Did you know that growth factors from your blood cells can stimulate hair growth if you are experiencing hair loss or thinning?
Platelet Rich Plasma is considered a non-surgical type of hair loss restoration. Dr. Shiva does not transplant any hairs in the procedure but injects your scalp with your blood which is rich in platelets. A normal tube of blood consists of about 250,000 platelets.
A PRP tube has a concentration level of platelets as high as 2 million. PRP aims to stimulate existing hair follicles compared to hair transplants, which borrow hair from more stable areas at the back of the head and put them in areas where thinning has already occurred.
Increasing evidence shows that PRP is beneficial and quite promising in treating hair loss.
Frequently Asked Questions About PRP for Hair Loss
The blood is drawn and spun down to separate and enrich the platelet portion. Platelets are blood components that your body uses to help stop bleeding. They also contain powerful growth and anti-inflammatory factors released into your scalp.
Minoxidil is a drug that promotes hair growth by causing vasodilation (dilatation of blood vessels). The exact process is not fully understood, while, on the other hand, PRP is autologous, which means it’s derived from you. It also contains over 20 growth factors that help nourish your cellular matrix.
After a six-month period, you’ll start seeing beneficial results.
Thanks to Dr. Shiva, Thinning is a Thing of the Past
PRP Therapy for hair loss in women
PRP Therapy for hair loss in men
The treatment called Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy is a non-surgical technique performed by Dr. Shiva, who injects your blood into the scalp, where hair loss and thinning occur.
PRP therapy for hair loss is a treatment that consists of removing a patient’s own blood, processing it in a centrifuge so that only the enriched cells (platelet-rich plasma) remain, and then injecting it into the scalp.
How do I get more information on Scalp PRP?
If you suffer from any of these conditions or are interested in the scalp PRP, contact the friendly, compassionate staff at the Health and Vitality Center at 310-477-1166 or click here to schedule an appointment online.
Dr. Shiva Lalezar, a naturopathic doctor and Functional Medicine specialist in Los Angeles, will thoroughly examine and guide you toward the holistic treatment that’s right for you. You can set up your consultation by contacting our office today.