The thyroid hormone plays a major role in regulating different bodily functions and metabolism. When the thyroid is malfunctioning many organs will suffer. Often you may have all the symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as hair loss, brittle nails, constipation, dry skin, poor memory, poor concentration, and cold sensitivity. Your TSH level may be normal. When the basal body temperature is low and reflexes are slow you may be suffering from subclinical hypothyroidism. Dr. Lalezar will recommend a natural thyroid supplement to improve thyroid receptor sensitivity. Heavy metal detoxification and adrenal supplements are also necessary to repair your thyroid function. Generally, chelation therapy enhances the conversion of T4 (inactive thyroid hormone) into T3 (active thyroid hormone) and reduces RT3, which is the root cause of subclinical hypothyroidism. Chelation therapy reverses this poor thyroid hormone conversion and restores optimal thyroid function.
Learn more about Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid) Treatments:
Dr. Shiva Lalezar will treat the underlying causes of your hypothyroidism. She employs an integrative approach, combining the best conventional therapies with the latest techniques and treatments in Functional Medicine for optimal results.
Call the Health & Vitality Center at 310-477-1166 or click here to schedule an appointment. We are one of the leading Functional Medicine centers in Los Angeles.