatment at UCLA and I wanted something more. I figured there had to be some sort of alternative therapies that could help me. That’s when I started looking for doctors providing alternative treatments for PMDD in the LA area and found Dr. Lalezar.
When I first saw Dr. Lalezar, I explained my entire history, brought labs from my previous doctors and all my medications that I had ever been on that did not work. I was apprehensive and almost expected to be dismissed again. But she didn’t dismiss me and instead, she promised we would get to the bottom of my issues. She is the ONLY doctor that has ever vowed to get to the bottom of my issues. She ran slew of hormone studies and found that I had low progesterone and testosterone. No other doctor had run hormone tests even though I told them I only had the mood swings before my period. Dr. Lalezar prescribed bio-identical hormone creams to treat the hormone deficiencies. I felt about 75% better with hormone replacement therapy. I was very happy with the outcome, but Dr. Lalezar wanted me to feel 100% better and decided to run more tests. That’s when she found that I had mercury toxicity from old fillings. She asked (did not demand) that I stop my cocktails of meds and steroids from the previous doctors. Since they weren’t really helping anyway, I had no problem stopping.
I immediately had my fillings removed and started IV chelation and vitamin therapy over the course of 14 weeks. The first 4 sessions, I felt worse, but I knew it was the mercury being mobilized from my tissues that needed to be excreted. By the 5th session, I was starting to feel better. I noticed my eczema clearing up and a bald patch on my head was starting to fill in. Treatment days made me so tired, but overall I felt better and my partner said that he was no longer of afraid of me during those two weeks before my period. By the end of my 10th treatment, I felt normal. I hadn’t felt normal in years. My hair was growing back, my eczema completely cleared up, my acne disappeared, brain fog was gone, I could sleep, depression was non-existent and best of all, I wasn’t a monster before my period anymore.
I have continued to take all the supplements recommended by Dr. Lalezar. Again, these were recommended, she didn’t demand that I take them. Also, the nurses that do the IV therapy are so kind and patient and made the treatments much more tolerable.
Now, I’ll address the negative remarks that I have seen posted on yelp. Treatments are expensive and most are not covered by ANY insurance. It has nothing to do with the dr. prescribing them, it has to do with insurance. There IS a parking lot adjacent to the office. Dr. Lalezar and her staff are nothing but kind and courteous. I have seen patients be horrible to the Dr and her staff and yet they maintain their kindness and professionalism. I feel so lucky to have found Dr. Lalezar.
Rose T. – Los Angeles, United States
When I started gaining weight, quickly, for no reason back in 2012, I just KNEW something was off. I hadn’t suddenly starting eating cake and ice cream for breakfast, ya know? Not only was I gaining weight, but it was making me pretty depressed too.
I did a little bit of research online and found Suzanne Somers. I read a lot of her information online and it seemed to be the answer I was looking for. She had a doctor referral section on her website, and through that, I found Dr. Lalezar.
Dr. Lalezar has been a godsend! She discovered (thru simple blood tests) that my hormones were completely out of balance and that was the reason for the weight gain. WHO KNEW?!? I certainly didn’t. It was very simple to get my hormones back in balance. After balancing the hormones – and the hcg diet – the weight fell off. (I am happy to report that three years later, the weight is still gone.)
She also tested me for heavy metals (thru a simple urine test) and found that I had ELEVEN TIMES the amount of mercury in my system than what was considered normal. Heavy metals in your system can cause all sorts of problems, ie, alcohol intolerance (which was one of my questions to her as well…seemed I got a headache from even the teeniest amount of alcohol), brain fog (yep), inability to lose weight (yep), depression symptoms (yep), extreme fatigue (had this too), insomnia (yep), forgetfulness (yep), and the list goes on and on… I had the chelation treatments over the course of a year and got my mercury to the normal level. All of those symptoms went away and I felt (and still feel) really, really great.
I also had several vitamin and mineral deficiencies which were easily fixed with supplements.
It’s all a matter of data. Test the blood/urine for the data, get the answers. I haven’t felt better in YEARS. I take no pharmaceutical medication any longer an am healthy as a horse!
I highly recommend Dr. Lalezar to everyone!! I sing her praises to all of my friends.
Also, on a side note, her staff (especially Sherry!) is just so wonderful. You won’t be disappointed, I promise.
Karen P. – Los Angeles, United States
Great experience. And I will continue come to Dr. Lalezar Office for my IV vitamins and minerals. Today I start a program to see if my body has a heavy metals and if I do Dr. Shiva Lalezar will help me to clean my body from it. Let’s start my journey.
Anastasia S. – Beverly Hills, United States
I went to Health and Vitality Center for my first “Myers Cocktail”, which is a vitamin drip combining vitamin B and C, B complex, Folic acid and some other vitamins I can’t recall, and had an amazing experience. The center was very peaceful and Dr. Lalezar and her IV nurse were the kindest people on earth. There was amazing music in the background. My friend and I got to sit in comfy lounges with blankets, caught up on life while doing something good for our bodies – instead of sitting in a bar sipping on a expensive cocktails! After our IV drip was over (which took only 20 minutes or so), we were so relaxed we did not even want to leave!!! If you are feeling run down by life, and need to rejuvenate your health, do yourself a favor and go see Dr. Lalezar, as her approach to health is so different and refreshing. I can’t wait to go back for my next vitamin drip. Thank you Dr. Lalezar…
Sheyda l. – Mission Viejo, United States
I couldn’t pinpoint why I was feeling “off”, so I went in a got a series of tests done, (stool, urine, blood). Dr. Lalezar walked me through the results, put me on the supplements that I needed, and I feel better than I have in years. I wasn’t digesting food properly, my gut bacteria balance was destroyed, and some other things discovered like low vitamin D levels.
I think everyone should take these tests just to find out what’s going on in their bodies. It gives you actual data that you can use to correct yourself.
Jeff H. – Santa Monica, United States
Joint Pain
Many people in my circles have asked about the procedure for heavy metal removal I went through Dec. 2014 until the end of Feb. 2015. This fall, I had major epiphanies about just how different I was feeling, and looking. I got tested in Sept. 2014 in Salt Lake City, where I first discovered I had high heavy metals in my body, from years of living as a Costume Crafter, Dyer, etc. (even with using safety equipment, gloves, respirator, etc. as I should…the skin is our largest absorption organ, and I’m sure I was slowly exposed over the years.) Add to that I live on this planet, with pollution, and I travel a lot, so I’ve been around very different water sources, air quality, etc. etc. There’s no one place I can trace this to…I can only see the results of two different tests, from two different health practitioners that revealed I had high levels of various heavy metals. I won’t go into it more here, but if anyone is curious, or wants more information about my experience, I’m happy to share. In my NON MEDICAL opinion, as a person who has had myofascial pain all over my body, insomnia, and also trouble waking after sleeping, difficulty losing fat, and a myriad of other problems, this is a very quiet, slow, insidious problem, that isn’t on the radar in the majority of the medical community.
I got tested for Fibromyalgia…negative. I had acupuncture, massage, and looked for supplements to help with joint and soft tissue pain (I’m a person who prefers an approach that incorporates Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Eastern medicine, and finding root causes first, and if necessary, trying a prescription if that fails.) Those techniques offered great relief, but not a solution to the root problem. I searched and asked, and dug for answers and solutions for years. I suffered with burning pain all over my body, and extreme joint pain, for over 20 years. Since completing the treatments I did with my doctor in Los Angeles, (who I searched for, and found as a practitioner who does heavy metal chelation assessment) nearly two years later, I have an 85% reduction in the myofascial pain…and it keeps lessening (I CAN’T BELIEVE THE RELIEF I HAVE NOW…I cried when I realized it was improving steadily.) Without intending, I’ve safely and slowly lost 35 lbs. including the “shelf” I had over my liver that was constantly sore, and hot. I found through my research that the body surrounds heavy metals in fat to try to keep it away from the muscle…to try to contain it. I’m so relieved to have found one piece of my health puzzle, and I wanted to share it far and wide, to encourage others to become informed, and research it. I am not recommending anything to anyone, other than, if this resonates with you…find a Dr. who is informed about this topic, and talk to them. If you are in Los Angeles or can travel there, I can’t recommend Dr. Lalezar enough!
Here’s to your health!
Janet C. – Washington, DC, United States
Leaky Gut
Dr Lalezar is absolutely amazing! I came in with skin issues, chronic fatigue, brian fog, and was well on my way to developing hypothyroid and Dr Lalezar changed my life. She did all of the tests that NO OTHER DR WOULD DO, to completely analyze the state of my health and tell me exactly what was going on in my body. She cleared up symptoms that I didn’t even realize were symptoms :). I have tons of energy, 0 brain fog, and my hormones are under control. We have chelated an obscene amount of mercury out of my system and are well on our way to repairing my leaky gut. I am forever grateful to Dr Lalezar for her continued help and support.
Aleksandra P. – Playa del Rey, United States
I suffered from fibromyalgia for a decade. Doctors urged me to take way too many prescription pain killers, antidepressants and muscle relaxers but I got no relief, just a bunch of horrible side effects. I even did an experimental treatment for many years but nothing helped. I ended up taking myself off all drugs and just dealing with the pain and fatigue the best I could. (A lot of baths, yoga, cussing and wine. Lots of wine.)
A friend told me about Dr. Lalezar and I decided to give her a shot. She was the first doctor who didn’t just try to fix the symptoms by throwing drugs at me. She actually tested everything (blood, urine, stool sample, saliva sample, etc.) to see what was going on. Through the testing, she discovered I had high levels of mercury. I did chelation to get rid of it and I feel COMPLETELY BETTER. All of my fibromyalgia symptoms are gone. Gone. I never had fibromyalgia, I had mercury toxicity but Dr. Lalezar was the first doctor to correctly diagnose me. In ten years.
I am super grateful to have found a doctor like this, a doctor who actually listens to you and pulls out all the stops to help. My only regret is not finding her earlier, before the ten years of needless drugs and dealing with pain for no reason.
If you have a health issue, trust Dr. Lalezar. I’m really glad I did.
Kendra P. – Los Angeles, United States
When I found Dr Lalazar (Heath & Vitality Center) I was lethargic, couldn’t lose weight, my hair was falling out and I could barley function. She immediately identified my symptoms, my life and the phenomena I was having as vitamin depletion & heavy metal poisoning from my old fillings. She drew blood to test me and immediately hooked me up to IV drip vitamins. She referred me to a holistic dentist whom removed my fillings then started me up on Chelation (IV drips that pull the heavy metals out of your body) in addition to Vitamin drips.
6 weeks from my initial visit I was doing Pilates every day (never had done that before) and hiking again. 4 weeks into Chelation (after my 6th drip) weight started just falling off of me and my energy level was that of when I was in my 20’s and everybody was noticing!!!
It is now 6 months later and I went to pick up my daughter from school (out of state). People that have known me for years, other parents and staff, did not recognize me from the last time I was there 4 months prior. For once in my life I was not “dieting” and my body was actually enjoying the exercise, I finally felt my body doing what it was designed for. I would recommend Dr Lalazar & her amazing staff to the world!!
Sonja L. – Los Angeles, United States
This review is long but thorough, and I encourage anyone suffering from what I have suffered from (for years) to read on. I have been seeing Dr. Lalezar for 2 years and I can honestly say that she and her staff have given me back my life. Prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar I had: hair loss, weight gain, eczema all over my body, acne, brain fog, insomnia, lethargy, aches/pains and depression. I would have terrible mood swings and anxiety two weeks before my period, every month like clockwork. I was a monster, and I just couldn’t control myself. I wouldn’t leave my home during these times because I was afraid of getting into fights with co-workers, strangers at grocery stores and restaurants. My relationships with my friends, family and partner were all suffering as a result of my mood swings. Every month, 2 weeks before my period, I felt crazy. And not ha-ha crazy. I was a monster.
I saw several doctors in the 5 years prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar that 1) either didn’t know what I had and didn’t care to run any other labs besides the standard CBC and BMP, and 2) simply dismissed me as being depressed and prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-depressant meds. I have been on oral and topical steroids for my eczema for 5+ years and it was actually getting worse as months went by. Doctors were baffled, so they would just prescribe a different steroid. Other docs would put me on a cocktail of anti-anxiety and anti-depressants and constantly switch out meds to try and figure out what combo would work. No combination of meds and/or steroids ever worked to alleviate my symptoms, not even a little.
I did my own research on mood swings that only happened during the 2 weeks before my period and wondered if I had PMDD. I was finally able to get an appointment at UCLA with doctors that specialized in PMDD and they confirmed the diagnosis. It was a relief to have a diagnosis (even if it wasn’t a good one) but it still didn’t explain the eczema, hair loss and acne. The UCLA docs continued my medication cocktail and I had some relief. I knew that I was going to get good, but standard treatment at UCLA and I wanted something more. I figured there had to be some sort of alternative therapies that could help me. That’s when I started looking for doctors providing alternative treatments for PMDD in the LA area and found Dr. Lalezar.
When I first saw Dr. Lalezar, I explained my entire history, brought labs from my previous doctors and all my medications that I had ever been on that did not work. I was apprehensive and almost expected to be dismissed again. But she didn’t dismiss me and instead, she promised we would get to the bottom of my issues. She is the ONLY doctor that has ever vowed to get to the bottom of my issues. She ran slew of hormone studies and found that I had low progesterone and testosterone. No other doctor had run hormone tests even though I told them I only had the mood swings before my period. Dr. Lalezar prescribed bio-identical hormone creams to treat the hormone deficiencies. I felt about 75% better with hormone replacement therapy. I was very happy with the outcome, but Dr. Lalezar wanted me to feel 100% better and decided to run more tests. That’s when she found that I had mercury toxicity from old fillings. She asked (did not demand) that I stop my cocktails of meds and steroids from the previous doctors. Since they weren’t really helping anyway, I had no problem stopping.
I immediately had my fillings removed and started IV chelation and vitamin therapy over the course of 14 weeks. The first 4 sessions, I felt worse, but I knew it was the mercury being mobilized from my tissues that needed to be excreted. By the 5th session, I was starting to feel better. I noticed my eczema clearing up and a bald patch on my head was starting to fill in. Treatment days made me so tired, but overall I felt better and my partner said that he was no longer of afraid of me during those two weeks before my period. By the end of my 10th treatment, I felt normal. I hadn’t felt normal in years. My hair was growing back, my eczema completely cleared up, my acne disappeared, brain fog was gone, I could sleep, depression was non-existent and best of all, I wasn’t a monster before my period anymore.
I have continued to take all the supplements recommended by Dr. Lalezar. Again, these were recommended, she didn’t demand that I take them. Also, the nurses that do the IV therapy are so kind and patient and made the treatments much more tolerable.
Now, I’ll address the negative remarks that I have seen posted on yelp. Treatments are expensive and most are not covered by ANY insurance. It has nothing to do with the dr. prescribing them, it has to do with insurance. There IS a parking lot adjacent to the office. Dr. Lalezar and her staff are nothing but kind and courteous. I have seen patients be horrible to the Dr and her staff and yet they maintain their kindness and professionalism. I feel so lucky to have found Dr. Lalezar.
Rose T. – Los Angeles, United States
Low Immune System
I have been a patient at the Health and Vitality Center for about 4 months.. When I first went to the center, I was experiencing extreme fatigue and my immune system was very compromised….Hence I was getting colds frequently.
I did all the testing and found that I had a lot of mercury in my body. This was a very reasonable diagnosis because I had been eating consistently a lot of mercury rich tuna in order to cut back on my meat consumption.
After ten chelation treatments and four l vitamin drips I feel fantastically energized and I am not succumbing to constant colds and fatigue.
I am very grateful to Dr. Lalezar because my condition was chronic and now I have a new lease on life and vitality.
I wish there were more Doctors that were invested like Dr. Lalezar in finding natural therapies that are extremely effective.
Mara F. – Los Angeles, United States
Keith M. – Los Angeles, United States
“I went to Dr. Lalezar on the recommendation of my accountant, who is also a patient. My doctor had diagnosed me with high blood pressure. I was also having persistent headaches, fatigue, and generally didn’t feel well. Dr. Lalezar came up with a supplement and nutritional regimen that worked within a week or so.
My blood pressure is normal, the headaches are gone, and I have more energy than I’ve had in a long time. It’s nice to have a doctor who is educated in the alternative approaches to medicine, and well worth it.”
Ken M. – Los Angeles, CA
“I would like to thank Dr. Lalezar because when I started seeing her I was experiencing headaches almost daily and occasional full blown migraines. I was often anxious and the most trivial things would trigger anxiety attacks. My exercise-induced asthma was getting worse… Not good for a high school athlete.
I was taking Advair in the morning and at night time, and taking an Albuterol inhaler almost daily. With the help of Dr. Lalezar and her recommendations, including a gluten free diet, headaches are rare (and usually from not sticking to my diet) My anxiety is under control and after 6 weeks I completely discontinued the use of Advair. Now I only use my inhaler on an occasional basis. Thanks to Dr. Lalezar I’ve experienced significant improvement in how I feel, not only physically but also emotionally.”
Jenna Drucker – Age 14
Mood Disorder
Functional medicine requires more involvement and responsibility from the patient too. If you want to take control of your health, I recommend Dr. Lalezar and her capable staff as an option.
L. L. – Glendale, United States
“I am currently seeing Dr. Lalezar to get to the bottom of several issues including fatigue, hormone imbalance, high cholesterol, and mood disorder. I am trying to get off some of my medications. I am so tired of traditional doctors just giving you a pill for your symptoms.
Dr. Lalezar is wonderful at examining the whole picture: hormones, nutrition, toxicity, and the environment. I really feel that she is interested in helping me. Just for example, I changed my diet and started taking Red Yeast Rice per her advice, and my cholesterol went down 40 points in 3 months! The bio-identical hormones have also made a huge difference in my energy levels.
Functional medicine requires more involvement and responsibility from the patient too. If you want to take control of your health, I recommend Dr. Lalezar and her capable staff.”
L. L. – Glendale, CA
More Energy
If I could give this place 10 stars, I would. Dr. L did more than any doctor I’ve ever visited has done for me. Not only did she address my concerns and fix the issue, she went further and found the root cause, and corrected that as well! I feel 100 times better thanks to this place-more energy, better sleep, and improved mood. Not to mention the other staff members are so very compassionate and understanding.
I’ve been raving about this place to all my family and friends and will continue to do so until my voice stops working. Highly recommend if you’ve ever been apprehensive about seeing a doctor, you will be so happy you came here!
Derek B. – Long Beach, United States
Multiple Sclerosis
“I have suffered from Multiple Sclerosis for over five years and I wasn’t able to walk. I refused to take any of the recommended drugs due to all the side effects, so I was healing myself holistically through diet and supplements. But I felt I needed some professional help.
I was especially impressed by one physician, Dr. Shiva Lalezar, at the Health and Vitality Center on Wilshire Blvd. I made an appointment with her and I liked Dr. Lalezar immediately. She welcomed me into her office and spent about an hour and a half with me discussing my history and all the methods I had tried to heal myself.
Dr. Lalezar then wanted to run all sorts of tests on me, not just blood tests, but she wanted to test every bodily fluid including saliva, urine, and feces. I went back to Dr. Lalezar for my test results. She went over the results with me, and to my surprise I was extremely toxic in mercury and lead, both neurotoxins.
She recommended 10 Chelation Treatments for Mercury and Five for Lead, along with Vitamin and Glutathione drips. After all the treatments, I went in for the follow-up appointment with Dr. Lalezar. We both were overjoyed to find that my mercury and lead levels had receded to well within the tolerable range for the human body.
I was ecstatic! But the best part was that most of the numbness had disappeared from my legs, and my balance improved dramatically, so I could walk like a normal human being! I’m even dancing at Arthur Murray and competing in dance contests! Five years ago, I couldn’t even walk and now I am dancing!
Yes–go to Dr. Lalezar! She is the best physician in Los Angeles (and maybe the world)!”
Leanne S. – Sherman Oaks, CA
I have suffered with Multiple Sclerosis for over five years and I wasn’t able to walk.. I refused to take any of the drugs because of all the side effects, so I was healing myself holistically through diet and supplements, but I felt I needed some professional help.I began my search on the Internet for “Holistic Physicians in Los Angeles”, and I found medical professionals who practiced integrative medicine. I was especially impressed by one physician, Dr. Shiva Lalezar, at the Health and Vitality Center on Wilshire Blvd. She had a video on her web site explaining her philosophy and her background, and she sounded perfect for me. I made an appointment with her andI liked Dr. Lalezar immediately. She welcomed me into her office and spent about an hour and a half with me discussing my history and all the methods I had tried to heal myself.
Dr. Lalezar then wanted to run all sorts of tests on me, not just blood tests, but she wanted to test every bodily fluid including saliva, urine, and feces. She had the nurse draw all the blood, and then gave me a lot of test kits respectively for my saliva, urine, and feces.
On Halloween, October 31st, I went back to Dr. Lalezar for my test results. She went over the results with me, and to my surprise I was extremely toxic in mercury and lead, both neurotoxins. The tolerable amount of lead in the body is 2, mine registered at 12 – six times the amount of lead that the body tolerates. The amount of tolerable mercury is 4, my body registered at 41 – more than10 times the amount of mercury that the body tolerates. These were from my urine sample. She recommended 10 Chelation Treatments for Mercury and Five for Lead, along with Vitamin and Glutathione drips. After all the treatments I tested my urine once again and on Tuesday June 10, 2014 I went in for the follow-up appointment with Dr Lalezar. She sat down with me in her office and went over the results. We both were overjoyed to find that my Mercury levels had receded from 41 to 3.3 and the Lead had gone down from 12 to 2.3 – well within the tolerable range for the human body. I was ecstatic- no more treatments! But the best part was that most of the numbness had disappeared from my legs, and my balance improved dramatically, so I could walk like a normal human being! I’m even dancing at Arthur Murray and competing in dance contests! Five years ago, I couldn’t even walk and now I am dancing! YES – GO TO DR. LALEZAR! She is the best physician in Los Angeles (and maybe the world)!
Leanne S. – Sherman Oaks, United States
Myer's cocktail
I was intrigued by the “Myer’s cocktail” IV vitamin boost…and it’s amazing. Happy hour definitely has a new spin. Dr. Lalezar has a wealth of information and treatment suggestions. I love how she integrates holistic practices at her center. Now with the H1N1 (swine flu) epidemic scaring us, she has preventive solutions for this.
M.V. L. – Los Angeles, United States
Myofascial Pain
Many people in my circles have asked about the procedure for heavy metal removal I went through Dec. 2014 until the end of Feb. 2015. This fall, I had major epiphanies about just how different I was feeling, and looking. I got tested in Sept. 2014 in Salt Lake City, where I first discovered I had high heavy metals in my body, from years of living as a Costume Crafter, Dyer, etc. (even with using safety equipment, gloves, respirator, etc. as I should…the skin is our largest absorption organ, and I’m sure I was slowly exposed over the years.) Add to that I live on this planet, with pollution, and I travel a lot, so I’ve been around very different water sources, air quality, etc. etc. There’s no one place I can trace this to…I can only see the results of two different tests, from two different health practitioners that revealed I had high levels of various heavy metals. I won’t go into it more here, but if anyone is curious, or wants more information about my experience, I’m happy to share. In my NON MEDICAL opinion, as a person who has had myofascial pain all over my body, insomnia, and also trouble waking after sleeping, difficulty losing fat, and a myriad of other problems, this is a very quiet, slow, insidious problem, that isn’t on the radar in the majority of the medical community.
I got tested for Fibromyalgia…negative. I had acupuncture, massage, and looked for supplements to help with joint and soft tissue pain (I’m a person who prefers an approach that incorporates Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Eastern medicine, and finding root causes first, and if necessary, trying a prescription if that fails.) Those techniques offered great relief, but not a solution to the root problem. I searched and asked, and dug for answers and solutions for years. I suffered with burning pain all over my body, and extreme joint pain, for over 20 years. Since completing the treatments I did with my doctor in Los Angeles, (who I searched for, and found as a practitioner who does heavy metal chelation assessment) nearly two years later, I have an 85% reduction in the myofascial pain…and it keeps lessening (I CAN’T BELIEVE THE RELIEF I HAVE NOW…I cried when I realized it was improving steadily.) Without intending, I’ve safely and slowly lost 35 lbs. including the “shelf” I had over my liver that was constantly sore, and hot. I found through my research that the body surrounds heavy metals in fat to try to keep it away from the muscle…to try to contain it. I’m so relieved to have found one piece of my health puzzle, and I wanted to share it far and wide, to encourage others to become informed, and research it. I am not recommending anything to anyone, other than, if this resonates with you…find a Dr. who is informed about this topic, and talk to them. If you are in Los Angeles or can travel there, I can’t recommend Dr. Lalezar enough!
Here’s to your health!
Janet C. – Washington, DC, United States
Nickel Allergy
Starting in February 2018 I started to develop a mysterious, severe face rash that conventional doctors could not determine the cause. By March, it progressed and it was very painful…it felt like my face was on fire and weeping blisters developed on my face. It was horrible. I didn’t want to go anywhere. Doctors tried me on all sorts of medications. I also switched out all my makeup and skin care products. Nothing cured it. Additionally, the doctors would prescribe Prednisone, which helped, but as soon as I tapered off, the painful rash would reappear…and worse each time! The conventional doctor finally told me he thought I was developing psoriasis. I refused to believe that. I intuitively knew I was reacting to something.
I spent countless hours researching possible causes on the Internet. I thought maybe I developed an allergy to a certain food. So I went on an elimination diet and for several weeks only ate fruits, vegetables and salmon. I also got allergy tested for cat dander and goose feathers as I theorized maybe I developed an allergy to my cats or to my feather comforter. None of this helped. The burning rash and blisters continued to return.
I didn’t want to return to the conventional doctors. They were at a loss, too. I knew I had to take a different approach.
I found Dr. Lalezar’s website and resonated with what I saw. I had treated with functional medicine practitioners with great success in the past.
Dr. Lalezar cured me and GAVE ME MY LIFE BACK.
Ten years ago I was diagnosed with a nickel allergy. During my Internet research, I studied nickel allergy and saw that many magnets contain nickel. In July 2017 I started wearing magnetic lashes. I thought it was pretty far-fetched that my lashes – with extremely tiny magnets – would be the cause of my face rash. Because my rash didn’t start developing until many months after I started wearing the lashes. And, even though the rash did start underneath my eyes, the rash had spread to many parts of my face, including by my ears, my forehead and underneath my chin.
Keep in mind, even when my face was at its worst, I CONTINUED TO WEAR THE LASHES. I figured because I couldn’t wear makeup, those lashes were the one element of beauty I could easily still wear.
Dr. Lalezar took ample time to meet with me and listen to my medical history. I mentioned my nickel allergy and told her about the magnetic lashes. (Although, again, I still thought it likely wasn’t the cause.)
She submitted my blood for testing and she also had me to a six-hour urine test that would test the presence of many heavy metals in my body.
In the meantime as I was awaiting results of my labs, I contacted the company where I bought the lashes from. They couldn’t help me when I called them, so I emailed the company. Nine days later they responded to me, informing me that the magnets on their lashes were indeed “black nickel coated.”
I decided to stop wearing the lashes to see what would happen. The last day I wore them was April 25, and I was in the middle of tapering off a round of Prednisone. (If the lashes were the culprit, then my nickel reaction would occur three days later per my allergy results regarding nickel 10 years ago.) My Prednisone taper ended April 26.
The rash returned; however, by April 28, the rash would have progressed to the oozing stage. It didn’t. The red, dry, itchy rash appeared in various parts all over my face, but it didn’t burn as bad and it never started oozing. It plateaued. Why didn’t it progress this time? The only thing I changed was I stopped wearing the lashes. Now I was pretty convinced the lashes were the culprit.
On April 30, I saw Dr. Lalezar because the results came in on my heavy metals testing. It revealed that I had an excessive amount of nickel in my body…more than four times the limit a human being should have in the body. It was evident that the nickel-plated magnetic lashes was the primary contributor to my face rash.
After months of obsessive research and dealing with the terrible rash, and with the help and expertise of Dr. Lalezar, I was overjoyed and eternally grateful to have finally found the cause of my ugly and painful face. Needless to say, I immediately threw the lashes away, and Dr. Lalezar started me on IV chelation therapy to expel the nickel out of my body.
A couple of weeks later (by Mother’s Day!), my face was almost fully healed. I will forever be grateful to Dr. Lalezar for helping me solve the terrible mystery of my awful face rash that was ruining my life. Since this experience, I’ve done further research on heavy metal toxicity, and it’s amazing the kinds of health problems people can suffer from due to large amounts of heavy metals in their bodies. It is a contributor to many types of ailments and illnesses. And mainstream medical providers do not address this.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Dr. Lalezar and team!!!
Connie W. – Los Angeles, United States
I have suffered with Multiple Sclerosis for over five years and I wasn’t able to walk.. I refused to take any of the drugs because of all the side effects, so I was healing myself holistically through diet and supplements, but I felt I needed some professional help.I began my search on the Internet for “Holistic Physicians in Los Angeles”, and I found medical professionals who practiced integrative medicine. I was especially impressed by one physician, Dr. Shiva Lalezar, at the Health and Vitality Center on Wilshire Blvd. She had a video on her web site explaining her philosophy and her background, and she sounded perfect for me. I made an appointment with her andI liked Dr. Lalezar immediately. She welcomed me into her office and spent about an hour and a half with me discussing my history and all the methods I had tried to heal myself.
Dr. Lalezar then wanted to run all sorts of tests on me, not just blood tests, but she wanted to test every bodily fluid including saliva, urine, and feces. She had the nurse draw all the blood, and then gave me a lot of test kits respectively for my saliva, urine, and feces.
On Halloween, October 31st, I went back to Dr. Lalezar for my test results. She went over the results with me, and to my surprise I was extremely toxic in mercury and lead, both neurotoxins. The tolerable amount of lead in the body is 2, mine registered at 12 – six times the amount of lead that the body tolerates. The amount of tolerable mercury is 4, my body registered at 41 – more than10 times the amount of mercury that the body tolerates. These were from my urine sample. She recommended 10 Chelation Treatments for Mercury and Five for Lead, along with Vitamin and Glutathione drips. After all the treatments I tested my urine once again and on Tuesday June 10, 2014 I went in for the follow-up appointment with Dr Lalezar. She sat down with me in her office and went over the results. We both were overjoyed to find that my Mercury levels had receded from 41 to 3.3 and the Lead had gone down from 12 to 2.3 – well within the tolerable range for the human body. I was ecstatic- no more treatments! But the best part was that most of the numbness had disappeared from my legs, and my balance improved dramatically, so I could walk like a normal human being! I’m even dancing at Arthur Murray and competing in dance contests! Five years ago, I couldn’t even walk and now I am dancing! YES – GO TO DR. LALEZAR! She is the best physician in Los Angeles (and maybe the world)!
Leanne S. – Sherman Oaks, United States
Nutritional Support
Heavy Metal Toxicity, Chelation, Nutritional Support
Success Story: Patient Testimonial
Three friends in the past week have told me how good I look. I also brought my 16-year-old daughter to see her for a full exam and Dr. Lalezar has been compassionate, thoughtful, and nurturing to us both.”
Margaret G. – Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Lalezar helped turn my life around. I was forced to retire due to errors from workers compensation doctors. They left me with permanent disability issues in addition to destroying my digestive, immune, and endocrine systems. I went from a SWAT cop and college strength coach who could train with D1 athletes, to obese and bedridden, chronically ill, and in severe chronic pain. I was diagnosed by various doctors with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, and tested for crohn’s and other diseases. Workers comp doctors had me on various narcotic pain killers, digestive drugs, sleep meds, depression and anxiety medication, and muscle relaxers- all of which made me feel horrific.
Dr. Lalezar helped get me off all medications and heal my immune and digestive systems by balancing my hormones, nutrition changes, supplements, and vitamin IVs. I slowly got my life back, losing weight, exercising regularly again, and went back to graduate school. I can not even do justice with words for what a drastic change in my quality of life. I also met many other people while getting vitamin IVs in her office who had life changing stories after traditional medicine and other doctors failed them. This included patients with cancer, HIV, autism, to many with symptoms like mine to include weight gain, chronic fatigue or pain.
If other doctors or traditional medicine has failed you, please look into functional and integrative medicine. Getting your hormones balanced, nutrition corrected to include supplements tailored specially to your needs based on blood/saliva/urine labs plus symptoms, and vitamin IVs could change your life and get you back on track.
Matt D. Manhattan Beach, United States
“Ever since I have been seeing Dr. Lalezar, my overall health has improved 100%. Dr. Lalezar’s techniques and methods have helped me lose over 60 lbs. and maintain the weight loss.
More importantly, Dr. Lalezar has helped me emotionally and spiritually. She heals from the inside out and always gives you a positive outlook on life. With the help of Dr. Lalezar, I am now leading an active lifestyle that has become easier and more fun for me.
I am so grateful to her for making my days brighter and more productive. I have not felt this healthy and young in years. Thank you, Dr. Lalezar, for your sincere care, support, compassion and most importantly, your belief in me.”
Selin C. – Los Angeles
Functional medicine requires more involvement and responsibility from the patient too. If you want to take control of your health, I recommend Dr. Lalezar and her capable staff as an option.
L. L. – Glendale, United States
This review is long but thorough, and I encourage anyone suffering from what I have suffered from (for years) to read on. I have been seeing Dr. Lalezar for 2 years and I can honestly say that she and her staff have given me back my life. Prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar I had: hair loss, weight gain, eczema all over my body, acne, brain fog, insomnia, lethargy, aches/pains and depression. I would have terrible mood swings and anxiety two weeks before my period, every month like clockwork. I was a monster, and I just couldn’t control myself. I wouldn’t leave my home during these times because I was afraid of getting into fights with co-workers, strangers at grocery stores and restaurants. My relationships with my friends, family and partner were all suffering as a result of my mood swings. Every month, 2 weeks before my period, I felt crazy. And not ha-ha crazy. I was a monster.
I saw several doctors in the 5 years prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar that 1) either didn’t know what I had and didn’t care to run any other labs besides the standard CBC and BMP, and 2) simply dismissed me as being depressed and prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-depressant meds. I have been on oral and topical steroids for my eczema for 5+ years and it was actually getting worse as months went by. Doctors were baffled, so they would just prescribe a different steroid. Other docs would put me on a cocktail of anti-anxiety and anti-depressants and constantly switch out meds to try and figure out what combo would work. No combination of meds and/or steroids ever worked to alleviate my symptoms, not even a little.
I did my own research on mood swings that only happened during the 2 weeks before my period and wondered if I had PMDD. I was finally able to get an appointment at UCLA with doctors that specialized in PMDD and they confirmed the diagnosis. It was a relief to have a diagnosis (even if it wasn’t a good one) but it still didn’t explain the eczema, hair loss and acne. The UCLA docs continued my medication cocktail and I had some relief. I knew that I was going to get good, but standard treatment at UCLA and I wanted something more. I figured there had to be some sort of alternative therapies that could help me. That’s when I started looking for doctors providing alternative treatments for PMDD in the LA area and found Dr. Lalezar.
When I first saw Dr. Lalezar, I explained my entire history, brought labs from my previous doctors and all my medications that I had ever been on that did not work. I was apprehensive and almost expected to be dismissed again. But she didn’t dismiss me and instead, she promised we would get to the bottom of my issues. She is the ONLY doctor that has ever vowed to get to the bottom of my issues. She ran slew of hormone studies and found that I had low progesterone and testosterone. No other doctor had run hormone tests even though I told them I only had the mood swings before my period. Dr. Lalezar prescribed bio-identical hormone creams to treat the hormone deficiencies. I felt about 75% better with hormone replacement therapy. I was very happy with the outcome, but Dr. Lalezar wanted me to feel 100% better and decided to run more tests. That’s when she found that I had mercury toxicity from old fillings. She asked (did not demand) that I stop my cocktails of meds and steroids from the previous doctors. Since they weren’t really helping anyway, I had no problem stopping.
I immediately had my fillings removed and started IV chelation and vitamin therapy over the course of 14 weeks. The first 4 sessions, I felt worse, but I knew it was the mercury being mobilized from my tissues that needed to be excreted. By the 5th session, I was starting to feel better. I noticed my eczema clearing up and a bald patch on my head was starting to fill in. Treatment days made me so tired, but overall I felt better and my partner said that he was no longer of afraid of me during those two weeks before my period. By the end of my 10th treatment, I felt normal. I hadn’t felt normal in years. My hair was growing back, my eczema completely cleared up, my acne disappeared, brain fog was gone, I could sleep, depression was non-existent and best of all, I wasn’t a monster before my period anymore.
I have continued to take all the supplements recommended by Dr. Lalezar. Again, these were recommended, she didn’t demand that I take them. Also, the nurses that do the IV therapy are so kind and patient and made the treatments much more tolerable.
Now, I’ll address the negative remarks that I have seen posted on yelp. Treatments are expensive and most are not covered by ANY insurance. It has nothing to do with the dr. prescribing them, it has to do with insurance. There IS a parking lot adjacent to the office. Dr. Lalezar and her staff are nothing but kind and courteous. I have seen patients be horrible to the Dr and her staff and yet they maintain their kindness and professionalism. I feel so lucky to have found Dr. Lalezar.
Rose T. – Los Angeles, United States
Ive never written a Yelp review, and I’d be hard pressed to write anything positive or negative about any business listed on this site, but my experience at health and vitality absolutely demanded I say something if it means that other people who are sick and at their wits end might find some help as a result of reading this.
About a year ago I started showing symptoms of food intolerances that caused me enough concern to see a doctor. I had every major test under the sun done in order to get the diagnosis of “your fine. All results are normal”. But I wasn’t fine. My body was telling me otherwise. Something was seriously wrong as my symptoms began to cascade and my health steadily declined: rashes, weight loss, muscle fatigue, brain fog, and the list goes on. I spent so much money seeing naturopaths and trying extreme diets, not to mention the thousands that my insurance company paid for testing at cedars. Don’t even get me started on the bottles of unused supplements in my cabinets. I spent hundreds of hours reading blogs and medical journal texts trying to diagnose myself until finally my family medicine doctor recommended Dr. Lalezar as they went to school together.
Within a week of starting treatment with her I was back on a full western diet with no problems. Within 4 weeks I put back on 15 pounds and am back to my full active lifestyle which was unimaginable a month ago as I was close to bedridden. What she did literally saved my life. I don’t think I even understood how sick I was until I started to feel better as a result of her treatment.
What she does is not quack science or herbal therapy either. She’s using completely allopathic treatments that have existed in Europe for 70 years that have had great effect to many people who were seriously ill. Do the research for yourself.
Yes her treatments seem pricey but if you compare them to what others charge for iv therapy you’ll find them to be reasonable, and fairly competitive.
She’s a smart, forward thinking doctor. Don’t fool yourself, the medical system in the United States is a business, and the reason why what she does is considered “alternative” is because there’s no way to make a long term profit off of you as a patient because once you’ve completed your treatment with her, you’re done, finished, no longer ill, because she’s treating the root cause and not the symptom. if all doctors used her approach to medical care then no one in this country would be sick, but again, you wouldn’t be a returning customer who someone in a white coat could make money off of. She’s what all doctors should aspire to be, someone who wants to see you not only heal, but thrive.
James r. – Manhattan, United States
Stomach Problems
High levels of metal and toxins which is what has been killing me all these years and Dr. Shiva found what Doctors who have studied years and are the best could not find! Which makes her the best!!!! Since the treatment, I GOT MY LIFE BACK!!! I don’t vomit, I don’t have pain every day all day in my stomach. I can eat, I have energy, I am HAPPY, I feel amazing. My son most importantly has a mom that can care for him, he no longer has to see me sick …its so emotional in every way, but joyful emotional and just completely thankful to R. Shiva ..
Please, please if you are sick don’t waste time any longer call Dr. shiva 310-477-1166( know # by heart), you will not regret making the step.
Thank you Dr. Shiva for you!!!
Cin H. – Playa Vista, United States
Vitamin C IV
Keith M. – Los Angeles, United States
High levels of metal and toxins which is what has been killing me all these years and Dr. Shiva found what Doctors who have studied years and are the best could not find! Which makes her the best!!!! Since the treatment, I GOT MY LIFE BACK!!! I don’t vomit, I don’t have pain every day all day in my stomach. I can eat, I have energy, I am HAPPY, I feel amazing. My son most importantly has a mom that can care for him, he no longer has to see me sick …its so emotional in every way, but joyful emotional and just completely thankful to R. Shiva ..
Please, please if you are sick don’t waste time any longer call Dr. shiva 310-477-1166( know # by heart), you will not regret making the step.
Thank you Dr. Shiva for you!!!
Cin H. – Playa Vista, United States
Weight Gain
My eczema, hair growth and acid reflux GERD has improved due to chelation and the supplements I was given! Definitely have improved symptoms other than weight loss!
Nicole B. – Los Angeles, United States
I cannot thank Dr. Lalezar enough for her help. Last year, while I was attending college in Los Angeles, I began suffering adrenal fatigue, IBS type symptoms, and overall feeling lousy- brain fog, tired all of the time, weight gain, hypothyroidism, etc. My previous doctor checked all of my hormone levels and found I was only making trace amounts of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which explains why I was so fatigued and was no longer having my period. However, her only solution was to prescribe birth control. I was dissatisfied with this solution (or lack of) that I searched for a functional medicine physician to help me get to the root cause of my symptoms.
I was impressed by how determined Dr. Lalezar was to help me figure out my health issues. She did a few different lab tests including a heavy metal test and a stool analysis. Turns out a had high levels of mercury in my system and many of my symptoms stemmed from this toxicity. I continued going back to the Health and Vitality center routinely for chelation treatments and was also on an individualized supplement regimen. After the first couple of treatments my energy improved immensely and after a few months I was back to feeling my best.
Sherry, Christine and Dr. Lalezar are such nice people and the center itself is relaxing and welcoming. I definitely recommend Dr. Lalezar because she had a unique approach to addressing my issues and was able to solve my health problems when other doctors could not.
Hannah L. – Des Moines, United States
I suffered from fibromyalgia for a decade. Doctors urged me to take way too many prescription pain killers, antidepressants and muscle relaxers but I got no relief, just a bunch of horrible side effects. I even did an experimental treatment for many years but nothing helped. I ended up taking myself off all drugs and just dealing with the pain and fatigue the best I could. (A lot of baths, yoga, cussing and wine. Lots of wine.)
A friend told me about Dr. Lalezar and I decided to give her a shot. She was the first doctor who didn’t just try to fix the symptoms by throwing drugs at me. She actually tested everything (blood, urine, stool sample, saliva sample, etc.) to see what was going on. Through the testing, she discovered I had high levels of mercury. I did chelation to get rid of it and I feel COMPLETELY BETTER. All of my fibromyalgia symptoms are gone. Gone. I never had fibromyalgia, I had mercury toxicity but Dr. Lalezar was the first doctor to correctly diagnose me. In ten years.
I am super grateful to have found a doctor like this, a doctor who actually listens to you and pulls out all the stops to help. My only regret is not finding her earlier, before the ten years of needless drugs and dealing with pain for no reason.
If you have a health issue, trust Dr. Lalezar. I’m really glad I did.
Kendra P. – Los Angeles, United States
Dr. Lalezar helped turn my life around. I was forced to retire due to errors from workers compensation doctors. They left me with permanent disability issues in addition to destroying my digestive, immune, and endocrine systems. I went from a SWAT cop and college strength coach who could train with D1 athletes, to obese and bedridden, chronically ill, and in severe chronic pain. I was diagnosed by various doctors with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, and tested for crohn’s and other diseases. Workers comp doctors had me on various narcotic pain killers, digestive drugs, sleep meds, depression and anxiety medication, and muscle relaxers- all of which made me feel horrific.
Dr. Lalezar helped get me off all medications and heal my immune and digestive systems by balancing my hormones, nutrition changes, supplements, and vitamin IVs. I slowly got my life back, losing weight, exercising regularly again, and went back to graduate school. I can not even do justice with words for what a drastic change in my quality of life. I also met many other people while getting vitamin IVs in her office who had life changing stories after traditional medicine and other doctors failed them. This included patients with cancer, HIV, autism, to many with symptoms like mine to include weight gain, chronic fatigue or pain.
If other doctors or traditional medicine has failed you, please look into functional and integrative medicine. Getting your hormones balanced, nutrition corrected to include supplements tailored specially to your needs based on blood/saliva/urine labs plus symptoms, and vitamin IVs could change your life and get you back on track.
Matt D. Manhattan Beach, United States
When I found Dr Lalazar (Heath & Vitality Center) I was lethargic, couldn’t lose weight, my hair was falling out and I could barley function. She immediately identified my symptoms, my life and the phenomena I was having as vitamin depletion & heavy metal poisoning from my old fillings. She drew blood to test me and immediately hooked me up to IV drip vitamins. She referred me to a holistic dentist whom removed my fillings then started me up on Chelation (IV drips that pull the heavy metals out of your body) in addition to Vitamin drips.
6 weeks from my initial visit I was doing Pilates every day (never had done that before) and hiking again. 4 weeks into Chelation (after my 6th drip) weight started just falling off of me and my energy level was that of when I was in my 20’s and everybody was noticing!!!
It is now 6 months later and I went to pick up my daughter from school (out of state). People that have known me for years, other parents and staff, did not recognize me from the last time I was there 4 months prior. For once in my life I was not “dieting” and my body was actually enjoying the exercise, I finally felt my body doing what it was designed for. I would recommend Dr Lalazar & her amazing staff to the world!!
Sonja L. – Los Angeles, United States
This review is long but thorough, and I encourage anyone suffering from what I have suffered from (for years) to read on. I have been seeing Dr. Lalezar for 2 years and I can honestly say that she and her staff have given me back my life. Prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar I had: hair loss, weight gain, eczema all over my body, acne, brain fog, insomnia, lethargy, aches/pains and depression. I would have terrible mood swings and anxiety two weeks before my period, every month like clockwork. I was a monster, and I just couldn’t control myself. I wouldn’t leave my home during these times because I was afraid of getting into fights with co-workers, strangers at grocery stores and restaurants. My relationships with my friends, family and partner were all suffering as a result of my mood swings. Every month, 2 weeks before my period, I felt crazy. And not ha-ha crazy. I was a monster.
I saw several doctors in the 5 years prior to seeing Dr. Lalezar that 1) either didn’t know what I had and didn’t care to run any other labs besides the standard CBC and BMP, and 2) simply dismissed me as being depressed and prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-depressant meds. I have been on oral and topical steroids for my eczema for 5+ years and it was actually getting worse as months went by. Doctors were baffled, so they would just prescribe a different steroid. Other docs would put me on a cocktail of anti-anxiety and anti-depressants and constantly switch out meds to try and figure out what combo would work. No combination of meds and/or steroids ever worked to alleviate my symptoms, not even a little.
I did my own research on mood swings that only happened during the 2 weeks before my period and wondered if I had PMDD. I was finally able to get an appointment at UCLA with doctors that specialized in PMDD and they confirmed the diagnosis. It was a relief to have a diagnosis (even if it wasn’t a good one) but it still didn’t explain the eczema, hair loss and acne. The UCLA docs continued my medication cocktail and I had some relief. I knew that I was going to get good, but standard treatment at UCLA and I wanted something more. I figured there had to be some sort of alternative therapies that could help me. That’s when I started looking for doctors providing alternative treatments for PMDD in the LA area and found Dr. Lalezar.
When I first saw Dr. Lalezar, I explained my entire history, brought labs from my previous doctors and all my medications that I had ever been on that did not work. I was apprehensive and almost expected to be dismissed again. But she didn’t dismiss me and instead, she promised we would get to the bottom of my issues. She is the ONLY doctor that has ever vowed to get to the bottom of my issues. She ran slew of hormone studies and found that I had low progesterone and testosterone. No other doctor had run hormone tests even though I told them I only had the mood swings before my period. Dr. Lalezar prescribed bio-identical hormone creams to treat the hormone deficiencies. I felt about 75% better with hormone replacement therapy. I was very happy with the outcome, but Dr. Lalezar wanted me to feel 100% better and decided to run more tests. That’s when she found that I had mercury toxicity from old fillings. She asked (did not demand) that I stop my cocktails of meds and steroids from the previous doctors. Since they weren’t really helping anyway, I had no problem stopping.
I immediately had my fillings removed and started IV chelation and vitamin therapy over the course of 14 weeks. The first 4 sessions, I felt worse, but I knew it was the mercury being mobilized from my tissues that needed to be excreted. By the 5th session, I was starting to feel better. I noticed my eczema clearing up and a bald patch on my head was starting to fill in. Treatment days made me so tired, but overall I felt better and my partner said that he was no longer of afraid of me during those two weeks before my period. By the end of my 10th treatment, I felt normal. I hadn’t felt normal in years. My hair was growing back, my eczema completely cleared up, my acne disappeared, brain fog was gone, I could sleep, depression was non-existent and best of all, I wasn’t a monster before my period anymore.
I have continued to take all the supplements recommended by Dr. Lalezar. Again, these were recommended, she didn’t demand that I take them. Also, the nurses that do the IV therapy are so kind and patient and made the treatments much more tolerable.
Now, I’ll address the negative remarks that I have seen posted on yelp. Treatments are expensive and most are not covered by ANY insurance. It has nothing to do with the dr. prescribing them, it has to do with insurance. There IS a parking lot adjacent to the office. Dr. Lalezar and her staff are nothing but kind and courteous. I have seen patients be horrible to the Dr and her staff and yet they maintain their kindness and professionalism. I feel so lucky to have found Dr. Lalezar.
Rose T. – Los Angeles, United States
When I started gaining weight, quickly, for no reason back in 2012, I just KNEW something was off. I hadn’t suddenly starting eating cake and ice cream for breakfast, ya know? Not only was I gaining weight, but it was making me pretty depressed too.
I did a little bit of research online and found Suzanne Somers. I read a lot of her information online and it seemed to be the answer I was looking for. She had a doctor referral section on her website, and through that, I found Dr. Lalezar.
Dr. Lalezar has been a godsend! She discovered (thru simple blood tests) that my hormones were completely out of balance and that was the reason for the weight gain. WHO KNEW?!? I certainly didn’t. It was very simple to get my hormones back in balance. After balancing the hormones – and the hcg diet – the weight fell off. (I am happy to report that three years later, the weight is still gone.)
She also tested me for heavy metals (thru a simple urine test) and found that I had ELEVEN TIMES the amount of mercury in my system than what was considered normal. Heavy metals in your system can cause all sorts of problems, ie, alcohol intolerance (which was one of my questions to her as well…seemed I got a headache from even the teeniest amount of alcohol), brain fog (yep), inability to lose weight (yep), depression symptoms (yep), extreme fatigue (had this too), insomnia (yep), forgetfulness (yep), and the list goes on and on… I had the chelation treatments over the course of a year and got my mercury to the normal level. All of those symptoms went away and I felt (and still feel) really, really great.
I also had several vitamin and mineral deficiencies which were easily fixed with supplements.
It’s all a matter of data. Test the blood/urine for the data, get the answers. I haven’t felt better in YEARS. I take no pharmaceutical medication any longer an am healthy as a horse!
I highly recommend Dr. Lalezar to everyone!! I sing her praises to all of my friends.
Also, on a side note, her staff (especially Sherry!) is just so wonderful. You won’t be disappointed, I promise.
Karen P. – Los Angeles, United States
I went to Dr Lalezar frustrated that after having seen 4 specialists, 3 years of aggravation, having gained more than 30 lbs, no one could figure out what was wrong with my thyroid.
Well she did in the first 10 min I met her. I also found out that the level of mercury in my body was thru the roof. She fixed that too with her chelation treatment and only in a few sessions.
Not only she is the most pleasant doctor you will meet, but also she is one of the brightest. She thinks in 3 dimensions and combines her knowledge of western medicine with osteopathy beautifully. She is extremely competent.
Her office staff are so kind, considerate, and patient orientated. Dr. Lalezar has spent so much energy, turning her office and treatment center into a beautiful, calm, zen spot, following Feng shui elements. You will never feel like you are in a doctor’s office.
I have come across people who have come to her office as far as Barstow. I highly recommend Dr Lalezar.
Farahnaz F. – Los Angeles, United States
Weight Loss
My eczema, hair growth and acid reflux GERD has improved due to chelation and the supplements I was given! Definitely have improved symptoms other than weight loss!
Nicole B. – Los Angeles, United States
After a year of agony and torment of seeing my primary doctor and several specialists. I realized that my current medical conditions were beyond their scope. With what started with one medical problem quickly resulted in a snowball effect. Through a series of incorrect diagnosis and recommendations which made my medical condition worsen throughout my time.
For EXAMPLE, I was prescribed so much antibiotics which deprived me of my good bacteria, which helps digest your food and fight invading microbes. This really affected my health. None of the doctors who prescribed me antibiotics ever recommended me probiotics to help retrieve my good bacteria. So over period of time I kept getting sicker and sicker. Just completely OFF, losing weight, hair loss, brain fog, tired all the time, and last but not least overgrowth of Candida.
Then I was fortunate to find Dr. Lalezar on Google, I read and read. I was just amazed and almost felt a sense of relief once I read her reviews.
She tested me for EVERYTHING; urine, blood, etc.. Very meticulous in her process. After testing she discovered not only I had one problem but I had high mercury levels and toxins in my body. That’s why I wasn’t able to recover even though I tried several cleanses. She needed to clean me out from all the mercury and toxicity. So a series of Chelations was a MUST.
So after completing my series of sessions (chelations) I am COMPLETELY back to normal. I’m so thankful that I found Dr. Lalezar.I have never met a doctor more knowledgeable and attentive towards each of her patients. The level of comfort she made me feel by explaining why things were unfolding the way they were, I knew right there she was the BEST doctor for the job. She truly is very professional and knowledgeable. Also her entire staff is amazing and very friendly.
Thank you once again Dr. Lalezar.
Nedi R. – Downtown, Los Angeles
Ive never written a Yelp review, and I’d be hard pressed to write anything positive or negative about any business listed on this site, but my experience at health and vitality absolutely demanded I say something if it means that other people who are sick and at their wits end might find some help as a result of reading this.
About a year ago I started showing symptoms of food intolerances that caused me enough concern to see a doctor. I had every major test under the sun done in order to get the diagnosis of “your fine. All results are normal”. But I wasn’t fine. My body was telling me otherwise. Something was seriously wrong as my symptoms began to cascade and my health steadily declined: rashes, weight loss, muscle fatigue, brain fog, and the list goes on. I spent so much money seeing naturopaths and trying extreme diets, not to mention the thousands that my insurance company paid for testing at cedars. Don’t even get me started on the bottles of unused supplements in my cabinets. I spent hundreds of hours reading blogs and medical journal texts trying to diagnose myself until finally my family medicine doctor recommended Dr. Lalezar as they went to school together.
Within a week of starting treatment with her I was back on a full western diet with no problems. Within 4 weeks I put back on 15 pounds and am back to my full active lifestyle which was unimaginable a month ago as I was close to bedridden. What she did literally saved my life. I don’t think I even understood how sick I was until I started to feel better as a result of her treatment.
What she does is not quack science or herbal therapy either. She’s using completely allopathic treatments that have existed in Europe for 70 years that have had great effect to many people who were seriously ill. Do the research for yourself.
Yes her treatments seem pricey but if you compare them to what others charge for iv therapy you’ll find them to be reasonable, and fairly competitive.
She’s a smart, forward thinking doctor. Don’t fool yourself, the medical system in the United States is a business, and the reason why what she does is considered “alternative” is because there’s no way to make a long term profit off of you as a patient because once you’ve completed your treatment with her, you’re done, finished, no longer ill, because she’s treating the root cause and not the symptom. if all doctors used her approach to medical care then no one in this country would be sick, but again, you wouldn’t be a returning customer who someone in a white coat could make money off of. She’s what all doctors should aspire to be, someone who wants to see you not only heal, but thrive.
James r. – Manhattan, United States
Many people in my circles have asked about the procedure for heavy metal removal I went through Dec. 2014 until the end of Feb. 2015. This fall, I had major epiphanies about just how different I was feeling, and looking. I got tested in Sept. 2014 in Salt Lake City, where I first discovered I had high heavy metals in my body, from years of living as a Costume Crafter, Dyer, etc. (even with using safety equipment, gloves, respirator, etc. as I should…the skin is our largest absorption organ, and I’m sure I was slowly exposed over the years.) Add to that I live on this planet, with pollution, and I travel a lot, so I’ve been around very different water sources, air quality, etc. etc. There’s no one place I can trace this to…I can only see the results of two different tests, from two different health practitioners that revealed I had high levels of various heavy metals. I won’t go into it more here, but if anyone is curious, or wants more information about my experience, I’m happy to share. In my NON MEDICAL opinion, as a person who has had myofascial pain all over my body, insomnia, and also trouble waking after sleeping, difficulty losing fat, and a myriad of other problems, this is a very quiet, slow, insidious problem, that isn’t on the radar in the majority of the medical community.
I got tested for Fibromyalgia…negative. I had acupuncture, massage, and looked for supplements to help with joint and soft tissue pain (I’m a person who prefers an approach that incorporates Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Eastern medicine, and finding root causes first, and if necessary, trying a prescription if that fails.) Those techniques offered great relief, but not a solution to the root problem. I searched and asked, and dug for answers and solutions for years. I suffered with burning pain all over my body, and extreme joint pain, for over 20 years. Since completing the treatments I did with my doctor in Los Angeles, (who I searched for, and found as a practitioner who does heavy metal chelation assessment) nearly two years later, I have an 85% reduction in the myofascial pain…and it keeps lessening (I CAN’T BELIEVE THE RELIEF I HAVE NOW…I cried when I realized it was improving steadily.) Without intending, I’ve safely and slowly lost 35 lbs. including the “shelf” I had over my liver that was constantly sore, and hot. I found through my research that the body surrounds heavy metals in fat to try to keep it away from the muscle…to try to contain it. I’m so relieved to have found one piece of my health puzzle, and I wanted to share it far and wide, to encourage others to become informed, and research it. I am not recommending anything to anyone, other than, if this resonates with you…find a Dr. who is informed about this topic, and talk to them. If you are in Los Angeles or can travel there, I can’t recommend Dr. Lalezar enough!
Here’s to your health!
Janet C. – Washington, DC, United States
“I went for a general check up. I had some discomfort from inflammation. I completed tests that the doctor recommended, completed a detox program for heavy metals as recommended, made changes in my diet and added vitamins and supplements.
The discomfort and inflammation are now history, I have lost 15 pounds and people are telling me that I look 10 years younger. I felt that I paid a fair amount for the service and that the doctor took a serious interest in me.”
Ted P. – Los Angeles, CA
“I have to thank Dr. Lalezar for my life and my health. For about 15 years I suffered with extreme hypoglycemia, tremors, fatigue, heart palpitations, back pain, knee pain, plantar fasciitis, eczema, and the list goes on. I spent probably over $100,000 over the years looking for answers only to be told it was all in my head.
Finally, in my early thirties, I was bed ridden. A doctor put me on hydrocortisone and I gained 50 lbs, but didn’t feel any better. Thank God, I went to Dr. Lalezar. She tested me for everything and found extremely high levels of mercury. That had been the problem all those years. I started to chelate.
Fast-forward 6 months: Lost all the weight! Back pain-Gone! Foot pain-Gone! Fatigue-Gone! Hypoglycemia-Gone! Things I could never imagine were even related: Gone! I am so grateful. If I hadn’t found her, I can’t imagine where I’d be.”
Suzy M. – Los Angeles, CA