The prevalence of ADHD in children and adults is 1 in 20 and on the rise. ADHD can affect school performance, relationships, self-esteem, and family dynamics. It can have a long-lasting and damaging effect on the entire family’s health due to the stress it inflicts on parents and children.
Drugs such as Ritalin, Concerta, and Adderall can cause insomnia, mood swings, loss of appetite, heart problems, and suicidal thoughts.
Many patients and their families are now in search of natural therapies to treat ADHD rather than being on stimulants that have addictive properties. Dr. Lalezar’s holistic and Functional Medicine approach to supporting patients with ADHD includes the evaluation of nutrients, neurotransmitters, heavy metals, amino acids, fatty acids, gut flora, and intestinal permeability.
Often there is Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Zinc, and Magnesium deficiency in patients with ADHD. Additionally, we have seen high levels of lead and mercury in the body. These are neurotoxins and can adversely affect brain function and alter neurotransmitter levels. IV chelation removes heavy metals, and amino acids are prescribed to replace the deficiencies.
IgG and IgA Allergy Testing is utilized to determine food and environmental sensitivities. The most common food allergens are gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, preservatives, food coloring, chocolate, and foods containing salicylates, such as berries, chili powder, apples and cider, grapes, oranges, peaches, plums, prunes, and tomatoes.
Fatty acid replacement, such as high-quality fish oil, is used to support patients with ADHD. Hemp seed and Nutritional Yeast are also highly recommended. Gut permeability is treated using broad-spectrum probiotics, nutrients, and IV vitamin drips. This gut healing and improved absorption of nutrients can be helpful in the reduction of ADHD symptoms.
Learn about ADHD/ADD:
Dr. Shiva Lalezar will treat the underlying causes of your ADHD. She employs an integrative approach, combining the best conventional therapies with the latest techniques and treatments in Functional Medicine for optimal results.
Call the Health & Vitality Center at 310-477-1166 or click here to schedule an appointment. We are one of the leading centers for natural medicine in Los Angeles.