Anxiety disorders affect 40 million people in the United States. It is the most common mental illness and only 37 percent of people with an anxiety disorder receive treatment.
When does anxiety become a medical problem?
When under lots of stress and stimuli, it is normal to feel anxious temporarily. But when anxiety becomes constant and a looming presence in our lives; we worry so much about everything that we can’t go about our day-to-day activities and live a normal life.
That’s when it becomes a medical problem and is considered an anxiety disorder. Panic disorder is one type of anxiety disorder characterized by panic attacks, a sudden onset of intense fear; symptoms may include a racing heart, sweating, hyperventilation, nausea, and stomach upset.
Social anxiety, Agoraphobia, and separation anxiety are different forms of anxiety.
More than one in 3 Americans are diagnosed with depression, and one in 10 is prescribed antidepressants. Although medications may be necessary for the treatment of severe depression, our goal is to uncover the root cause and address the underlying physiologic causes first.
The most common Symptoms of depression include:
- Feeling sad or having a depressed mood
- Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
- Changes in appetite — weight loss or gain unrelated to dieting
- Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
- Loss of energy or increased fatigue
- Feeling worthless or guilty
- Difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions
- Thoughts of death or suicide
How to treat depression and anxiety naturally with a Functional Medicine approach.
Many patients come to me having tried different psychiatric medications without success. We start by testing the patient’s Genomics, gut function, food allergies, heavy metals, nutritional deficiency, and hormone levels.
Oftentimes just healing the gut, removing triggers such as gluten and dairy from the diet, placing the patient on an anti-inflammatory diet, and chelating heavy metals heals the broken brain, and depression and anxiety lift. Patients start having more energy, and their focus and memory improve. This change in their physiology lifts the symptoms of despair, hopelessness, and sadness.
We offer holistic treatment for depression, an approach that goes directly to the root cause of the problem.
Xanax isn’t always the answer!
Mind-numbing and addictive medications such as Xanax and Valium are widely prescribed to treat the symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks. Although this may be necessary at first to curb the symptoms of anxiety, these medications are highly addictive and we strongly recommend doing a thorough Functional Medicine investigation to find the root cause of anxiety. At the Health and Vitality Center, the wellness clinic founded by Los Angeles holistic doctor Shiva Lalezar, we know that medications may temporarily alleviate symptoms, but they don’t provide any guarantee that the problem won’t reoccur.
Dr. Lalezar’s practice looks beyond treating the symptoms, focusing on identifying and treating the underlying causes of your anxiety and/or depression.
Diagnostic tests used for anxiety and depression:
Dr. Lalezar looks at the important contributing mechanisms that trigger anxiety and depression. These include hormone levels, heavy metals, chemical imbalances in the brain, and inadequate nutrition.
Helpful diagnostic tests may include:
- Food and Environmental Allergy Testing
- Intestinal Permeability Testing
- Urine Toxicology Screening
- Hormone Panel (including Thyroid Panel)
- Genomind: this test would determine which psychiatric medication suits you. Genetics plays a major role in the metabolism of medications.
What might underlying medical conditions be associated with or causative factors?
- Hormonal imbalance
- Thyroid and Adrenal Dysfunction
- Heavy Metal Overload
- Food allergies
- Digestive disorders
- Substance abuse
How to treat depression and anxiety naturally?
Based on the results of our diagnostic tests, Dr. Lalezar may recommend the following treatments options:
- Nutritional Supplements
- High-dose fish oil: Omega-3 and essential fatty acids
- Bioidentical Hormones
- Custom Diet and Exercise Plans/Lifestyle Modification, with an emphasis on relaxation
- Intravenous Vitamin Therapy
- Glutathione IV
- Magnesium Drip
- Chelation Therapy
- Methylated Folic Acid such as Enlyte or Enbrace
Psycho-Spiritual Factors:
Dr. Shiva utilizes a “Life Transformation” technique she has discovered through years of experience and studies. She combines Osteopathy (craniosacral release), hypnosis, inner child, Sedona Emotional Release Technique, and Reiki simultaneously. During this one-hour session, patients can release many emotions trapped in their bodies once and for all. This method is very different than cognitive behavior therapy and gives long-lasting insights while patients have tapped into their subconscious minds. They also experience the release of emotions from their body.
Learn more about Anxiety, Panic Disorders, and Depression Treatments:
Dr. Shiva Lalezar will treat the underlying causes of your anxiety, panic disorders, and depression. She employs an integrative approach, combining the best conventional therapies with the latest techniques and treatments in Functional Medicine for optimal results.
Call the Health & Vitality Center at 310-477-1166 or click here to schedule an appointment. We are one of the leading Functional Medicine centers in Los Angeles.